There’s an anti-abortion rally going on in Dublin, a rally the organizers have the nerve to call “pro-life.” Pro whose life, you disgusting creeps? Not pro Savita Halappanavar’s life. Not pro the life of the children she wanted and planned to live to have in the future.
Thousands of people are taking part in a ‘Rally for Life’ in Dublin city centre this afternoon.
Earlier, Archbishops Diarmuid Martin and Éamon Martin concelebrated mass in St Saviour’s Church in Dominick Street in advance of the rally.
Dr Martin told the congregation that every human life was sacred from the “moment of conception” until natural death.
The rally will pass through the city centre from Parnell Square to Leinster House.
Among the speakers will be Declan Ganly who is expected to call on Taoiseach Enda Kenny to put the Protection of lIfe During Pregnancy Bill 2013 to a vote of the people.
In hopes that the people will vote no, don’t protect [the woman’s] life during pregnancy, let her die the way Savita died.
Pro-life groups from all over the country were represented at the march with an initial gathering stretching across two sides of Parnell Square but that number was expected to grow at the rally in Kildare Street – outside the Dail
There was a large garda presence. A small pro-choice counter demonstration was taking place at the spire on O’Connell Street.
Earlier Archbishop Diarmuid Martin said in a homily at Mass in Church of St. Dominick, Dublin that the Christian message is a message which respects life and respects every human life, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death and at every moment in-between.
“It respects the life of the unborn; it cherishes and wishes to protect the lives of mothers and mothers to be,’ the Archbishop said.
No it doesn’t. The archbishop told a lie there.
“. . . respects every human life. . ” What a crock. They don’t give a good goddamn about most lives on earth after they are born, and women’s lives end the moment conception occurs in their bodies. Pietistic bullshit.