The bmg is, at least, better than some human ones.
Gyeong Hwa Pak, the Pikachu of Anthropologysays
er, I mean bgm.
The narrator kind of kills the mood. It would be better if it was narrated by Isaac Hayes, may he rest in Xenu’s eternal prison.
Wow. You weren’t kidding about the cheesy narration. “I mean hot x-rated octopus on octopus good” and “Your goal is to get this appendage, called a hectacodylus arm into the females mantle cavity” are definitely the worst/best/cheesiest lines I’ve ever heard!
Excuse me, guys – I gotta go change my undies.
Glen Davidsonsays
All of my rivals are trash that the tide washes in, too.
I can’t decide if the narration is squeeze cheese in a tube with a side port cheesy or pressurized cheese in a can cheesy. Either way, it far cheesier than a block of real cheddar.
I can certainly now understand why the James Bond film was named Octopussy instead of Mantle Cavity.
Also, it seemed to me that the male sort of enjoyed the “drive-in speaker dragging” at the end of his lovely tryst with the female. Either that or he was plumb unconscious.
The narrator kind of kills the mood. It would be better if it was narrated by Isaac Hayes Barry White
C’mon, baby.
Octopus 1:”My Hectocotylus is bigger than your Hectococtylus!”
Octopus 2: “Your Hectocotylus wouldn’t impress an Octopus Wolfi!”
Octopus 1: “Take that back!”
Cheesy as the narration was, I didn’t get half of what was going on when I replayed it on mute. I fail at octopus reproductive techniques.
Remember guys, it’s not the size of your third right tentacle that counts…it’s all about the technique.
Now I have hectocotylus envy.
Oy! National Geographic actually hired that guy as a narrator? He sounds like he should be fully occupied doing the voice-overs for televised clips of blurry home videos depicting painful and humiliating accidents and pranks.
Patricia, Queen of Sluts OMsays
My goodness PZ, that’s pretty hot stuff to trot out in front of us celibates.
Brownian, OMsays
“The more sperm packets he can deliver…”
Teh cephalopod is a series of t00bs!
Pastor Farmsays
Isn’t hentai bad enough without a narrator?
Jacques Cousteau is spinning in his grave at that narration.
Uncle Glennysays
Jeebus, PZ! I come here expecting some good hot gay male tentacle porn, and I get this?
This is, well, all it needs is some garlic and olive oil. But it’s still a tease.
You keep promising hot stuff but you always disappoint. I’m going to go stare at Isis’ shoes. I’m that desperate.
“First he shows you his, then you show him yours.”
Could they make it sound any more gay? NTTAWWT
Uncle Glennysays
First he shows you his, then you show him yours.”
Could they make it sound any more gay? NTTAWWT
No. Straight guys do this. Gay guys already know. Trust me. I won’t tell.
God would not appoved of Nautilove. If God approved all of the cephalopod sex with all the tentacles and stuff he would have been born a manga fan, which he clearly wasn’t since the bible was originally written in 16th century English and not drawn with teenagers with unnaturally large eyes.
When did Casey Kasem start narrating nature films?
Jebus, how moronic is that narration. What’s the target audience of NGC? I thought it sounded like a kids’ show until he started in about “hot X-rated action”.
Of course the narration is cheesy, National Geographic only do cheesy documentaries. National Geographic really should stick to photos and let some other organisation do the documentaries.
As terrible as the narration is, at least it has given me a renewed appreciation for David Attenborough.
Octoporn…? Not x-rated.
C’mon Myers…I can’t fap to this.
Urgh. Why can’t the USA produce a rival to Attenborough or Bellamy?
I knew better but was still expecting something…somewhat different >>; *sigh* Pervy girl that I am.
Narration was indeed pants, though =P
Hey, at least it wasn’t narrated by Gilbert Godfrey.
The bmg is, at least, better than some human ones.
er, I mean bgm.
The narrator kind of kills the mood. It would be better if it was narrated by Isaac Hayes, may he rest in Xenu’s eternal prison.
Wow. You weren’t kidding about the cheesy narration. “I mean hot x-rated octopus on octopus good” and “Your goal is to get this appendage, called a hectacodylus arm into the females mantle cavity” are definitely the worst/best/cheesiest lines I’ve ever heard!
Excuse me, guys – I gotta go change my undies.
All of my rivals are trash that the tide washes in, too.
Glen D
I can’t decide if the narration is squeeze cheese in a tube with a side port cheesy or pressurized cheese in a can cheesy. Either way, it far cheesier than a block of real cheddar.
I can certainly now understand why the James Bond film was named Octopussy instead of Mantle Cavity.
Also, it seemed to me that the male sort of enjoyed the “drive-in speaker dragging” at the end of his lovely tryst with the female. Either that or he was plumb unconscious.
The narrator kind of kills the mood. It would be better if it was narrated by
Isaac HayesBarry WhiteC’mon, baby.
Octopus 1:”My Hectocotylus is bigger than your Hectococtylus!”
Octopus 2: “Your Hectocotylus wouldn’t impress an Octopus Wolfi!”
Octopus 1: “Take that back!”
Cheesy as the narration was, I didn’t get half of what was going on when I replayed it on mute. I fail at octopus reproductive techniques.
Remember guys, it’s not the size of your third right tentacle that counts…it’s all about the technique.
Now I have hectocotylus envy.
Oy! National Geographic actually hired that guy as a narrator? He sounds like he should be fully occupied doing the voice-overs for televised clips of blurry home videos depicting painful and humiliating accidents and pranks.
My goodness PZ, that’s pretty hot stuff to trot out in front of us celibates.
“The more sperm packets he can deliver…”
Teh cephalopod is a series of t00bs!
Isn’t hentai bad enough without a narrator?
Jacques Cousteau is spinning in his grave at that narration.
Jeebus, PZ! I come here expecting some good hot gay male tentacle porn, and I get this?
This is, well, all it needs is some garlic and olive oil. But it’s still a tease.
You keep promising hot stuff but you always disappoint. I’m going to go stare at Isis’ shoes. I’m that desperate.
“First he shows you his, then you show him yours.”
Could they make it sound any more gay? NTTAWWT
No. Straight guys do this. Gay guys already know. Trust me. I won’t tell.
God would not appoved of Nautilove. If God approved all of the cephalopod sex with all the tentacles and stuff he would have been born a manga fan, which he clearly wasn’t since the bible was originally written in 16th century English and not drawn with teenagers with unnaturally large eyes.
When did Casey Kasem start narrating nature films?
Jebus, how moronic is that narration. What’s the target audience of NGC? I thought it sounded like a kids’ show until he started in about “hot X-rated action”.
Of course the narration is cheesy, National Geographic only do cheesy documentaries. National Geographic really should stick to photos and let some other organisation do the documentaries.
As terrible as the narration is, at least it has given me a renewed appreciation for David Attenborough.
Octoporn…? Not x-rated.
C’mon Myers…I can’t fap to this.
Urgh. Why can’t the USA produce a rival to Attenborough or Bellamy?
I knew better but was still expecting something…somewhat different >>; *sigh* Pervy girl that I am.
Narration was indeed pants, though =P
Hey, at least it wasn’t narrated by Gilbert Godfrey.