This is not an omen. This is just the brain of a 53 year old man-child raised on 4chan, who has somehow acquired more money and power than he knows what to do with.
Could someone please let him know his immaturity is exposed?
Also, haven’t all the cool kids moved on well past the “kekistan” nonsense? This is so 2015.
Recursive Rabbit says
It just amazes me how so many people can ignore the signs of actual, literal Nazism, as if their symbolism was frozen in time after WWII.
Reginald Selkirk says
It’s just a spelling error. He meant it to be “Kakistocrat Malodorous”
Reginald Selkirk says
Bad news for Musk. Even Russian trolls are leaving X.
Russian disinfo network “Matryoshka” is migrating to Bluesky as exodus from X continues
Ed Seedhouse says
I have been refusing to do my family’s ritual for many years now in hopes of keeping the new years away. This has been a miserable failure and now here I am at 80 and it looks like I cannot avoid 81 in February. Well, I could avoid it by dying of course (which could spontaneously happen any old time now) but I do not favour this plan.
And curse you computer for flagging the perfectly correct Canadian spelling of “favour”. You are my servant, I am not yours!
Ed Seedhouse says
Oops! Posted @3 in the wrong thread. The computer will have its revenge…
unclestinky says
The Most Powerful Man in America is a Nazi Sympathizer.
submoron says
I would prefer to derive it from ‘cacere’ so it would mean the the Great (piece of) Cack.
Ed Seedhouse @4. I’m in the UK and British spelling is always accepted on this site. Are you set to British English?
laurian says
This is how it always goes with this Man Child Afrikaner
Elon comes up with an bad idea.
Normal people tell him it’s a bad idea
Elon mistakes critique of insult
Elon doubles down on bad idea
submoron says
laurian @ . Too true but I wish that you hadn’t reminded me of the anti-Afrikaner joke about prosthetic surgeons.
lotharloo says
Pepe and kek are no longer associated with neo Nazi’s or 4chan. It’s as if saying “meme” is associated with supporting Dawkins. The usage has breaded to the wider twitch/gaming culture and pretty much all twitch channels left, right, or apolitical all use pepe based memes.
Autobot Silverwynde says
@3: Yeah, they can try it. They will get blocked by everyone and rot on the vine.
raven says
Elon Musk has so much money that he doesn’t have to care about anyone else in the world.
And he doesn’t.
Money buys you power and vice versa.
At least it is in fact, costing him something.
Tesla car sales aren’t doing all that well any more.
Tesla car sales are down 6% lately.
Elon Musk has done a huge amount to make electric vehicles definitely not cool.
Would you buy a car from a Nazi?
I have no intention of ever buying anything even remotely assoicated with Elon Musk. No Tesla cars, No X account which I never visit anyway, no SpaceX satellite launches.
Surveys show that this is true of a significant fraction of the US population.
We know who likes us and who hates us and wants to wreck our society.
lotharloo says
If I were to to make a guess, Elon is using “kek” and “pepe” memes because he is way too much into gaming and I bet he spends tens of hours per week gaming.
raven says
Tesla cars are death traps anyway.
“Tesla Has Highest Fatal Accident Rate of All Auto Brands
Nov 15, 2024 — Tesla vehicles have a fatal crash rate of 5.6 per billion miles driven, according to the study;”
I saw a bumper sticker on the Tesla in front of me at a stop light, a few months ago.
“I bought this car before we knew Elon Musk was crazy.”
It’s on more than just this one car.
In my area there are a fair number of EVs. Most are not Teslas.
A lot of people won’t buy a car from some South African guy who insults them and wants to wreck the country he just happens to live in.
Reginald Selkirk says
@12, 14 raven
Hertz Is So Desperate To Unload Tesla Inventory It’s Asking Customers If They Just Want To Keep Their Rentals
Tesla Pushes Leasing as Sales Decline
Cybertruck sales tanking, Tesla offers free charging with major strings attached
Reginald Selkirk says
Be fair now. He also wants to wreck numerous other countries he doesn’t live in; such as Brazil, the UK and Germany.
microraptor says
lottharoo @ 13: Lots of people play tens of hours of video games on a weekly basis without going Nazi.
rabbitbrush says
Kaka Maximus is more appropriate. What a baby dolt.
lotharloo says
Yes, and that’s not the connection I was going for. I think there is a lot of evidence for the claim that he is spending a lot of time gaming:
Recently, Elon Musk claimed to be in the top 20 of Diablo 4 players in an interview with Joe Rogan. Surprisingly, his claims are true, as a leaderboard shows him at spot #19 in the world in terms of timed runs of Pit 150. Forbes’ Paul Tassi theorized Musk would have had to grind dozens of maybe hundred of hours to achieve this.
Those exact claims are disputed a bit and some claim maybe he is paying someone to boost his accounts but even then, if you are not into gaming, why the hell bother doing it?
The point is that the “richest man on earth” and “the CEO of multiple billion dollar companies” does not really do much actual work. He just tweets, games, parties, and wastes time online.
He’s not the only tech bro though. Sam Bankman Fried was also addicted to gaming and was spending a lot of time just playing video games:
raven says
Just guessing here.
Musk is open about his drug use, ketamine and cannabis.
It wouldn’t surprise me if he uses methamphetamine or captagon to stay awake.
shermanj says
I have a parody of a taxonomy lesson I need to upload and provide you with the link. It is about the elongated muskrat. However, no matter how badly he is portrayed, he always further exceeds the limits of decency, intelligence, etc than can be shown in parody or satire.
specialffrog says
Any reason to think Musk doesn’t pay people to play for him?
drew says
Elon Musk tries to more closely emulate Henry Ford.
Brian says
“Kekius Maximus”? His meme game is strong.
Reginald Selkirk says
After he took over Twi#er, he got a reputation for not paying people. Rich people don’t get rich by giving their money away.
Reginald Selkirk says
Why did Yoon declare martial law? Korea’s political YouTubers might be to blame.
Basically, that he was living in a bubble, and drank the Flavor-Aid. Undoubtedly the same thing is happening to other people.
lotharloo says
@20 raven:
Or more realistically, he does not work 56 hours per week. I would guess he actually works 3-4 hours max per day. Possibly even less.
lotharloo says
@22 specialffrog:
For the Elden ring thing, since he is bragging about the level, I would bet he has paid for it.Basically, I don’t think he played Elden Ring for 12 hours per day every day, maybe he paid for the boring grind parts, but either way it’s very clear that he plays a lot of video games. He also tweets a lot. He also wastes a lot of time online. The guy just doesn’t actually do any work. There is also a lot of anecdotes that he very loosely in charge of his companies (e.g., spaceX).
microraptor says
CEOs in general do not actually need to do much work for their company’s operations. In Musk’s case in particular, his presence is more of a determent to the company than an asset: there was an interview with a former SpaceX exmployee shortly after he bought Twitter where the employee stated that the reason SpaceX was doing the best out of all of Musk’s companies was because it had a layer of middle management who’s entire job was to prevent Musk’s dumb ideas from being implemented.
And regarding billionaires not paying people, you think there isn’t a whole legion of Muskrat fanboys who’d pay him in order to play video games on his account in order to pump his numbers?
Reginald Selkirk says
The Worst Tweets of 2024
You probably won’t be surprised to see Musk showing up repeatedly.
John Morales says
“The man is telling us explicitly what he’s about.”
Saying “I am a fascist” would be explicit.
Saying “I am trolling” would be explicit.
Changing his X profile, not so much.
Autobot Silverwynde says
@17: Exactly. Currently shiny hunting Fraxure on Pokémon Violet. I do everything I can to not act like a dipshidiot online or in reality.
John Morales says
There is a memecoin going up…
petesh says
I recently read Musk being quoted as saying the reason he likes IVF is that it is time-efficient. Sex takes longer. This dude needs time in a padded room. Would anyone organize an intervention? No, I think everyone would be just as happy to watch Elon flame out completely like Howard Hughes.
John Morales says
petesh, Arnie once claimed getting a pump was better than sex, too. He was also trolling.
monad says
Wait, are people really claiming the man who explicitly supports neo-Nazis and has a long history of involvement with far right memes might be just using the popular neo-Nazi memes by accident after he picked them up from gaming? Man, do rich people ever get cut an infinite amount of slack.
John Morales says
Monad, cf.
“Elon Musk Left a South Africa That Was Rife With Misinformation and White Privilege
The apartheid era created all-white enclaves littered with anti-Black government propaganda and sheltered from the atrocities of apartheid.”
Not a great distance between apartheid and fascism.
dangerousbeans says
Maybe you should consider your own use of fascist memes? and that of your friends?
Don’t worry, I’m sure you’re being “ironic”
Akira MacKenzie says
@ 35
“Vhen I am punmpinG, I am CUMMING!”
John Morales says
[Akira, I can’t deny you know your lore]
Bekenstein Bound says
Oh Paul, you sweet summer child, surely you don’t think someone as rich as Musk actually does his own grinding, do you?
All your dated meme are belong to us.
John Morales says
BB, “some South African guy” could mean Trevor Noah or the dude that begged me for coins whilst loudly proclaiming his Christianity at the airport in Johannesburg.
Rhetorically, he’s just some guy, but actually, he’s the richest guy.
“A lot of people won’t buy a car from some South African guy” is the claim.
The reality is that a lot of people will, and it is not unprofitable.
Here, actual real world data:
4ll y0ur 0ld 1nt3rn3t j0k3s 4r3 0urs.
John Morales says
Um, the joke is that he couldn’t have done so unless.
(Your amount of acumen is by now ascertainable)
Raging Bee says
“Kekius Maximus?!” Really?! God’s death, this guy gives childish pretentiousness a bad name. Nazi-affiliated or not, that’s gotta be one of the top-ten stoopidest fake names ever.
Tethys says
Aw, is the entitled foreigner whinging again because nobody actually likes him even when he pays millions of dollars to ruin Twitter and then more millions to fuck over my country?
Vekius means evilness, Kakius means shittiness. Both are true, and I hope Tesla stock continues losing value as its owner devolves into a social pariah.
petesh says
Apparently Musk is aiming to take over the world. First the US, then Germany, then the UK … what is next? Well, pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall, as King James (not the Lakers guy) put it.
Raging Bee says
Pepe and kek are no longer associated with neo Nazi’s or 4chan. … The usage has breaded to the wider twitch/gaming culture and pretty much all twitch channels left, right, or apolitical all use pepe based memes.
That may be true, but he calls himself “Kekius MAXIMUS,” meaning MAXIMUM kekiness, which means ALL the meanings of that word, including (though not necessarily limited to) neo-Nazis and 4chan!
John Morales says
Tethys, I linked to Tesla stock @42. It’s been gaining value.
Tethys says
You might want to check the current trend of Tesla stock, which has been on a slide since it posted Q4 sales data showing declining numbers. I’m sure that’s one reason Maximum Shittiness is having a meltdown, besides the delightful part where the various factions of maga-mania are very predictably turning on each other.
377.70 USD −26.14 (6.47%)today
Jan 2, 3:42 PM EST
John Morales says
That’s why the line is jagged, Tethys.
Up and down all the time are stocks, so one looks at the trend over time.
For ref: one bitcoin is worth 156,171.73AUD
+3,609.70 (2.37%) today
John Morales says
I reckon you are imagining that; he’s happy as could be, actually.
(Wishful thinking is wishful)
dangerousbeans says
“Tesla stock is going up therefore it’s a successful car company” is an impressive misunderstanding of the situation. Yeah they make cars, but the stock bit is just a meme stock at this point. Tesla is valued significantly more than Toyota, despite selling about 1/5th of the cars
Reginald Selkirk says
Do you remember when Musk and tried to ignore legal orders from Brazil’s Supreme Court, so X got banned there; and then Brazil seized money from Starlink in order to fulfill X’s fines? And a lot of people claimed that was ridiculous because Musk’s various companies were all separate?
Elon Musk eyes a deal with his native South Africa to let SpaceX offer Starlink service in exchange for a Tesla battery plant, report says
birgerjohansson says
I am not so interested in his private life, it is bad enough he treats employees badly and sponsors evil Republicans. We already know from his social media presence that he has zero filter between brain and mouth and apparently not much impulse control nor many social skills.
John Morales says
Who do you imagine would make such a claim, dangerousbeans?
What I noted is that it’s been gaining value, directly contrasting to Tethy’s wishful thinking.
Besides, the share price is not the valuation.
As per my link, the valuation was $33.74B on 5/20/2019 and $1,395.06B on 12/09/2024.
It’s obviously worth more now than it was then.
John Morales says
Also, it’s a mistake to think of Tesla as a car company, though it is one.
Vertical integration at scale is a thing Musk likes, not just testing the political climate as Reginald noted.
See, for example,
A specific one:
I’m pretty sure batteries and motors and other components aren’t going to go out of fashion in the near term.
John Morales says
dangerousbeans says
@John Morales
That’s exactly what you said in 42
““A lot of people won’t buy a car from some South African guy” is the claim.
The reality is that a lot of people will, and it is not unprofitable.
Here, actual real world data:“
John Morales says
[dangerousbeans, everyone can see what each of us wrote]
unclefrogy says
that is not very surprising.
What Tesla did is make EVs cool and not a Nerdy fringey side issue not an insignificant accomplishment. EVs were going to happen thanks to the Oil market and global warming. It was in the right place at the right time and did the right thing. Now others can join this market segment with other cars and e-bikes and scooters and boats and airplanes as serious things.
Yes thank you for reminding me of the once powerful and highly influential Howard Hughes. The company of that name still exists but Howard fell pretty far from important celebrity and one of the movers and shakers, way before he died.
The similarity is kind of sad really
Bekenstein Bound says
Raging Bee said, right after someone farted:
One of the top ten, maybe, but it seems unlikely to unseat the champ, which, as anyone who wasn’t living under a rock in 2017 knows, is “Taserface”.
John Morales says
“Whoever smelt it, dealt it.”
Tethys says
Leave it to John Morales to fail to comprehend anything about human behavior, while making snide comments about my supposed wishful thinking.
The recent banning rampage on Xitter and his Kekius Maximus temper tantrum are strong evidence that Maximum Shithead is not happy.
He has huge issues about the fact that he isn’t truly liked by anyone, including all his former spouses and their various spawn.
John Morales says
So… once was “I’m sure that’s one reason Maximum Shittiness is having a meltdown”, but now is become “The recent banning rampage on Xitter and his Kekius Maximus temper tantrum are strong evidence that Maximum Shithead is not happy.”
And he has huge issues!
I am restricted as to my retorts, here.
But I do note your loving intent and your generous nature.
Ian King says
I think the interesting thing about these ‘nazi’ memes is that they were/are in general usage in parts of the internet, but it seems like the fascists hold on to them WAY after everyone else has moved on.
Also, changing your profile image to a pepe space marine should not be more of an indication of nazi sympathies than openly stating that white people are genetically superior and something needs to be done…
chrislawson says
Elon Musk’s views on race
dangerousbeans says
@ Ian King
Look up Ian Danskin’s (Innuendo studios) talk on gamergate. That stuff was everywhere as part of a coordinated effort to push fascist BS. A lot of people have realised it now, but there are still some who think it’s cool
StevoR says
Musk really has degenerated and gone pretty much full nazi now..
sheila says
When Dr Who first aired, the Darleks were a metaphor for Nazis. This was back in 1963 when people still remembered Nazis all too well.
Musk has become a Darlek.
raven says
Tesla did not have a good fourth quarter, 2024.
Their sales are down year over year.
I don’t know, maybe completely alienating half of your potential market wasn’t a good sales strategy.
John Morales says
Interesting snippet there: “On a philanthropic note, Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently donated 268,000 shares of his company to undisclosed charities, continuing his tradition of end-of-year charitable contributions.”
[datum] 408.89 +29.61(+7.81%) Real-time Data 07:16:57
Jagged lines, Tethys.
Tethys says
jagged lines
At no point did I mention how stock prices fluctuate, but whatever. I have zero interest in the topic beyond noting the drop coincides with a petulant kekius tantrum.
Tesla Rival Rivian’s Stock Has Best Day EverAs Surprise Post-Election Rally
Jan 3, 2025,04:16pm EST- Rivian stock rallied Friday to its biggest daily percentage gain ever as part of a broader automaker rally, continuing a strong stretch for the Tesla rival following the election and bucking conventional wisdom about what President-elect Donald Trump’s cold stance on electric vehicle subsidies may mean for Rivian stock.
Rivian And Volkswagen Increase Joint Venture Investment
Rivian stock has been a surprise post-election [+]
-Rivian stock rose 24.5% to $16.49, the steepest one-day gain since the company went public in November 2021, topping the prior mark set in June.
-The California-based automaker registered its highest intraday share price since July 23.
-The rally followed Rivian’s morning report revealing slightly better fourth-quarter car delivery data than Wall Street expected.
The 14,183 vehicles delivered last quarter topped consensus analyst estimates of about 13,000, according to FactSet, while Rivian’s 51,579 deliveries across 2024 edged out the consensus forecast of about 51,000.
Friday was a strong day for American car stocks across the board. Shares of bigger-footprint automakers Ford, General Motors and Tesla rose 2%, 1% and 8%, respectively. The Michigan-based Ford and General Motors each reported their best annual car sales since 2019, helping their share prices, while Tesla clawed back from its 6% loss Thursday after its fourth-quarter delivery data fell short of analyst projections.
More at the link, including analysis about Rivian EVs being eligible for tax credits under current legislation, which of course the dumpster fire wants to scrap.
John Morales says
You are the one tilting, Tethys. There is no meltdown, and as quoted by raven “The 495,930 deliveries fell short of the expected 510,400” whereas, as quoted by you, “The 14,183 vehicles delivered last quarter topped consensus analyst estimates of about 13,000”.
(And you’re still thinking of Tesla as just selling cars. Ah well)
John Morales says
“Tesla Energy Operations, Inc. is the clean energy division of Tesla, Incorporated that develops, manufactures, sells and installs photovoltaic solar energy generation systems, battery energy storage products and other related products and services to residential, commercial and industrial customers.”
Tethys says
I’m not thinking about Tesla at all. I am doing more productive and rewarding things like making pasta fagioli and a lovely loaf of bread. Currently taking a short tea break and then it’s time to shape my dough.
I am delighted with my first proof. It’s more than doubled in size, and escaping out of the bowl.
StevoR says
South Oz my state has good cause to remeber Musk’s big battery :
Source :
Although it has emerged that :
Source :
So that was one good thing Musk or at least his company accomplished and helped developed tech~wise
Musk used to be far more reasonable back when his uber-rich man’s hobby was rocketry and space travel rather than buying political power for Fascist extremists as he seems to be focusing on doing now :
Source :
Yeah, this is getting seriously worrying and ominous for democracy and those the leftwing of politics globally.
StevoR says
@68. As some may recall Musk’s politics not that many years ago was quite decent and respectable :
Source :
It looks to me like Musk has basically self-radicalised over the last five years or so. Helped by those he’s encouraged and who in turn have been cheering him onwards and further reichwards.
@36. monad :
Quoting for truth. Musk has become as noted again a fucking outright nazi at this point. I don’t think its really possible to deny that. I don’t think there’s any chance his silly trolling teh libs-y profile change is accidental or other than a statement of where he stands now politically & culturally.
Bekenstein Bound says
Sheldon Cooper understood something he doesn’t: if you want to be a dick to everyone around you and still be loved you have to be funny.
I object: there is no proof that these were philanthropic donations rather than misanthropic donations. Since they were “undisclosed charities” they may well have been right wing think tanks or other such nonprofits whose purpose is to hurt people or, at best, help those who need help the least rather than to help those who need it the most.
Bekenstein Bound says
Decent and respectable? He donated to Republicans.
John Morales says
“Sheldon Cooper understood something he doesn’t: if you want to be a dick to everyone around you and still be loved you have to be funny.”
That’s the fictional character who is a genius and also autistic, no?
(I’m neither of those, and I’m not fictional, either)
Silentbob says
@ Morales
Ad hominem. Thought you were supposed to be good at this stuff. ;-)
Tethys says
John just enjoys a rousing debate, and seems to take an interest in Musk. Everyone needs a hobby.
The loaf is rising magnificently, and I used the extra to make a pan of cherry pinwheels for dessert.
John Morales says
“John just enjoys a rousing debate, and seems to take an interest in Musk.”
Close. I dispute unwarranted claims.
“Ad hominem.”
I get a lot of that. Usually with a side dish of dehumanisation.
e.g. “Leave it to John Morales to fail to comprehend anything about human behavior”.
StevoR says
@67. dangerousbeans : “@ Ian King – Look up Ian Danskin’s (Innuendo studios) talk on gamergate.”
This one here? Endnote 5: A Case Study in Digital Radicalism (UC Merced Talk) 50 mins long. haven’t watched yet personally. Starts with swearing so WARNING swearing.
StevoR says
@79. Bekenstein Bound : “Decent and respectable? He (Musk -ed) donated to Republicans.”
Yes, well, relatively. Certianly compared what Musk has become since. He also used to donate to and vote for Democrats as well. (See #77.) Admittedly ever giving $$ to Repugs ain’t good but, again, compared to what Musk has degenerated into and how he’s shifted to the extreme reichwing he was at least relatively moderate and centrist once.
dangerousbeans says
@StevoR yeah that one. Although when discussing fascism and gamergate swearing seems entirely appropriate and the least of the warnings the topic needs
numerobis says
I’m pretty sure it’s just pure contradiction he enjoys. I’ve never seen him actually build on anything, or display basic literacy or numeracy skills.
A perfect partner for Silentbob, really.
It’s rather sad how useless it makes the discussion here. Probably I should move over to more baking endeavors myself.
indianajones says
@numerobis I reckon he’d correct Shakespeare’s spelling and claim arrogantly it was an improvement. Then get upset at being called arrogant.
John Morales says
I must concede I also think that the proportion of people who are as innumerate and illiterate as I am is rather minuscule.
(Quite interesting, this gossiping that accrues around me — everything from insecure with low self-esteem to arrogant but upset at the supposed epithet. Evidently, I am remarkable)
John Morales says
BTW, Tethys: “You might want to check the current trend of Tesla stock, which has been on a slide since it posted Q4 sales data showing declining numbers.”
Good suggestion; here: 410.44 +31.16 (+8.22%) today.
(Your figures at the time were 377.70 USD −26.14 (6.47%)today)
Rob Grigjanis says
John can be a pain in the arse, but he is neither innumerate nor illiterate. Criticize by all means, but don’t make shit up.
Bekenstein Bound says
On the nexus between Gamergate and the far-right, an excellent (but long) read would be Elizabeth Sandifer’s Neoreaction a Basilisk. If you want to know what was going on in the way of developments on the far right in the years leading up to Trump 2016, that should be one of your main sources.
John Morales says
[Gamergate was well and truly and extensively featured on this blog both at the time and its aftermath, BB]
Tethys says
Current is the operative term in that quote from two days ago John. I’m still not interested in a discussion about stock markets or Tesla.
The pasta and bread were delicious!
John Morales says
Tethys, the very first mention of Tesla stock was yours.
An interesting approach given your professed lack of interest, and so I mistakenly thought you had some interest in the topic.
Fair enough.
Silentbob says
@ Grigjanis
But can he not be. In over a decade he has been unable to rise to this challenge.
John Morales says
Silentbob, well, you did diagnose me with low self-esteem.
I am of course your veriest most favourite subject. By far.
My dedicated hatefan.
Shame I can no longer have fun with you, but I can still appeal to reality.
John Morales says
I kinda wish you weren’t such an arsehole to me, dedicating yourself for years now to popping into threads just to bullshit about me and my supposed trollishness.
Again: you do the very thing you claim I do.
You just can’t cope with the fact that I wear no mask.
StevoR says
@86. dangerousbeans : “@StevoR yeah that one. Although when discussing fascism and gamergate swearing seems entirely appropriate and the least of the warnings the topic needs.”
Excellent video. Did watch it yesterday and thanks.
StevoR says
@ John Morales & SilentBob : Could you two just ignore each other & /or get a room already?
John Morales says
StevoR, do you imagine ignoring the pest will make him less pestiferous?
I have an obsessive hatefan who will regularly pops into threads (like this one, @81) purely to slyme on me, and I already tried to ignore him back in the first year of this 4-year long session.
That’s what bob the Unsilent does. Has done, for years. Over multiple blogs.
Go get a room with fucking boobiferant, if that’s what you want to do, but stop trying to pretend it’s both of us. There is no ‘us’.
There is a persistent pest, and there are my responses to the pest.
I can’t possibly respond unless I am provoked and needled, and I’m not gonna cop shit just because it annoys you that I respond to my hatefan.
I will stop responding when he stops needling.
Am I sufficiently clear for you?
There is most certainly no ‘us’, any more than there is an ‘us’ between you and I.
Tell him to stop pestering me, and there will no longer be responses from me about his pestering.
I assure you it annoys me at least as much as it annoys you, but I’m not one to shut up and cop abuse just because you can’t cope with the display.
It’s not cool or edgy just to pop into threads to abuse someone, and it’s also not that cool or edgy to fucking whinge to the person who is standing up for themself.
Get this: there is no ‘us’. No rooms to be had.
Got it?
I can explain in further detail, if I am still too fucking obscure for you.
StevoR says
@ ^ John Morales : Fair enough. That’s clear.
Silentbob : Will you stop pestering John Morales please? If he never refers to you again will you do likewise?
StevoR says
FWIW I also agree with #91 Rob Grigjanisés comment upthread too.
Bekenstein Bound says
Unfortunately, turns out you’re that guy from Phantom of the Opera and you really should.
To all reading this thread: if you heard a fizzing sound or a pop, check your irony meter immediately. It may need replacing after that.
John Morales says
BB, alas, my musicology is non-existent, and I have no architectural aptitude, and you’ve failed to understand my allusion, though this is the third time. Oh, and I’m not a jealous guy.
But yes, irony.
You pop in to write comments like “Unfortunately, turns out you’re that guy from Phantom of the Opera and you really should”, and talk about irony meters.
(Your script-kiddie version of cargo-cult internet snark is remarkable in its pathos)
chigau (違う) says
Did you know that in Base 10, numbers that are divisible by 3, the sum of their digits is divisible by 3.
and numbers that are divisible by 9, the sum of their digits is divisible by 9.
John Morales says
No point these days, chigau.
Used to be a thing, a demonstration of geekiness.
John Morales says
[I do know what you are doing, chigau. Now, my immaturity is exposed! :) ]
Ichthyic says
“Leave it to John Morales to fail to comprehend anything about human behavior””
you’ve been getting the same message for literally decades now. for as long as you have been here for sure.
it’s not an attempt at dehumanization. it’s an attempt to get you to recognize when you are being completely clueless. as you are wont to do… frequently. You quite literally refuse to see your own flaws in this area. to the point where people like me, feel the need to embarrass ourselves to point it out to you, again. You have… issues. realize this, and deal with it rather than pretending they do not exist.
John Morales says
No, I don’t, Ichthyic.
You, however, are a bit of a mess. Psychologically, I mean.
shermanj says
I don’t think PZ wants to run a child-care center here. The commenters here are generally an intelligent lot. I had hoped that the petty, childish personal attacks here had mostly ceased. I am saddened at the waste of time needed to wade through the childishness to get to the substantial comments. It degrades these articles.
Please, people, act like responsible, topic-focused adults, not petty children.
shermanj says
One final on-topic observation: I am disgusted that the elongated muskrat has amassed 210 million imbecilic followers!
dangerousbeans says
Probably mostly fake accounts. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of his staff just bought followers for his account, but also it’s useful for scam accounts to follow a few people to create a veneer of legitimacy, and Elon is an obvious target for that
StevoR says
@112. Shermanj : Turns out $$ can buy love – or can it?
Like the POTUS he purchased Musk does seem insatiable and insecure as F.
StevoR says
Tangential but Owen Jones clip here – Elon Musk Humiliates Nigel Farage: If Only They Could Both Lose – ten mins long.