A lot of people of late have been retweeting about this very brave presenter. She took a brave risk on air telling the cleric what she really thought of of his antediluvian way of behaving. More power to her for taking a stance. The women of Egypt should take a leaf from her book.
That was fantastic, but it wasn’t just about her hijab. I think she would have kept it on for him if he’d agreed to address the topics she wanted. Reluctantly, yes, but still. I think she came out of it looking fantastic whereas he looked like a cornered weasel.
I found it amusing — in a rather sick way — that once the scarf came off, he refused to look at her. While he knew he was on camera, that is: he had no problem looking at her before the interview started. It was almost like he was deathly afraid he might get cooties or something, or maybe that hair on a woman was an obscenity (he certainly seemed to have no problem with exposing his own hair.)
Al Dentesays
The Jesus and Mo cartoon up today is appropriate. “Thank you for not provoking my uncontrollable lust.”
Hi, Al Dente. For the record the permalink for that one is Jesus and Mo.
I imagine he an Pat Roberson would be the best of friends.
Journalism – how the fuck does it work?
“I’m the one leaving, not you” *literally drops mic*
A lot of people of late have been retweeting about this very brave presenter. She took a brave risk on air telling the cleric what she really thought of of his antediluvian way of behaving. More power to her for taking a stance. The women of Egypt should take a leaf from her book.
That. Was. AWESOME.
That was fantastic, but it wasn’t just about her hijab. I think she would have kept it on for him if he’d agreed to address the topics she wanted. Reluctantly, yes, but still. I think she came out of it looking fantastic whereas he looked like a cornered weasel.
Hehe, what Jackie said ^.^
I found it amusing — in a rather sick way — that once the scarf came off, he refused to look at her. While he knew he was on camera, that is: he had no problem looking at her before the interview started. It was almost like he was deathly afraid he might get cooties or something, or maybe that hair on a woman was an obscenity (he certainly seemed to have no problem with exposing his own hair.)
The Jesus and Mo cartoon up today is appropriate. “Thank you for not provoking my uncontrollable lust.”
Hi, Al Dente. For the record the permalink for that one is Jesus and Mo.
Jackie, I’m sure as soon as Pat Robertson heard about the 1,000 pounds he rang the guy up to see if he wanted to invest in a diamond mine.
Presumably someone conversant in Arabic would have objected if the (clearly too few) subtitles were blatantly mistranslated.
That said, I still suspect the source: MEMRI has long had a reputation as an <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East_Media_Research_Institute"<Israel-lobby mouthpiece.
Groveling apologies for the HTMess in # 12!
Anyone who fails to grovel at the feet of HAMAS, the Brotherhood, the Mullahs etc. is guaranteed to ‘have a reputation as an Israel Lobby mouthpiece.’
Without that threat people might dare to ‘offend’ the poor little dears.
I applauded out loud.