The poor fellow has an irresistible quote-mining reflex, unable to leave even the most innocuous statements alone. After his deplorable puppy-killing slander, he’s trying to slime Darwin again, and coming out looking like a pathetic wanker himself.
why do we listen to anything these people say, again? i understand the active resistance, and the yeoman’s work the experts put in fighting the disinformation…but….wait, i answered my own question. good job, scienceblogs!
Great White Wondersays
Francis Collins: I’m an evangelical Christian; I believe I have to spout my bullshit or the devil will get me.
Garth: what else is there to do? Every time a liar and a fraud is there, be right on top of him and don’t relent.
We’ll be in trouble once Sal gets into Darwin’s letters and notebooks. Look at his murderous plans upon the return of the Beagle:
…I shall annihilate some of my friends…
Or his obsession with lesbians, apparently with racist overtones:
very many dykes: some of them white… …yet I am quite in doubt concerning the nature of these dykes.
Is it just me, or are the people at Discovery Institute in a sad state of pathetic desperation if the only things that they can do to counter evolution nowadays are to falsely portray Charles Darwin as a flatulent puppy-kicker, and use a factually incompetent neurosurgeon like Dr Egnore as their new figurehead?
Dave Wiskersays
What is it with these people and their flatulence jones? Did they ever get out of junior high?
Sal is so worried about Darwin, I think he should be incensed at James Dobson of Focus on the Family as he describes at length his abuse of his little dog in his book, “The Strong Willed Child.” He beats the little dachshund with a belt.
This Dobson is a total whackjob.
why do we listen to anything these people say, again? i understand the active resistance, and the yeoman’s work the experts put in fighting the disinformation…but….wait, i answered my own question. good job, scienceblogs!
Francis Collins: I’m an evangelical Christian; I believe I have to spout my bullshit or the devil will get me.
Garth: what else is there to do? Every time a liar and a fraud is there, be right on top of him and don’t relent.
We’ll be in trouble once Sal gets into Darwin’s letters and notebooks. Look at his murderous plans upon the return of the Beagle:
…I shall annihilate some of my friends…
Or his obsession with lesbians, apparently with racist overtones:
very many dykes: some of them white…
…yet I am quite in doubt concerning the nature of these dykes.
Is it just me, or are the people at Discovery Institute in a sad state of pathetic desperation if the only things that they can do to counter evolution nowadays are to falsely portray Charles Darwin as a flatulent puppy-kicker, and use a factually incompetent neurosurgeon like Dr Egnore as their new figurehead?
What is it with these people and their flatulence jones? Did they ever get out of junior high?
Sal is so worried about Darwin, I think he should be incensed at James Dobson of Focus on the Family as he describes at length his abuse of his little dog in his book, “The Strong Willed Child.” He beats the little dachshund with a belt.
This Dobson is a total whackjob.
The excerpt and a commentary are here: