A news item that’s not being reported yet (Twitter can be very useful for that) – Maajid Nawaz got a motion on free speech and the right to blaspheme passed at the LibDems conference a few hours ago.
Maajid 4 H&K @MaajidLibDem 6 hours ago
Motion on free speech & right to blaspheme PASSED!
Well done.
It’s really standing up for the right to free speech since ‘to blaspheme’ has, or should have, no application in liberal democratic societies. Whoever the the LibDems are they’ve made a serious error of judgement, the concept of ‘blasphemy’ is better rejected rather than acknowledged.
Don’t turn your right to dissent over to terrorists, extremists and democrats.
Ask your representatives:
What are their views on Sharia Law?
What do they think about the following statements:
The West Will Tolerate Itself To Death.
Why Do We Tolerate Violence Against Women?
What are their plans to halt violence against women around world including:
1) Female genital mutilation
2) Punishing rape victims
3) Honor killing
4) Strapping bombs to children
5) Sexually enslaving women
6) Murdering homosexuals
7) Child marriage
8) Domestic Violence
9) Disciplining or Punishing Wives