
  1. says

    I blame school violence on teaching subtraction to our students. It is a ruthless game where bigger numbers devour smaller numbers without moral consequences. How can we expect our children not to try to subtract each other?

  2. Steve_C says

    Complete wanker.

    Didn’t mention the easy access to assault weapons in this country either.

  3. Peter Z. says

    That’s one of the most retarded things I’ve read all weak… Is his arguement that it’s a Darwinists’ lie that animals struggle for limited resources and occasionally kill each other? Should a Christian school illustrates the moral issues a lion has to deal with while eating a zebra?! What does that even have to do with evolution?

  4. Steve LaBonne says

    Who’s the bigger nitwit- Rorbough or whatever suit at CBS decided to put him on the air? Let’s give “credit” where “credit” is due.

  5. fusilier says

    One of the women interviewed on national news (CBS, I think) stated that it was all the fault of public schools, because they teach kids its OK to lie and cheat. This particular individual was dressed in the Mennonite fashion (plain blue dress, hair in a bun covered by a small coif.) I presume she was not Amish since those individuals here in Indiana, and in Ohio where I grew up, would refuse to be interviewed or photographed.

    Let’s Just Say, (tm from another list) I went to Catholic schools, but my friends at the public schools weren’t taught any differently aboutlying and cheating.

    James 2:24

  6. matthew says

    Here’s a TDS classic that’s kiiiinda related:

    “Creationist Carl Baugh gives a tour of his Creation Evidence Museum, as reported by Mo Rocca on The Daily Show.”

  7. says

    Yep. Here it comes. We don’t have enough God in our schools. Uh-huh.

    That’s why we are the most violent, and the most religious, of the developed nations. Makes perfect sense.

    They shouldn’t parade these poor unfortunate people before the rest of the nation to talk about what they don’t have a clue about. It’s exploitation. He’s not an expert, just because he’s a victim. Why are people interviewing him? Someone chose him; this didn’t just happen. Why is our media hyper-personalizing everything?

    Because it’s emotional blackmail, contrived to serve a political agenda. Put someone on the TV, they become a television personality. If you disagree, you’re personally hurting his feelings! You jerk atheists! Are you going to mock this man’s pain with your pointy-headed arguments and your high-fallutin’ logic?


  8. idlemind says

    Rohrbough seems to have slipped a cog when his son was killed, and appears to have been hunting for someone or something to pin the blame on ever since — including suing an innocent police officer. I’d slip a cog, too, if my son were killed, but I’d hope the media would be smart enough not to shove a microphone in my face (fat chance!).

  9. Steve_C says

    This guy is hysterical! John Pendleton, a chemist in a lab coat, gives his evidence for why the earth is 6,000 years old. You only have to watch the first 30-40 seconds.

  10. says

    And BTW, it’s being reported that the shooter at the Amish school was “angry at God.” Well, how the hell can you be angry at God if you’ve “replaced him with evolution?”

  11. says

    adspar, you just made me think of something! Subtraction is “where the greater values kill the lesser values, without moral consequences and life has no inherent value.” Brilliant riposte! Thank you.

  12. matthew says

    Will Ann Coulter write a column about how the Right is unfairly using Rorbough to push their agenda to teach creationism is schools?

  13. Steve_C says

    No. She’ll write an editorial about how we’re too tolerant of homosexuals and that the Republican’s feared they would be accused of gaybashing if they disciplined Foley.

    It’s the Godless Democrats fault!

  14. idlemind says

    No. She’ll write an editorial about how we’re too tolerant of homosexuals and that the Republican’s feared they would be accused of gaybashing if they disciplined Foley.

    Yeah, I’d put money on that — you’ve nailed the Coulterian M.O. cold.

  15. Steve_C says

    Actually that’s already thier meme. I’m not even joking.

    “But in today’s politically correct culture, it’s easy to understand how senior Republicans might well have decided they had no grounds to doubt Mr. Foley merely because he was gay and a little too friendly in emails. Some of those liberals now shouting the loudest for Mr. Hastert’s head are the same voices who tell us that the larger society must be tolerant of private lifestyle choices, and certainly must never leap to conclusions about gay men and young boys. Are these Democratic critics of Mr. Hastert saying that they now have more sympathy for the Boy Scouts’ decision to ban gay scoutmasters? Where’s Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on that one?”

  16. bernarda says

    Here are some more wankers right down in Minneapolis.

    “When flight attendant Eva Buzek returned to Minneapolis from a trip to France, five taxi drivers refused to take her home from the airport. The reason? She had two bottles of wine in her suitcase — and the drivers were Muslims, who don’t drink and refuse to have alcohol in their taxis.

    About three-quarters of the 900 taxi drivers at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport are Somalis, many of them Muslim. And about three times each day, would-be customers are refused taxi service when a driver sees they’re carrying alcohol.”

    All those drivers who refuse service in this case should be fired or have their taxi licenses taken away. These clowns are trying to impose their superstitious beliefs on everyone else. In this case, no negotiation is possible. These guys do their job, delivering people to their destinations, or they get canned. No ifs, ands, or buts.

    As the stewardess said, “What’s going to be next? … Do I have to cover my head?”

  17. Steve_C says

    Lewis Black on Creationists. I love this guy.

    “There are people that believe that dinosaurs and man lived together, they roamed the earth at the same time, there are museums that children go to in which they build dioramas to show them this… and what this is, purely and simply, is a clinical psychotic reaction, they are crazy…”

  18. says

    To stress the point that was already made: natural selection is not about blowing the heads off of little girls, or classmates killing classmates.

    Natural selection is about competition, and competition is, in a sense, cooperation.

    Natural selection is, in some ways, analogous to a football game (or any organized sport). The teams compete based on a shared set of rules. They try to out compete each-other for resources (points or goals).

    Now, what is NOT natural selection is for the Eagles team to pull out guns and blow away the Raiders team, for example. That is not competition for the same resources, but a refusal to compete. It is the elimination of the competition to eliminate the concept of “compete” from the equation entirely. In other words, it is the elimination of natural selection itself.

    Religion didnt save those unfortunate (and very pious) Amish girls. Religion didnt save Brian Rohrbough’s son. And the Columbine shooters, despite what their shirts may have said, were NOT participating in a natural selection process when they shot their classmates. In fact it was their innocent and non-violent classmates, who cooperated and competed in class study and test scores and school sports, that were participating in the “natural selection” process.

    Two people pitting their sports or intellectual skills against eachother is the way of NATURAL SELECTION.

    But one person killing his competitor to avoid pitting his skills against the other is the way of RELIGION.

  19. idlemind says

    Evolution is about the passing of generations — inevitable death — whilst religion is about eternal life. Which would you choose?

    That’s how these people think. Logic has nothing to do with it.

  20. JJR says

    “…All those drivers who refuse service in this case should be fired or have their taxi licenses taken away. These clowns are trying to impose their superstitious beliefs on everyone else. In this case, no negotiation is possible. These guys do their job, delivering people to their destinations, or they get canned. No ifs, ands, or buts…”

    If they were city public transport employees, I’d totally agree with you, but my understanding is most cabbies are independent operator-owners, and as such, they can give (or decline) rides to whomever they darn well want.

    You can’t fire them, they’re their own boss, in most cases. Don’t like it? Then clamor for better public transportation to service your local airport. Compared to the way taxis operate in, say, Russia, or Greece…count yourself lucky. I’d be pretty miffed to, don’t get me wrong…().

    I’d probably write an angry letter to the cab company that contracted such a driver, for all the good it’d do.

    Cab service is still erratic at times…I remember on Comedy Central they had a famous black actor (exactly who it was I forget) try to hail a cab in a major American city, and a white man with an actual long felony rap sheet. The white guy got the cab ride every time, while the black actor got ignored time and again. When the white guy would get out at his stop, the camera crew would put the driver on the spot and ask “didn’t you see the black guy back there trying to hail you? Why did you pick up this white guy instead? Do you realize he’s a convicted felon?” The looks on their faces were priceless.

    Cab service is, in principle, a luxury, though it’s at times a de facto public service because actual public transport in a given area is woefully inadequate. An economist would argue that the Free Market would eventually take care of such an aberration, but that is cold comfort to a passenger standing in the rain late at night at the airport unable to get a ride home because all the cabbies have an attitude.

    interesting tangent, thanks for indulging me.

  21. says

    The real wanker is the moron who decided it would be a good idea to devote a period each day on a national news program, for any idiot to spout drivel like this.

    (Oh and you spelled Rohrbough’s name wrong.)

  22. SLC says

    Re JJR

    I believe that in most jurisdictions, cab drivers are licensed by that jurisdiction. Thus, a cab driver who refuses to take a fare based on some whackjob excuse can have his license revoked or suspended.

  23. Craig says

    Evolution IS responsible for school shootings. If we were still “lesser” animals we wouldn’t have been able to invent guns.

  24. Craig says

    Evolution is about the passing of generations — inevitable death — whilst religion is about eternal life. Which would you choose?
    That’s how these people think. Logic has nothing to do with it.

    I choose inevitable death. I’m 40 and I can’t imagine how the hell I’m going to fill up the 35 years I may have coming to me. Eternity? Boooooooring.

  25. Basharov says

    When you note that this nutjob only killed females, it seems much more likely that, instead of being driven to his deed by being taught about evolution in whatever school he attended, it’s more likely that the misogynism of fundamentalist Christianity drove him to it. As St. Augustine taught, unleashed female sexuality must be controlled at all costs or men will fuck themselves into hell. This guy was just saving who knows how many poor men from being devoured by the man-eating vaginas that, unless they are kept properly chained, would lead them to the fiery pits of damnation.

    Hey, it’s more likely than that he was driven to it by reading The Origin of Species.

  26. says

    That guy is a total cretin. I am sorry his son was shot but blaming it on lack of god in school and evolution is just plain idiotic. The guy is a moronic buffoon of the highest calibre.


  27. matthew says

    Evolution IS responsible for school shootings. If we were still “lesser” animals we wouldn’t have been able to invent guns. Posted by: Craig | October 3, 2006 09:09 PM

    Ha, what a great, ironic point.

  28. Tim B. says

    “When flight attendant Eva Buzek returned to Minneapolis from a trip to France, five taxi drivers refused to take her home from the airport. The reason? She had two bottles of wine in her suitcase — and the drivers were Muslims, who don’t drink and refuse to have alcohol in their taxis.”

    Uhmm…does Eva have transparent luggage?

  29. Toney Teeples says

    Cnsdrbly, th rtcl s n rlty th bst n ths ldbl tpc. I hrmns wth yr cnclsns nd wll grly lk frwrd t yr nxt pdts. Syng thnks wll nt jst b ngh, fr th xcptnl clrty n yr wrtng. I wll drctly grb yr rss fd t sty nfrmd f ny pdts. Admrbl wrk nd mch sccss n yr bsnss ffrts!