Some prominent dems have signaled willingness to work with the repugnant. Should they? Or should they just stonewall and annoy, as much as is possible from minority positions? I don’t know. Yes, everything the nazis have said that they desire is literally evil, the kind of stuff that should be opposed by all decent people with everything they have. On the other hand, this is what the US wanted. The nazis have a mandate.
Literally speaking, it isn’t what the people actually wanted, right? All the polls say those positions would fail if given simple majority polls of all people in the US. But that isn’t how things work. You have to vote. This is the thing about red state people saying “my vote doesn’t count”: Yes, it doesn’t decide the election, but it helps set the tone of the national conversation. By not caring enough to show up, you said, “nazis, fuck it, take it all.” Now they have, and they will get to goose step all over our asses, for as long as they can stave off self-destruction.
And it will have to be self-destruction, because without earth-shattering numbers of people voting blue next time, it will be impossible to break through the wall of voter obstruction they are going to erect the second they take office. We know americans are too bitchy provincial and lazy to make that shit happen, so we are officially at T minus X days til more than a decade of fascist rule.
So what do you do, as a non-genocidal body filling the loser seat on Capitol Hill? Oppose and obstruct as much as you can, or play some kind of ball? If one of the ball-players manages to wheedle the fascists into being 2% less deadly to innocent people, that’s worth doing. It will be degrading, humiliating, frustrating, and tragic to behold, over and over and over again. So much failure ahead of them. But still, some lives might be saved?
Any dems with that in mind are going to have to pick their battles. Obstruct on some days, play ball on others. It’s just how it is now. At many times over the last few decades, it’s the way it has been – only now it’s a lot worse, and going to stay that way. Meanwhile, smarmy anti-voting anarcho-fools will point to AOC signing off on some reprehensible bill as proof they’re all out to get you, even when it was the best thing she could do to eke out a better chance of survival for her constituency.
America didn’t want fascism, but didn’t know enough or care enough to stop it, and they will not have a choice next time around. So for those of us who are vulnerable, it’s all about picking our battles. For some, that will mean never coming out of the closet, leaving the country, shining stormtrooper boots on monday and trading illegal art on tuesday. For some, it will mean joining La Résistance. For many, it’s going to be some combination of the two.
At some point you’re going to be forced by circumstance to play nice with your mortal enemy. (Black people have to do this every time they get stopped by a cop.) Don’t let it defeat you, in your heart. Keep keeping on, my friends. Eventually, we’ll get through it. And if we don’t live long enough to see the other side, we can still live well, in whatever ways we can find. Power on.
Sorry, I never explained the title. It’s kind of obscure to most of us in the USA. There is a concept from part of Chinese history that overlaps with mythology, that you can win the blessing of rulership from Heaven itself, if you get a cool magic artifact or whatever. I half-remembered that when I thought about our incipient theocracy. The dominionists threw a little lasso around the foot of a golden toad, and now they can ride behind him as he leaps across the night sky, raining despair and violence like sweat as he goes. Blessed be.
another stewart says
I have a different understanding of the concept. (It’s not a trinket like Excalibur.) The Mandate of Heaven is lost if the government doesn’t rule well. The flip side is that rebellion is justified if the government is oppressive or incompetent.
Great American Satan says
thanks! i love the education in comments.
the text where i learned about the chinese version probably came by way of a former brit colony like hong kong, and applied the english phrase to a vaguely similar concept. i feel like in the bs i read, the first emperor killed a big fish with a repeating crossbow to get a magic tripod? don’t make me google it lol.i should try not to open my mouth before i read. that was about the chinese. well now, i wonder what crack my source was smokin.Great American Satan says
i couldn’t find the source but i found enuf related biz to see i was confusing some facts. but the mandate was associated with nine tripod cauldrons, like, if you had them it was a good sign.
another stewart says
WikiPedia also has an article on the Nine Tripod Cauldrons. It seems that the cauldrons were lost long ago, but the concept of the Mandate of Heaven survived in altered forms.
I’ve no real idea how, if at all, the concept of the Mandate of Heaven affects contemporary Chinese politics. Mao was sidelined after the failure of the Great Leap Forward and the consequent Great Chinese Famine, which could be seen as an application of the principle, but launched the Cultural Revolution to regain power, in defiance of the principle.