Californians, if you’re living anywhere near Berkeley, you might want to go to this: the Skeptical Conference on 24 April. They’ve got some good speakers, and it should be a fun meeting.
Just don’t believe anything they tell you unless they provide lots of evidence to back it up.
I’ll be there, but don’t take *MY* word for it.
“Just don’t believe anything they tell you unless they provide lots of evidence to back it up.” At least that’s what I thought skepticism was all about. It seems skeptical sites are promoting a new kind of NOMA.
Yes I am telling on them.
Telling on them?
Oh you kids and your acronyms . . . NOMA?
New Orleans Museum of Art? National Organization of Minor Actors? Norwegian Old Men’s Association? I couldn’t even find it on teh googlz.
Oh, and I’ll be there and do take my word for it, it’s going to be a blast. We’ll be having a special Friday night Skeptics in the Pub with some of the speakers the night before, see for location.
Non-Overlapping Magistera (but what is the “A”?)
N-oMa is an even lamer acronym.