Thanks to T. Ryan Gregory, I have just discovered Todd Oakley’s new blog, Evolutionary Novelties. It’s only a few months old and only has a few entries, but go on, encourage him to write more.
I have enjoyed Todd’s blog, and he has apparently found a tidbit he liked on mine. From March 6th:
> Why is this? Also, where can I find your paper on this topic online?
Here is a good blog about our eye research:
That really is one great blog. Read for instance this article on Stephen J. Gould: Pluralism by monism. Great reading, for me at least a totally different way to look at Gould.
And I don’t have a blog of my own to sell. Too busy reading those of others.
Well, if we’re going to spruik our blogs I might as well mention my own blog, on which I discuss superstitions and religion as a natural cognitive phenomenon. It’s at
Very nice blog. But hey, I’ve been blogging my tush off for two months now. What am I — a potted plant? [mumble, grumble …]
I have enjoyed Todd’s blog, and he has apparently found a tidbit he liked on mine. From March 6th:
I’ve got a new blog, too. Check out The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Big Lie which deals with the very same issue my main blog deals with concerning the creationist idiot beliefs on dinosaurs.
That really is one great blog. Read for instance
this article on Stephen J. Gould: Pluralism by monism. Great reading, for me at least a totally different way to look at Gould.
And I don’t have a blog of my own to sell. Too busy reading those of others.
Grmphff. I was trying to link to this: Sorry about that.
It’s an excellent start! Great blog, I hope he intends to expand it greatly.
Well, if we’re going to spruik our blogs I might as well mention my own blog, on which I discuss superstitions and religion as a natural cognitive phenomenon. It’s at