A story, continued

When we last saw our intrepid (and inebriated) pair of godless ladies in Seattle, they had just buzzed the Discovery Institute’s door and been admitted by the ever-eager Casey Luskin. Now read about how Luskin protects them from the Terrible Annika, and then, after getting loaded down with free propaganda, learn a deep dark secret from Luskin: Judge Jones, the infamous trial judge in the Dover case, wasn’t a real Christian. Lordy. No wonder he was in the pocket of the ACLU, the devil’s own lawyers.


  1. Brian D says

    Of course! No true Christian judge would have ruled based on the case in question based on the arguments from the plaintiff and defendant — he would have plugged his ears, said the Lord’s Prayer three times in perfect Latin, and banged the gavel while sentencing the infidel to a life of chanting Hail Marys.

    …I’m oversimplifying, of course. But just a little.

  2. says

    “But he wasn’t a real christian, he was a country club christian! I even heard that he referred to his church as his wife’s church. So that explains that. A real christian wouldn’t have sided with the ACLU the way he did. It was sickening.”

    I’m lost for words. Wait, nipples. I found one.

  3. BobC says

    Here is the smoking gun proof for what the Discovery Institute really is – a Christian creationist organization that wants to make America a theocracy:

    From that point forward, Luskin explained at length that the judge had lifted entire sections of the decision from a brief by the ACLU, and that, while that wasn’t necessarily illegal, it was obviously immoral and only done to discredit good christians and to keep god out of the classrooms. And that any real christian wouldn’t do any such thing.

    Luskin, if you’re reading this, who is the designer? What a shit-for-brains asshole. Luskin and the rest of the disco institute retards should be put in prison for treason.

  4. God says

    God loves you

    Stop putting words in My mouth.

    and though you’re attempting to side with Satan

    Who is My sockpuppet, as I keep telling you goobers.

  5. Deop says

    Speaking as a swap-meet christian, I can confidently say those country club christians are the worst. Nothing like us or even the slightly less detestable bingo night christians.

  6. Sioux Laris says

    And I, as a I’m-just-here-for-the-wine Christian, say to you, Deop:


  7. df says

    …you don’t want to die like Stephen Gould, abandandoned, surrounded by books.

    Actually it sounds like a pretty good way to go. Unless of course the books are by Luskin, Behe, et al.

  8. Joshu says

    Wow, two non sequitur posts within two minutes of each other, each of them completely unrelated to the topic at hand. The strange thing is, while #6 bothers the hell out of me (pardon the pun)… #7 seems like just a pleasant diversion. Of course, this has nothing at all to do with my growing obsession with Spore. >_>

    But I’m being off-topic. It’s rather mind-boggling how the Discovery Institute can, with a straight face, say to one group that they are “simply trying to teach the controversy”, and the very next second admit their clearly religious motivation. What’s even more likely to short-circuit my thought process is how creationists can buy their line of schlock, despite the evidence to the contrary DIRECTLY FROM the Discovery “Institute”.

    Then again, cherrypicking statements from a patently dishonest organization shouldn’t be too hard for a group that looks at evidence from the outside world as to the workings of the cosmos, blinks, and says “No, thank you. I’d prefer to keep my Bronze Age myths.”

    Would that they were so polite about it.

  9. 386sx says

    But hang about…. ID isn’t supposed to be about Christianity! Or have I missed the latest talking points memo?

    Yeah really, and he was talking about the judge in a court case about ID. If there’s ever a time when ID isn’t supposed to be about Christianity, that would be it for sure!

  10. Owlmirror says

    he proudly exclaimed that he was a lawyer, and could really, really, honestly for reals tell us anything we wanted to know about the legal issues.

    while that wasn’t necessarily illegal, it was obviously immoral and only done to discredit good christians and to keep god out of the classrooms. And that any real christian wouldn’t do any such thing.

    Lawyering: You’re doing it wrong.

  11. Brain Hertz says

    But I’m being off-topic. It’s rather mind-boggling how the Discovery Institute can, with a straight face, say to one group that they are “simply trying to teach the controversy”, and the very next second admit their clearly religious motivation. What’s even more likely to short-circuit my thought process is how creationists can buy their line of schlock, despite the evidence to the contrary DIRECTLY FROM the Discovery “Institute”.

    I’ve noted many times that I first read 1984 back in, actually, 1984, and read it many times since. The first time I read it, it was scary because of the incomprehensible things it described. Each time since I’ve read it, it scared me because of all of the things it describes which had actually happened since the previous time I read it.

    I could submit a long list, but suffice to say that doublethink is the scariest, and, at least for some previous time, least expected to ever occur.

    And here it is…

  12. Peter Ashby says

    A yes Spore. I think I seriously want, but then I see the pictures and want to know if my ‘higher level’ lifeforms all have to be vertebrates with a single brain at the anterior end clustered with eyes (variable number), ears etc? or can I do funky things with, say the cephalopod body plan? or hive mind superorganisms? will I be disappointed with the game?

    You see my wife has threatened to give it to me for my birthday, but that amount of money can get me a really good, cask strength single malt. Maybe even a litre bottle. So you see it is vital to know…

    BTW for any whisky afficianodos out there, you MUST try the unpeated Caol Ila, I understand the unpeated Ardbeg is similarly interesting. My tasting note on the Caol Ila would be honeyed green melon. It makes a wonderful aperitif whisky. A position usually occupied by Scapa.

  13. says

    #6: Known troll is known.

    If you simply wanted to tell us “teh TRUTH” you would use a less transparent alias and been allowed to stay a bit longer. The fact that you have used your usual name with a few digits to avoid the ban, makes it painfully clear that you are just an attention-seeking arse.

  14. Joshu says

    #20: Well, with a little familiarity with the creature creator (which is exceedingly easy to use) and some ingenuity, you most certainly can make cephalopod creatures. If you want an example, go to Spore’s website and search the “sporepedia” for a user “dananddna”. He made a pretty good Anomalocaris, if memory serves.

    (And, PZ, he’s also a fan of pharyngula. :P )

  15. Simon Scott says

    The guy who wrote Spore is the same guy who wrote Raid On Bungling Bay on the Commodore 64, a game I still play 20 years later.

    Oh, and some creationist is a douchebag. News at 11.

  16. says

    it’s good that the christards are posting their poop on your blog because they’re not spreading same poop among people around them who can still tolerate them. keep it up, little fellas. write more here. spend lots of time doing it. the more you write, the better your chances of getting through and defeating the evil devil thing.

  17. llewelly says

    W1ll1am Wallac3 , #6:

    PZ, God loves you, and though you’re attempting to side with Satan, you know you don’t want to die like Stephen Gould, abandandoned, surrounded by books. Begin (and continue) with the end in mind. Turn away from the dark side.

    You forgot to mention Carl Sagan. That’s right – Carl Sagan was right there at Gould’s deathbed, haranguing the poor dying man with Cosmos reruns. I’m sure PZ fears that most of all.

  18. says

    you know you don’t want to die like Stephen Gould, abandandingdonged, surrounded by books

    Fear of knowledge and learning really does seem to be a big motivating factor with these people, doesn’t it?

  19. Joshu says

    “You forgot to mention Carl Sagan. That’s right – Carl Sagan was right there at Gould’s deathbed, haranguing the poor dying man with Cosmos reruns. I’m sure PZ fears that most of all.”

    You know, that actually doesn’t sound half bad. Admittedly, I’d rather spend my last days doing something more than watching tv, but if that wasn’t an option, watching one of Carl Sagan’s best wouldn’t be bad at all.

  20. Sioux Laris says

    I consider myself something of an expert on the style of the original [sic] William Wallace, having read enough of his droppings at the PT to learn to immediately, almost instinctually, scroll past when his name headed any post at the PT.
    Unless that WW has entered the final, terminal vegetative state that defines irrecoverable Xian brain death, this is not the same ma… troll.

    WW! You are going to die! And nothing about the fiction that created the character “William Wallace” will survive!
    Live the life you have and toss away the fear!

  21. Vince says

    I’m driving my friend to his chemo this morning, and the ladies story will provide some entertainment / distraction. As we’re both retired science teachers, we’re grateful that the scientists and doctors involved worked with an understanding of evolution. BTW – the prognosis is very good.

  22. Adrian Burd says

    Re #19

    I have the greatest of difficulty in finding unpeated Caol Ila in this neck of the woods. Since single malts form one of my foremost vices (fountain pens, Rioja wines and fine – as in typography and binding- books being others), I would be interested in finding some. Where have you been finding it Peter?


  23. says

    Someone using the name “William Wallace” has been trolling over at ERV, lately, as well. I don’t care to recall the original enough to compare styles, but it seemed to be the same schmuck.

  24. Joe says

    I am surprised that Luskin does not know how to pronounce Behe (rhymes, appropriately, with Teehee). Mikie is their fair-haired boy.

  25. says

    Someone using the name “William Wallace” has been trolling over at ERV, lately, as well.

    He’s been around for a while. Same annoying arrogance of ignorance from start to finish.

    Dunning Kruger effect in action.

  26. Carlie says

    So were the Real True Christians the ones giving Judge Jones the death threats? Because he and his family had to be under guard for weeks thanks to all those Godly People.

  27. Llauraa says

    Hey, what’s with all the theology, or fighting religion? if you guys claim to be real fucken scientists do fucken science and leave the theology to the theologians? Or is this just an athestic website under the guise of science.
    If you guys were true scientists and not a bunch of frustrated adolestant minded anti-intellectuals you would do science and really accomplish something.

  28. says

    Hey, what’s with all the theology, or fighting religion? if you guys claim to be real fucken scientists do fucken science and leave the theology to the theologians? Or is this just an athestic website under the guise of science.
    If you guys were true scientists and not a bunch of frustrated adolestant minded anti-intellectuals you would do science and really accomplish something.

    When the religious stop sticking their religion into science we’ll stop calling them on it.

    I find it funny that you chose to use the terms I bolded above considering you entire post was at best childishly ignorant.

  29. says

    “leave the theology to the theologians”

    Just curious, but what are the qualifications to be a theologian? Seriously, in Baltimore City, all manner of monkey-tard take on the role of religious leader despite possessing little in the way of formal education. If they are allowed to do it and get respect while doing it, why not anyone?

  30. bybelknap, FCD says

    Hey, what’s with all the theology, or fighting religion? if you guys claim to be real fucken scientists do fucken science and leave the theology to the theologians? Or is this just an athestic website under the guise of science.
    If you guys were true scientists and not a bunch of frustrated adolestant minded anti-intellectuals you would do science and really accomplish something.

    Well, douchebag, if the fuckin theists would stop making bullshit claims that their fuckin god fuckin exists and made fuckin humans in it’s fuckin image and trying to pass it off as real science, maybe some of the fuckin scientists could spend less time telling fuckin, trollish, asshole theists to fuck off. So, fuck off, eh?

  31. bybelknap, FCD says

    gah! stray apostrophe! “its fuckin image” not “it’s fuckin image.” fuckin sorry.

  32. Rob says

    None of this matters anymore!


    With the copy protection from hell. No thanks, not on my computer.

  33. Kseniya says

    “I smell something fishy,” said William Walleye.

    Hey, what’s with all the theology, or fighting religion?

    Hey, what’s with all the faith-based efforts to undermine the science advisory process in the federal government, the separation of church and state, science education in schools, and public perception of scientists and science in general?

    Do try to keep up.

  34. Vidar says

    OT: Creobot being a religious nutjob, film at 11.

    Spore: YAY, except for the DRM. I could do without the DRM.

  35. David Marjanović, OM says

    Oh noes. Braveheart Emptybrain has been deleted. I always miss all the fun. <sob>

  36. Lee Picton says

    Judge Jones – a piece of work? You betcha. He even managed to get on a list of the 100 most influential people in America. I am proud to claim (sort of) fellow Alum status with him – Dickinson College, in Carlisle, PA. Although, when I graduated, he was still in elementary school.

    PZ – I got tangled up on some numerical post references. Someone else here inquired whether you could leave a place holder when somebody gets zapped. I think it’s a good idea, if it’s not a lot of trouble.

  37. says

    Is Steven Jay Gould a liars’ talking point too, now? I thought the IDiots were too busy quote mining Punk Eek to notice that he was actually a dreaded evilutionist. Anyway, according to wiki, he died in the company of his wife and his mother, as well as his “beloved books”. Abandoned? Hardly. He was much loved by his family, colleagues, friends and fellow choristers.

    BTW: Fuckin’ could use a fuckin’ apostrophe, too.

  38. Kseniya says

    I just love how they always try to paint evolutionists as anti-social atheists,who either die alone or experience deathbed conversions.

    On the other hand, “Everyone dies alone.” (Malcolm Reynolds)

  39. deejay says

    I call Poe on #35. There’s a disconnect between the halfway decent sentence structure and miserable spelling. I don’t think “Llaurra” believes the things he/she says and just wants to get a rise out of the commenters.

  40. Qwerty says

    PBS use to run a BBC cooking program called “The Two Fat Ladies” who use to go to different places to see how others cooked foods. If only PBS had the courage to broadcast a program called “The Two Drunk Ladies, Exposing Intelligent Design and Creationism.”

    Episode 1: The two drunk ladies uncover the Discovery Institute.

    Episode 2: The two drunk ladies visit Ken Ham’s creation museum.

  41. says

    Episode 1: The two drunk ladies uncover the Discovery Institute.

    Episode 2: The two drunk ladies visit Ken Ham’s creation museum.

    Episode 3 (sweeps week): The two drunk ladies visit Cancun during Spring Break.

    Episode 4: The two drunk ladies attempt to read through AiG without drinking themselves into a coma in self-defense.

  42. Sili says

    Sadly, one of the fat ladies has died.

    I don’t recall if it was the one who at the sight of all the fat from a Christmas goose wanted to rub it all over her bosom. (The fat, not the goose.)

  43. Joshu says

    #29: “Be careful though. The ID crowd thinks a video game is support of their nonsense.”

    The irony of this being that Wil Wright has come out and said that it’s an evolution game, and the only reason you guide the evolution is simply that otherwise, there would be no gameplay.

    But ID supporters have a natural tendency to latch on to anything that sounds even remotely like support for their foolishness, so it’s no surprise that they’d try and shanghai a videogame that jokingly uses the term “creatiolutionism” in their commercial.

    There are only three rules in ID Fight Club:

    1) Don’t stop talking about ID Fight Club.

    2) Deny all opposing evidence, no matter how well-established or based in reality.

    3) Don’t hesitate to pounce on anything that looks like it may support ID Fight Club, no matter how poorly established or contrary to reality.

  44. Patricia says

    Wait a minute, #6 is Quiet Desperation. New rule? Is telling disgusting jokes now trolling? Sheesh, give the guy a break.

  45. says


    ‘Preloaded’ it on Saturday night, spent all morning Sunday playing (as I will resume doing this evening as soon as I can escape the office).

    So far, its relationship to evolution seems tenuous at best.

    Wait a minute, #6 is Quiet Desperation. New rule? Is telling disgusting jokes now trolling? Sheesh, give the guy a break.

    It appears that #6 was originally William Wallace (or a sockpuppet), back with more insipidity.

    On the other hand, “Everyone dies alone.” (Malcolm Reynolds)

    Nathan Fillion was back in E-town (he’s originally from here) for the Fringe this year and joined the cast of the local improv soap opera Die-Nasty. Luckily, having the home court advantage allowed me to get his autograph for the friend that introduced me to Firefly. Alan Tudyk was also in town for a bit, but I missed him as I was at a family get-together rather than occupying a seat at my favourite watering-hole (which has the dubious honour of being a favourite watering-hole for local actors and the occasional visiting celeb.) Stupid family.

    Sorry for gushing, but I do get excited sometimes for my podunk little town.

  46. Joshu says

    Whoa, hold on a minute. Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk were both in your area? Where is this magical place!? Looks like I’m moving.

  47. says

    Whoa, hold on a minute. Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk were both in your area? Where is this magical place!? Looks like I’m moving.

    They were here in Edmonton for the Fringe Theatre Festival, but it is Fillion’s hometown (his dad taught my older sister’s English class) and where he first got his acting chops. I think Joe Flaherty of SCTV fame was here too.

  48. Kseniya says

    My friend’s parents had dinner with Joss a few months ago. Three degrees of separation, I tell you!

  49. Qwerty says

    “Posted by: Sili | September 8, 2008 1:19 PM

    Sadly, one of the fat ladies has died.”

    I remember hearing this. It was sad as they seemed to feed (bad verb?) off each other in their comments.

    One more – Episode 5: The two drunk ladies visit Dr. Dino (aka Kent Hovind) in prison.