It’s hard when all you have to choose between is a giant douche and a shit-sandwich.
“It’s hard when all you have to choose between is a giant douche and a shit-sandwich.”
You’d have a problem choosing between those two?
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kronos!” – Homer Simpson
I (early) voted for Kinky Friedman for Texas Govenor, and then for every Dem on the ballot; In GOP vs. Libertarian only races, I held my nose and voted for the party that is at least anti-war and believes in protecting civil liberties (e.g. the Libertarians), since on econ policy both of them are nearly indistinguishable.
I voted for the local Dem to replace Tom De Lay, but looking at his campaign advertisements, he offers up absolutely NOTHING to have deserved my vote; he’s running an exclusively right-wing campaign trying to out-Republican the Republican. I’m feeling a kind of buyers remorse already. I don’t envision any fundamental policy shift from Nick Lampson (D).
Maybe one shouldn’t overestimate the impact of history, but in antebellum Texas, Fort Bend County had the heaviest concentration of slave-owners and slaves, and was one of the loudest choruses for secession circa 1860, despite the wise (but unheeded) counsel of Sam Houston to stay with the Union.
This corner of Texas is pretty hopeless, I’m afraid.
Stephen Ericksonsays
Maybe the Aussies should start writing letters to Americans telling them how to vote.
Worked brilliantly when the Brits did it in aught four.
Jon Hsays
“It’s hard when all you have to choose between is a giant douche and a shit-sandwich.”
At least the douche is useful.
Agreed. I’ve got that… not-so-fresh feeling about our country of late.
Are you kidding? We say “oi” all the time! Mind you, Australian-English is very much a mixture between a British-cockney accent and the Irish English accent.
I must say, I do agree with the message though….
Don Popesays
“It’s hard when all you have to choose between is a giant douche and a shit-sandwich.”
No, no, no. It’s a “Turd Sandwich”. Big difference. :)
JJR: “I (early) voted for Kinky Friedman for Texas Govenor, and then for every Dem on the ballot;”
Urrggghhh! You do realize that Kinky supports prayer in public schools, don’t you? WTF? Why didn’t you vote for Chris Bell, the DEMOCRATIC candidate? Why the hell are people voting for Kinky? He’s just another damned Republican.
Urrggghhh! You do realize that Kinky supports prayer in public schools, don’t you? WTF? Why didn’t you vote for Chris Bell, the DEMOCRATIC candidate? Why the hell are people voting for Kinky? He’s just another damned Republican.
Really? Uninformed on this race as I am, I did a quick wiki lookup of his stances, he seems fairly socially liber-al/tarian; cautiously pro-choice, cautiously anti-death penalty, cautiously anti-prohibition, with enough silly “common sense” (I hate when that term is applied in politics) quips to have indie cred.
Dunno that I’d vote for him, but I didn’t see much (easily available) info that looked like what you’re saying. I didn’t see anything about prayer, which seems a weird stance for a non-practicing Jew.
I thought Oi! came from Ireland.
I’ve just got back from Spain, where the claim was that “oi” came from Spain. It allegedly being the shortened form of “oiga”, which was originally the polite way of getting someone to attend to you.
I thought Oi! came from Ireland.
Are you kidding? We say “oi” all the time!
Isn’t Oi! yiddish, then? Or would that be Oy?
I was under the impression that “Oi!” was originally trollish. :P
I voted for the local Dem to replace Tom De Lay, but looking at his campaign advertisements, he offers up absolutely NOTHING to have deserved my vote; he’s running an exclusively right-wing campaign trying to out-Republican the Republican. I’m feeling a kind of buyers remorse already. I don’t envision any fundamental policy shift from Nick Lampson (D).
Any Dem who gets in, even a lousy one, increases the chances of a Dem majority, which is what really counts.
Hardly matters where it came from originally – we’ve stolen it in true convict style.
Scott Simmonssays
“Q: What is Kinky’s position on school prayer?
A: Kinky favors optional, non-denominational prayer in school. He believes there’s nothing wrong with children believing in something even if it’s a rock or a tree.” (
(And for the record, I’m a civil libertarian atheist who’s planning to vote for Friedman anyway. Ain’t nobody perfect, but I think he’s overall the best candidate.)
Re: Kinky, it’s not so much his school prayer as his racism and his suckling of the Chimperor.
Kinky at least has a little wit on his side: I have a “My Governor is a Jewish Cowboy” sticker on the car, even though I voted for Bell. Voting for either is discarding a vote, anyway…..
“Oi” is Australian via Cockney – definitely not Irish.
oi is a typical illiterate idiot’s addressing manner.
hillbillies and other scoucers junkies and punks use it.
nothing personal, but it is making this poor language sound even worse to a non enlish speaker.
“oi guys” stick to your farms and leave the web to other people that can talk and spell properly.
You mean people who know to capitalize words at the beginning of sentences?
What’s the original URL for this image? I love it!
The image was scanned from paper – I wasn’t able to find it on the newspaper’s site (
I had no idea Uncle Sam spoke with an Austrailian accent … Maybe he picked it up from Steve Irwin’s show?
I thought Oi! came from Ireland.
It’s hard when all you have to choose between is a giant douche and a shit-sandwich.
“It’s hard when all you have to choose between is a giant douche and a shit-sandwich.”
You’d have a problem choosing between those two?
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kronos!” – Homer Simpson
I (early) voted for Kinky Friedman for Texas Govenor, and then for every Dem on the ballot; In GOP vs. Libertarian only races, I held my nose and voted for the party that is at least anti-war and believes in protecting civil liberties (e.g. the Libertarians), since on econ policy both of them are nearly indistinguishable.
I voted for the local Dem to replace Tom De Lay, but looking at his campaign advertisements, he offers up absolutely NOTHING to have deserved my vote; he’s running an exclusively right-wing campaign trying to out-Republican the Republican. I’m feeling a kind of buyers remorse already. I don’t envision any fundamental policy shift from Nick Lampson (D).
Maybe one shouldn’t overestimate the impact of history, but in antebellum Texas, Fort Bend County had the heaviest concentration of slave-owners and slaves, and was one of the loudest choruses for secession circa 1860, despite the wise (but unheeded) counsel of Sam Houston to stay with the Union.
This corner of Texas is pretty hopeless, I’m afraid.
Maybe the Aussies should start writing letters to Americans telling them how to vote.
Worked brilliantly when the Brits did it in aught four.
“It’s hard when all you have to choose between is a giant douche and a shit-sandwich.”
At least the douche is useful.
Agreed. I’ve got that… not-so-fresh feeling about our country of late.
Are you kidding? We say “oi” all the time! Mind you, Australian-English is very much a mixture between a British-cockney accent and the Irish English accent.
I must say, I do agree with the message though….
“It’s hard when all you have to choose between is a giant douche and a shit-sandwich.”
No, no, no. It’s a “Turd Sandwich”. Big difference. :)
So, Jacko, the Energizer battery dude…“What’s the longest lasting battery you can boy?! Shouldn’t surprise ya, new Energoyzah!” is the new Uncle Sam?
Can Dawkins stay as an elected official?
JJR: “I (early) voted for Kinky Friedman for Texas Govenor, and then for every Dem on the ballot;”
Urrggghhh! You do realize that Kinky supports prayer in public schools, don’t you? WTF? Why didn’t you vote for Chris Bell, the DEMOCRATIC candidate? Why the hell are people voting for Kinky? He’s just another damned Republican.
Really? Uninformed on this race as I am, I did a quick wiki lookup of his stances, he seems fairly socially liber-al/tarian; cautiously pro-choice, cautiously anti-death penalty, cautiously anti-prohibition, with enough silly “common sense” (I hate when that term is applied in politics) quips to have indie cred.
Dunno that I’d vote for him, but I didn’t see much (easily available) info that looked like what you’re saying. I didn’t see anything about prayer, which seems a weird stance for a non-practicing Jew.
I’ve just got back from Spain, where the claim was that “oi” came from Spain. It allegedly being the shortened form of “oiga”, which was originally the polite way of getting someone to attend to you.
I thought Oi! came from Ireland.
Are you kidding? We say “oi” all the time!
Isn’t Oi! yiddish, then? Or would that be Oy?
I was under the impression that “Oi!” was originally trollish. :P
I voted for the local Dem to replace Tom De Lay, but looking at his campaign advertisements, he offers up absolutely NOTHING to have deserved my vote; he’s running an exclusively right-wing campaign trying to out-Republican the Republican. I’m feeling a kind of buyers remorse already. I don’t envision any fundamental policy shift from Nick Lampson (D).
Any Dem who gets in, even a lousy one, increases the chances of a Dem majority, which is what really counts.
Hardly matters where it came from originally – we’ve stolen it in true convict style.
“Q: What is Kinky’s position on school prayer?
A: Kinky favors optional, non-denominational prayer in school. He believes there’s nothing wrong with children believing in something even if it’s a rock or a tree.” (
(And for the record, I’m a civil libertarian atheist who’s planning to vote for Friedman anyway. Ain’t nobody perfect, but I think he’s overall the best candidate.)
Re: Kinky, it’s not so much his school prayer as his racism and his suckling of the Chimperor.
Kinky at least has a little wit on his side: I have a “My Governor is a Jewish Cowboy” sticker on the car, even though I voted for Bell. Voting for either is discarding a vote, anyway…..
“Oi” is Australian via Cockney – definitely not Irish.
oi is a typical illiterate idiot’s addressing manner.
hillbillies and other scoucers junkies and punks use it.
nothing personal, but it is making this poor language sound even worse to a non enlish speaker.
“oi guys” stick to your farms and leave the web to other people that can talk and spell properly.
You mean people who know to capitalize words at the beginning of sentences?
What’s the original URL for this image? I love it!
The image was scanned from paper – I wasn’t able to find it on the newspaper’s site (