
  1. Alex, Tyrant of Skepsis says

    Ah, do you have one of those Dalí Chronographs? Better watch out for long-legged Elephants then…

  2. zernk says

    Back in the day, we would check the Fo’ O’clocks to see if it was reasonably close to 4:20 yet. Not that it really made a difference.

  3. Julia says

    You can get this result on occasion if you have both the yellow and the fuchsia plants growing near each other. So, I guess it’s due to cross-pollination?

  4. jahigginbotham says

    I’ve got yellow and red (mostly) growing together (planted this spring) – guess i’d better plant all the seeds.

    Also my years old red jupiter’s beards seem to have sprouted a white variety (which i have seen but definitely did not have).

  5. JohnnieCanuck says


    I’m not familiar with Jupiter’s Beard flowers, but I have seen both Gladiolus and Hippeastrum (sold as Amaryllis) flowers acquire larger and larger white areas on the tepals as the years pass.

    It seems to be a common effect, but I have never heard an explanation.

  6. Nick says

    Mirabilis jalapa – Marvel of Peru or 4, oClock, because it opens its flowers around four oclock. It opens then to catch the passing trade of moths as they stagger out of bed and get ready for the night’s work.

  7. marcoli says

    I think the color patterns are because there is a transposable element (jumping gene) that had interrupted the gene needed for red pigment. The jumping gene jumped out of some cells, and those cells can make the red pigment again. The red areas are from clones of cells where that had happened.

  8. JohnnieCanuck says

    From the Pfft on Carl Correns, “He rediscovered and independently verified the work of Mendel in a separate model organism. He also discovered cytoplasmic inheritance, an important extension of Mendel’s theories, which demonstrated the existence of extra-chromosomal factors on phenotype.”

    It was the strange inheritance patterns for the variegated leaves of Mirabilis jalapa that he investigated while working out cytoplasmic inheritance.

  9. says

    Looks alot like a morning glory, although I’ve never seen that color on one. I’m sure if you look at it in UV, it’ll all be one color, different and bright, from the plant itself (which would be black).

  10. Chuck Goecke says

    I think when flowers have that particular type of variegation with an almost digital stripping or stippling, it’s due to a virus. At least I think that is the case in rose varieties that have similar coloring patterns. Like most plant viruses, they are not fatal, and may not even be very detrimental. Actually beneficial, if one considers that people select the color. When tulips with that color variegation were first offered at Dutch Bulb auctions in the 17th or 18th century, they fetched thousands of dollars equivalent money at the time, undoubtedly to other growers, planning to propagated them.

  11. Blueaussi says

    I love 4 O’clocks! Their fragrance is divine. I had pink, white, yellow, and various bi-colored combinations of all three. Alas, when I moved, the seeds I planted all came up pink, and pink they have stayed. They still smell wonderful, though.

  12. jahigginbotham says

    #13 JC, thanks i’ve also had yellow zucchini grow greener and greener squash in a season


    a) flower color – psychedelic
    b) flower name – 4 o’clock
    c) 4:20 – marijuana usage

  13. Chuck Goecke says

    Thanks Mike Huben. Damn, I knew those Daylily people were nerds, but jeeeze!
    JA, I think they need to call this particular cultivar, the “4:20 o’clock.”