
  1. Sili says

    I never did learn to sew (and I can only do plain knit-purl).

    I need to pick up the basics, since for some reason there’s a hole in the middle of one of my sheets – time to turn it.

    Awesome kid!

  2. negentropyeater says

    Why does Glenn Beck write stuff on a chalk board ? Most of the time it’s hardly readable.

  3. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    WHo writes that big on a chalk board?

    It’s written large so the people in the back of the classroom can read it.

    I once took a class in high school where the teacher assigned seats and wrote as tiny as possible on the chalk board. More than once kids in the back got up, walked to the front of the class, and copied down what the teacher had written. This teacher didn’t understand that what he wrote on the board had to be read by ALL of the students, not just the folks lucky enough to sit in the front.

  4. Dahan says

    WHo writes that big on a chalk board?

    Who the hell HAS a blackboard anymore? Even whiteboards are obsolete. You’ve got to have a “smart board”. Which I have. :)

    BTW, this is just further proof of how the Arts are just a way to try to destroy our Christian Nation!

  5. Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM says

    Why does Glenn Beck write stuff on a chalk board ? Most of the time it’s hardly readable.

    Just as well. Why should the incoherent thought process of Glenn Beck be readable?

    Also, what has poor Asher done to have this thread reduced to talking about about a dishonest nutcase?

  6. Eric Dutton says

    That’s Theodore Roethke on the chalkboard! Where IS this school?

    Night Crow

    When I saw that clumsy crow
    Flap from a wasted tree,
    A shape in the mind rose up:
    Over the gulfs of dream
    Flew a tremendous bird
    Further and further away
    Into a moonless black,
    Deep in the brain, far back.

    Squid AND Roethke! Why didn’t I go school there?

  7. Zeno says

    Glenn Beck would be a better man today if he had had a sewing class when he was a little boy.

    And I write on a chalkboard — whenever possible. (I’m not always lucky enough to get assigned to a chalkboard classroom.) I hate whiteboards. Nasty, filthy things. Chalkboards are merely dusty. And chalk lets me shade my drawings with nice control that markers deny me. (Fie on whiteboards.)

  8. kausik.datta says

    Oh, come on! PZ was looking through his childhood photo albums, and found a cute one of himself to post… The Evidence is here!

    Besides, look clearly… it is a defensive posture against a SQUID ATTACK!!

  9. Krystalline Apostate says

    Any relation, PZ? Or is your campaign to pollute the minds & precious bodily fluids of our children a rousing success? ;)

  10. Zeno says

    I have some doubts about Kausik’s theory that the photo depicts PZ in some “cute” phase in childhood. The photo is in color, not sepia. Aha!

  11. kausik.datta says

    Zeno @18:

    I have some doubts about Kausik’s theory that the photo depicts PZ in some “cute” phase in childhood. The photo is in color, not sepia. Aha!

    DANG!! :( Why did I not think of that?

    On an unrelated note, I officially HATE TypePad. It keeps giving me errors, it doesn’t recognize my email address, and it won’t even allow me to use my facebook account to log in.

  12. blf says

    Why isn’t she/he/it eating that icky hairless ape? We don’t want the overlords to be nice or cute, we want them to strip the planets the mantle!

  13. redmonster says

    That little boy is awesome. I didn’t get to take Home Ec until 7th grade, at which point the most we ever did was make pillows with embroidery on the front. Lame. Asher here is far more creative. Does he have room in his life for a much older sister, I wonder?

    Using my LJ name as long as TypePad insists on locking me out,
    Alyson Miers

  14. puseaus says

    I recall the pacman&ghosts apron I sewed together at the Rudolf spirituality school. It was somewhat stretching the limits of conservative antroposophical aesthetics (mostly fading colors). Somehow I think Goethe would have been proud of me, though. And even the idea of a vibrant life in the dark, below the surface…