People keep sending me this comic.
NO, I would not find this religion appealing or look particularly kindly on this priest. In fact, its non-human status would only encourage me to put it out of its misery by stabbing it in the clerical collar with a spear, dismembering it, and simmering up a delicious meal of Pulpo a la Gallega.
And the add is for “reastaurant deals in your city!”
They are getting better.
Hmmm, Pulpo a la gallega, I ate it once in Santiago de Compostella and it was truely a dish to die for.
At least for the pulpo.
This is ridiculous! How can octopuses use seaweed to make a cross, & why does it have an arm for each tentacle? My lad Jebus had half his limbs dangling.
And, he was heavier than the medium that he lived in, whereas the Jebus octopus would have neutral bouyancy, so the feckin’ cross wouldn’t work anyway.
Santa Calamaria! Blasquidy!
I laughed. Not at the picture, but at the accompaning ad about becoming a pastor.
I don’t think the priest or that cross are Christian, PZ. I think they’re both part of the Order Of Dagon.
Now you’ve put me in the mood for sushi and some Lovecraft.
The priest is clearly a Scientologist:
I’ve seen enough hentai (and heard enough about priests) to know where this is going…
PZ, may I recommend grilled octopus or even better, octopus in a creamy black olive sauce. Mmmmmm…
You’d have to travel to Peru, but I assure you it is well worth it.
Come on, PZ, some cultural sensitivity there, please? It is polvo à galega — keep that Castilian imperialism at bay!
PZ, I’ve been following your blog for some time now and you often make me laugh out loud. But this time it just went over the top. I am here in Santiago de Compostela, having some pulpo for lunch and reading your stuff on my iPad… when I suddenly reach the last line in the post and the unexpected mention! Phew, I almost choke on the cephalopod. ;-)
@tuvalkin: actually, it’s polbo á galega. polvo means “dust”, and there are no grave accents in Galician. Sorry to be so picky, but you asked for it. :-)
May I suggest you eat your pulpo while sitting on this?
Maximo Riera octopus chair
Even pickier:
polbo á feira
@CesarGon, how many people are reading this blog in Spain?!? I’m in Madrid. Maybe tuvalkin is getting mixed up with the Portuguese “polvo”.
@docslacker: Hey there from Santiago! Yes, polvo is correct Portuguese for octopus. That may be it.
So 4 tentacles are holding the book. What’s the priest doing with the other 4 tentacles in his lap?
Any holy book you could tetra-fap to can’t be ALL bad…
Let us eat this Jesuit.
Off topic, slightly tongue in cheek: Even über-españolista Manuel Fraga Iribarne knows (and said it several times, though mostly abroad) that Galician is spoken by more than 150 million people on five continents. I just hapened to use a Galician orthography which is not the one accepted by the Xunta, but the one I was taught at school.
If humans had wings God would have wings; if humans had three fingers God would have three fingers; if giraffes had a God he would have a long neck. I think that’s the meaning of this comic. In other words… humans created God.
Anyone understand that mouseover comic? Who is the Octopus the king of?
Dunno…the eightheists?
Cthulhu is a priest. But I’m pretty sure he doesn’t wear glasses.
LOL, isn’t it incredible, here I am in Galicia too, an old visitor of PZ blog, and find this reference to one of our best dishes. How the hell did PZ know about it??
Hmm is anyone else having problems with the images on this blog loading? I’m trying to figure out if its a issue on my finish or if it is the weblog. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.