Tangled Bank #54 » « She got in Poor Nancy Pearcey I almost feel sorry for Nancy Pearcey. Almost. Nick Matzke shreds the poor woman, and I felt a faint twinge of sympathy…but such ignorance and mendacity deserves the treatment she gets. Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet Tangled Bank #54 » « She got in
Sastra says 23 May 2006 at 10:45 pm As Ms. Pearcey says, “the logic of ID is different from Creationism.” And she clearly spells out the difference: “(C)reationism was founded by people who were bible-believing christians … But that’s not the way you talk to people who don’t share your beliefs.”
G. Tingey says 24 May 2006 at 4:13 am Caught lying and cheating. Red-handed. Will this make any difference? Naaah …..
As Ms. Pearcey says, “the logic of ID is different from Creationism.” And she clearly spells out the difference:
“(C)reationism was founded by people who were bible-believing christians … But that’s not the way you talk to people who don’t share your beliefs.”
Caught lying and cheating.
Will this make any difference?
Naaah …..