I am back in Morris at last, in time to remind you all that there will be a new Tangled Bank this week at Syaffolee. Send those links in to me soon — we’ve got a few already, but more would be great.
Also, if you volunteered to host in the future, you might want to make sure you check the Tangled Bank schedule and make sure your name is on it. We’ve got hosts lined up through November, and the next available dates are in December and in 2009.
Hi PZ,
I’d emailed you in April volunteering to host a future Tangled Bank at Reconciliation Ecology, but don’t see it on the list. Perhaps my email is buried somewhere in your inbox if it hasn’t been filtered out as spam (I hope not). Anyway I’m still interested, so please let me know if you put me on the list.
Thanks, PZ! Good to get the first one of the year, and during winter break too.