… I left my first comment on Pharyngula. A couple of days later, I repurposed my “Digital Cuttlefish” blog for reposting of comments on the various Science Blogs, so Saturday will be my 8th blog anniversary. Four years on blogspot, four years on FtB, I’ve seen my readership go from single digits to a thousand a day, and back down to maybe half that on the days I have written something.
I honestly have no idea how many original verses I have written over that time–certainly over a thousand (I have over 2,000 posts here, but some are repeats, and I tend not to count limericks). I invented a verse form, and there are over 2 dozen examples of the “sepielle” scattered here and there. I’ve got ballads, hymns, parodies, sonnets, villanelles, and basically more doggerel than you can shake a cuttlebone at. I have enjoyed the company here, both the other bloggers at FtB and (especially) my wonderful commenters.
So, thanks! Time to start another lap!
Happy anniversary!!
2007 – a lot of sepia-stained water under the bridge since then.
The Digital Cuttlefish goes online and Wall Street gets the shakes – what do they know the rest of us don’t?
love your blog
glad i found it
Happy Anniversery!
May we have many more.
Congratulations, and here’s to many more of ’em. Happy cuttleversary, full of cuttleverses.
Tell ya what, you keep writing ’em, I’ll keep reading ’em.
Happy Cuttleversary!
8 years and still wonderfully creative. An amazing body of work.
I’m disappointed. You didn’t celebrate your anniversary in verse.
Seconding Al Dente. I feel betrayed.
Happy Cuttleversary!
I didn’t think cuttlefish lived that long. I am the suspicious.
Possibly cuttlefish reincarnate.
Quoting myself from roughly three years ago:
This was a (failed) attempt to use Cuttlefish’s very own verse form, but I think I did manage to express how I felt quite well.
Thank you, Cuttlefish.
Only 8 years? I would have guessed that I had been enjoying cuttle-poems for longer than that but apparently my memory is not trustworthy. I know that I started well before FtB came along. Keep ’em coming D.C.
Eat well, stay fit, Die Anyway