Tantalizing possibilities

Quite a few people sent me a link to this Foxtrot comic with the remote-controlled squid.


They were all just trying to tease me cruelly, because they knew it would be my favorite summertime pool toy, and they don’t exist. I looked everywhere, but the closest I could get was a remote-controlled robot shark, which is only almost as good.


Although, if we could mount laser beams on their heads…


  1. says

    It shouldn’t be too hard to make a remote-controlled squid, should it? That bunching motion looks fairly replicable.

    But how do squid turn corners?

  2. Russell says

    Seems to me there ought to be a research grant in creating a robot that accurately replicates squid movement, both forward and back. :-)

  3. Jeffrey Boser says

    They have to be frikkin laser beams, which I think is a technical term about their frequency or something.

  4. ColinB says

    Any squid robot had better have a better run-time that that shark – it only lasts 15mins on the one battery!

    That’s just not enough time for squidly fun…

  5. Russell says

    What is the familial adjective for squids? If things related to cows are bovine, and things related to wolves are lupine, and things related to horses are equine, then things related to squids are…?

    “Squiddy” just doesn’t give these cephalopods the dignity they deserve. “Cephalopodal” sounds contrived. Surely squids have an adjective!

  6. says

    A jet-powered squid that can envelop and drag-to-the-deeps any Fisher Price boat would get my consumer dollars!

  7. says

    Are they ill tempered?

    “Perturbed,” I think.

    If things related to cows are bovine, and things related to wolves are lupine, and things related to horses are equine, then things related to squids are…?

    Cephalopodine, perhaps? Whereas those things only comparable to squids (and octopi) would be cephalopodesque.

  8. quork says

    Let’s take an example and look at the classification:
    Dosidicus gigasHumboldt Squid

    Kingdom Animalia– animals
    Phylum Mollusca– molluscs, mollusks
    Class Cephalopoda– octopuses, squids
    Subclass Coleoidea
    Superorder Decabrachia
    Order Teuthida
    Suborder Oegopsina
    Family Ommastrephidae
    Subfamily Ommastrephinae
    Genus Dosidicus
    Species Dosidicus gigas– jumbo squid

    Pick your level of taxonomy and turn it into a modifier.

  9. Russell says

    I kind of like decabrachine, which is nicely parallel to octopine. Are there decabrachines that aren’t really squid? Of course, I guess that’s sort of like asking what’s really a zebra.

  10. says

    Pick your level of taxonomy and turn it into a modifier.

    For sheer euphony, I like coleoidean. As in, “Wow, that’s wicked coleoidean, dude!”

  11. HP says

    What is the familial adjective for squids?

    I vote for teuthine.

    It’s short and sweet, and goes well with bovine, ursine, ovine, etc.

    Alternatively, how about calamarine?

  12. Pierce Presley says

    Robotic squid, hell! I’m still waiting for my Tyrannosauruses in F-16s!

    Of course, why restrict ourselves to taxonomic items. I vote for krakenic or inkfishy.