I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I sold my old Ski-Do;
With a POTUS like Obama, there was nothing else to do
It was that or breathe the chemtrails that had turned the water blue
I’m so fed up with the tyranny… so what’s the deal with you?
I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I bought another gun
That makes twenty-two for me, now, and a dozen for my son
Though he doesn’t really use them, cos he’s only just turned one
I’m so fed up with the tyranny… It’s like a war’s begun!
I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I’m marching in D.C.
Well, I’m mostly there in spirit, cos the trip’s too much for me
I don’t want to miss the news feed that I get from FOX TV
I’m so fed up with the tyranny that network lets me see.
I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I want to break some laws!
See, I love the Constitution—each amendment; every clause—
Well, there’s one that speaks to Property I don’t much like, because
I’m so fed up with the tyranny, and protests get applause
Operation American Spring begins today, and with it a banquet, a feast, a cornucopia of word salad. All you can eat, or perhaps all you can stomach.
Maitre d’ Mark Connors’s radio show was on hand 10 miles away, keeping the salad bowl full:
A caller from North Carolina said he feared Obama would declare martial law and begin executing Christian citizens as a prelude to civil war.
“We learned one thing from the Bundy ranch,” the caller said. “If you are armed, they will not pose a threat to the people protesting. If you are not armed, you are a target — plain and simple.”
Another caller from Michigan said he was more concerned about government manipulation of natural resources.
“I’m so fed up with the tyranny I sold my jet ski,” the caller said. “I’m so fed up with the way the government is manipulating the water with the chemtrails, I’m afraid I can’t even use my jet ski.”
“I’m so fed up with the tyranny I sold my jet ski” is such a wonderful phrase. It calls to mind all the sacrifices made in wartime by patriots of the past. Years from now, I’m sure he’ll be telling his grandchildren of his sacrifice, and the other old-timers will chime in with tales of sacrifice of their own:
I’m so fed up with the tyranny I took up ballroom dancing.
I’m so fed up with the tyranny I learned to putt left-handed.
I’m so fed up with the tyranny I got a Brazilian wax job.
I’m so fed up with the tyranny I sat in my La-Z-Boy and applauded Sean Hannity.
Comments are open for non sequiturs. How fed up with the tyranny are you?
I’m so fed up with tyranny, I…squirrel!
I’m so fed up with tyranny I gave my data to NSA voluntarily!
“I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I had another affair.” –Newt Gingrich
I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I gave up being fed up!
I’m so fed up
With tyrannup
I steamed
And screamed
And had a pup
‘I’m back in the
USSRUSA’ and about to start digesting all those Hairimeraku…I’m so fed up with tyranny I posted a comment on a liberal/atheist website! Several of them! Just today!
I’m so fed up with tyranny I argued with you, because freeze peach!
I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I drove to DC on the Interstate Highway System!
I’m so fed up with the tyranny I’m drinkin’ non-alcoholic beer!
The revolution would have been held today if only umbrellas had been invented.
I’m so fed up with the tyranny my blood pressure rose. So I pried my obese body out of my Lay Z Boy, shut down my computer that had been using the Internet to access FoxNews.com, went to the bank to get my Social Security check cashed, and drove on government-paved roads to see my Medicare-funded doctor.
The guy who bought the ski jet wasn’t fed up enough.
What’s so bad about tyranny?
Too much tyranny is never enough.
I’m so fed up with tyranny that I burned my library card!
I’m so fed up with tyranny that I twisted the top of my Oreo off in a counterclockwise motion.
I’m so fed up with the tyranny I’ve sworn off the irony.
I’m so fed up with tyranny that I played a chord that was all open strings!!!
Is there any greater tyranny than paranoia in the employ of ignorance? (Which I believe was the first title for Operation American Spring)
I’m so fed up with tyranny I threw my cocktail in my swimming pool.
I’m so fed up with the tyranny that I thanked Obama.
Someone on a message board I frequent summed it up as, “Tyranny is a jackboot smashing into a jet ski registration – forever
I’m so fed up with tyranny that I’m going to ask both my maid, my cook, AND my gardener to get more of their kids to enlist so that I’m doing my part.
I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I made a non sequitur.
I’m so fed up with tyranny …I learned to rope cattle.
I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I wrote a little song
About my love for Quantum Leap, and where it all went wrong.
(I know whereof I speak
And there’s no denying that.)
I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I wrote a little more
To tell those who come after me to kindly oil the door.
(The hinges sometimes squeak
And they tend to wake the cat.)
I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I wrote another verse
To tell you that my itchy toes may just be getting worse.
(I have bunions hard as teak
So I’m rubbing them with fat.)
I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I wrote a further stanza
To sell my shoes on Craigslist in a major Crocs bonanza
(Some pairs are quite unique
Though the soles are trodden flat.)
I’m so fed up with the tyranny, I’m giving up this lark
But if you can think of anything, just blame it on Barak.
(Think my logic’s pretty weak?
Well it’s fine from where I’m sat!)