Flex? Dennis K? Writing Freaks?

TURBO Writing Weekend is upon us!  I said I’d write 50k in four days (17th-20th), starting at midnight PST in a few hours (UTC -0800), with my husband doing the same.  Flex said he’d write 25k in two days (18th-19th, time zone unknown), and Dennis K said he might show for an undefined lesser goal.  Anybody else want into this monstrous event?  My dude has cultivated a fancy google sheet you can use to track your progress!  As a shared sheet there may be some oddities to it, like, it’s gonna have four days on it whether you wanted to write in four days or not.  But you can set your word count goal, and it’ll show you how far you are through that – plus how we are all collectively doing on the Group Stats page.

Anybody who wants in, say so below, and I will invite you to the doc by sending you an email.  Don’t post your email publicly; I can see that as admin of my blog.  This should keep out vandals.  Holler at your dogg.  Creating your own tracking page is done by duplicating the TEMPLATE – Word Tracker and renaming it with your handle; adding you to the group stats may take some work by my husband, but he’s willing.

Make a Bank Full of Money

You ever wanted to write a formulaic thriller, sell it to boomers, and cash out big time?  Look no further!  November is Novel Writing Month (nondenominational) and in honor of the season of slapdash bullshitting, I converted a certain famous author’s formula into Mad Libs™ so you can easily write one of your own!  Save a copy of my Secret Thrilla Document before I delete the link (EDIT: deleted!) to keep myself out of trouble, and replace all the all-caps text with your own material – then get to writing!

Chop chop!  I wanna see my comment section filling up with Billy O’Nairs!