
  1. Deepsix says

    They were buddies. Haven’t you ever seen the picture of Jesus riding the dinosaur? Uh, also T-Rex was a vegetarian so he wouldn’t try to kill Jesus anyway. That’s what all those sharp teeth and claws were for- to rip fruits and vegetables to shreds. Yup, it’s all true.

  2. David Marjanović, OM says

    Well, what is not true is that T. rex had three fingers per hand. It had only two. (Plus a blind-ending bone in the palm where the third finger attaches in other animals.)

  3. David Marjanović, OM says

    Well, what is not true is that T. rex had three fingers per hand. It had only two. (Plus a blind-ending bone in the palm where the third finger attaches in other animals.)

  4. CalGeorge says

    I want to see T. Rex vs. the Pope.

    Duh Pope has spoken:

    “We cannot anesthetize consciences as regards, for example, the effect of certain molecules that have the goal of preventing the implantation of the embryo or shortening a person’s life.”

    Sounds like he is hoping for a population explosion of epic proportions.

    Billions more people – mass misery – more human fodder for the Catholic Church.

    We must stop his diabolical plan from unfolding!

  5. stogoe says

    Jesus is always funny. Escpecially College Republican Jesus and Caucasian Jesus.

    The Buddy Christ is a cool dude, though. He always has the best jokes.

    So I walk into an inn, right, and I hand the owner these two stakes. He looks at me in that weird, cockeyed way people do when they want to ask you a question but they’re afraid of the answer. Anyways, I tell the guy, ‘Relax, it’s not what you think. I just want you to put me up for the night.’ Badoom Ching!

  6. arachnophilia says

    the raging debate in the paleontological community is whether t. rex would wait for jesus to die first.

  7. Brandon P. says

    Wouldn’t Jesus already have been digested by three days? Can a digested Jesus still rise to Heaven? We should ask the theologians, only they can make up know the answer.

  8. bernarda says

    Do a search on “Jesus vs” at youtube for a bunch of funny videos, particularly JC vs Terminator; JC vs Tom Cruise; JC vs Satan, etc.

  9. says

    Where in the Bible does Jesus throw Hadoukens?

    It’s right after the Last Supper, they’re all chilling in the Garden playing SF Alpha and Omega ;)