What are you doing this weekend? THAT WAS RHETORICAL OF COURSE because I already know you’ll be hanging out at FtB’s Carnival of Curiosity, already underway! So many fun, funny and fabulous events are planned for you by my beloved FtB comrades, and they’re all FREE! Though we will gratefully accept any tokens of your appreciation (in the form of US dollars plz). Because it turns out that free speech isn’t free, even when you win the lawsuit.
I know you will be so delighted, amused and wildly entertained you will magnanimously contribute a few bucks to our legal fund (here).
WTF are you even doing here?! Grab some virtual refreshments and GTFOver there already!
Catering courtesy of our sponsors:
Vander Pluym Vineyards
Bitch Brewery
DeathToSquirrels Desserts
UPDATE: Okay fine. If you’re just here for the free booze and snacks killing time before another Carnival of Curiosity event, please go grab some popcorn and enjoy my (first, last, only and very very short) debut film: Boss Bitch Fight Challenge II – The Reckoning.
Watch the video, that is all.
Were any squirrels harmed in the making of this video?
Great job! The best part was B****.
Thank you so much Jazzlet and larpar. No squirrels were harmed, maimed, tortured, executed or even slightly inconvenienced in the making of this video UNFORTUNATELY. But same cannot be said of the bitchez: the blood on the ballerina’s right knee @1:03 is real from the fall in that take. There were other accidents too, including the curtain rod crashing down on Sylvia Killvia @0:37. I forgot to include “Do NOT hurt yourself” in my directions to participants, and even failed to take heed myself. SMH.