Aha! Cuttleifsh! I have just driven cross country with the cuttlefish proudly displayed – and somewhere in south Georgia, we were flagged down by a carful of young fellows at a red light. They were smiling, thumbs up and pointing to the back window! :-D I tried to get a look at their own back window but there was a sudden flurry of traffic and I couldn’t pay attention.
Looks like you have fans in Georgia!!! I am so excited! I have half a mind to order more stickers and keep them in the glovebox so I can hand one out the window if that ever happens again! :D
Yay! If the other Georgians want to ‘fess up, that would be ssooooooo cool! Meanwhile, hey, you survived Georgia, which is no small feat! (I keed, I keed!)
Seriously, though, this makes me so happy…
Finally had nice weather to apply sticker. Went to carefully-set-aside place where sticker was. Spouse had “cleaned up” and has no idea what it was or where it went, which means it went straight in the trash. *headdesk*
Are those anything like Rocky Mountain Oysters? Or the Pacific Northwest Arboreal Octopus?
More the latter, I think, Trebuchet–they apparently drop down and latch onto unsuspecting vehicles.
Oh, I am sorely tempted.
I can’t put one on my own car until I am assured that there are enough out there to protect my identity. So get one, dammit, F!
Oh, and a shirt, and a mug, and a book, and…
Aha! Cuttleifsh! I have just driven cross country with the cuttlefish proudly displayed – and somewhere in south Georgia, we were flagged down by a carful of young fellows at a red light. They were smiling, thumbs up and pointing to the back window! :-D I tried to get a look at their own back window but there was a sudden flurry of traffic and I couldn’t pay attention.
Looks like you have fans in Georgia!!! I am so excited! I have half a mind to order more stickers and keep them in the glovebox so I can hand one out the window if that ever happens again! :D
Yay! If the other Georgians want to ‘fess up, that would be ssooooooo cool! Meanwhile, hey, you survived Georgia, which is no small feat! (I keed, I keed!)
Seriously, though, this makes me so happy…
Finally had nice weather to apply sticker. Went to carefully-set-aside place where sticker was. Spouse had “cleaned up” and has no idea what it was or where it went, which means it went straight in the trash. *headdesk*