Mary’s Monday Metazoan wishes to register a complaint

Last week’s metazoan was a walrus, which many people mistook for a manatee. This meant that my inbox was flooded with outraged email from the manatee community, which was deeply offended at the confusion. So, today, here is a portrait of one of the handsomer representatives of the fine warm-water aquatic mammals that were insulted.


As you can plainly see, there is no resemblance at all.


(via National Geographic)


  1. PaleGreenPants says

    Manatees seem to spawn fish. Maybe we should look into that for our beleaguered fishing community.

  2. miketv says

    If they look so similar why are Manatees more ‘cuddly’ than Walruses?… or is it Walrii

  3. Epinephrine says

    Yo walrus! I’m really happy for you and I’mma let you finish, but manatees are one of the greatest aquatic mammals of all time!

  4. Sven DiMilo says

    Well, they are cousins.

    Check the current mammalisn phylogeny here. Yer mamantee is in the Sirenia, top dead center in the blue clade. Yer walrus is down on the green/left side, middle of the green zone at about 9 o’clock, labeled Odobenidae.

  5. gman says

    You’re caving in to complaints of “offense” from the notoriously thin-skinned manatee community?

    What’s next? You’re going to abase yourself in grovelling apologies before the likes of Bill Donohue?

    For God’s sake, get a grip on yourself, man. You’re a blogger! Your job is to give offense, sir!

  6. Knockgoats says

    Well, it’s pretty unsporting of the walrus to hide its tusks like that! I think it was trying to pass itself off as a manatee.

  7. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Manatees are the puppies of the sea. They too love to have their bellies rubbed.

    And hear I was thinking they were just targets for boat props.

  8. Moggie says


    The manatee has more friends, but the walrus has a better mustache.

    But neither is as awesome as the narwh-
    Hey! Who threw that?

  9. Cuttlefish, OM says

    A walrus, mistakenly labeled a manatee,
    Sometimes, I’ve heard, will resort to profanity.
    “So what?”, you ask, “Why make a fuss?”
    You’ve never heard a walrus cuss.

  10. Michelle R says

    “Well, they are cousins. ”

    Well SOME people don’t wanna be associated with their crazyyy cousins.

  11. Michelle R says

    “Well, they are cousins. ”

    Well SOME people don’t wanna be associated with their crazyyy cousins.

  12. nigelTheBold says


    Walruses (even the tuskless females) are notoriously fierce and angry beasts. Never approach them in the rookery, or they will charge you (10 bucks, I believe). Also, they are faster on land than you might imagine. Even polar bears are afraid to attack male walruses.

    Me mum, a teacher out St. Paul, in the Pribilof Islands, assures me they are more angry about being misidentified as a manatee. And I quote: “Manatees are pussies.”

    I suspect P.Z. did this more out of respect (fear) of the walruses. As we say in Alaska, there is no retribution like walrus retribution.

  13. tsg says

    But neither is as awesome as the narwh-

    Hey! Who threw that?

    Sorry. I was aiming at Sigmund #14. If you could just give it a lob it in that direction I’d appreciate it….

  14. says

    Cuttlefish, it seems to me
    Cares far too little for the manatee
    For he doth not protest too much
    When ’tis confused with a walruss
    The reason, I fear, is plain to see:
    Cuttlefish are prejudiced ‘gainst the manatee
    But there is a hope I do apprehend:
    The rest of us can the manatee befriend.
    Even Clairebear did bunk off school
    To see the manatee in its pool
    And to those of you who understand this
    I can only say: thou art part fish.
    Yet it takes a true Hero, I see
    To truly befriend the manatee…

  15. Carlie says

    Oh sure, they don’t look alike because you used a picture of a young, sweet, cuddly manatee. If you had used a picture of a wizened old crabby one, they’d look more alike.

  16. Blind Squirrel FCD says

    And hear (sic) I was thinking they were just targets for boat props.

    Manatees are the speed bumps of the sea.


  17. Sigmund says

    “Sorry. I was aiming at Sigmund #14. If you could just give it a lob it in that direction I’d appreciate it….”
    My excuse is I’m not feeling so well at the moment as I’m just after watching “The Book of Eli” and I’m still nauseated with the overdose of cheesy faithiness served up in that excuse for a movie.

  18. DLC says

    and how come nobody asked :
    “George, is that you ?”
    (see Ref: The Walrus – coo coo cachu… Everbody knows the walrus was George. )

  19. tsg says

    My excuse is I’m not feeling so well at the moment as I’m just after watching “The Book of Eli” and I’m still nauseated with the overdose of cheesy faithiness served up in that excuse for a movie.

    It’s a real shame, too, because I like Gary Oldman, but the commercial alone puts it in my “not even when it comes out on cable” bin.

  20. says

    hp@#3: It’s illegal to touch a manatee in Florida…

    Some years back, at Blue Springs, we watched a manatee molesting a scuba diver who’d just come out of an underwater cavern. Manatee intercepted the guy and kept hugging him with one flipper. He seemed amused at first and then got spooked because she wasn’t letting him surface. Nothing forceful exactly; she just kept outmaneuvering and redirecting him and nuzzling playfully. Think enormous puppy in slo-mo.

    When he did surface, manatee still with a flipper on his back, the ranger who’d been watching hollered down to chide him and cited the law. He pulled his mask off and started to sputter in outrage but must’ve seen that the ranger was laughing.

    Ranger told the rest of us that this manatee was a regular there and notorious for this behavior, apparently wanting to cuddle. Or something. Rangers kept an eye on her largely for cave-divers’ safety.

    Ron Sullivan

  21. Ferris says

    “The time has come,” the Walrus said,
    “To talk of many things:
    Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax—
    Of cabbages—and kings—
    And why the sea is boiling hot—
    And whether pigs have wings.”

  22. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    Bah, neither of those critters has a kick-ass facial horn. They’re no use defending against being eaten by Cthulhu.

  23. Asclepias says

    I do love how the female walrus’ oral cavity looks so similar to a vacuum brush attachment!

  24. Blind Squirrel FCD says

    Asclepias: In that case you would really be impressed by the manatee’s oral cavity when it is feeding.


  25. Dust says

    Poor Sigmund related:

    My excuse is I’m not feeling so well at the moment as I’m just after watching “The Book of Eli” and I’m still nauseated with the overdose of cheesy faithiness served up in that excuse for a movie.

    I opted for the “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus” instead. I mean, Tom Waits cast as the Devil!? Inspired.
    Also it was the movie Heath Ledger was working on when died–too bad, he was very good :(

    Christoper Plummer was marverlous and Terry Gilliam’s dark visions and superb animations-it was a fun movie and one I will have to see again…