
  1. smhll says

    I like this guy. However, he leans a little bit on homophobic tropes around the 1 minute mark. (I guess since he’s Poe-ing he sort of has to be terrible?)

  2. ugfabian . says

    I’ve never understood the popularity of the Amazing Atheist. I guess it’s a cultural thing.

  3. Stacy says

    TAA has over 400,000 subscribers? That’s depressing. How many dim atheists are there?

  4. says

    I’ve never understood the popularity of the Amazing Atheist

    I liked some of his videos… until I realized that he wasn’t joking.

    No, seriously. I honestly thought he was kidding.

  5. mofa says

    Dan is a feminist comedian. His videos are pure satire. Why can’t a number of you see this?!

  6. mofa says


    #8 :

    “I liked some of his videos… until I realized that he wasn’t joking.

    No, seriously. I honestly thought he was kidding”.

    If the comment above is NOT double, double, double, double bluff…then you could be right.

  7. mofa says

    But what I forgot to mention and what I really think is that comment #8 has no bluff in it at all and that you are wrong.

  8. athyco says

    Why can’t a number of you see this?!

    But what I forgot to mention and what I really think is that comment #8 has no bluff in it at all and that you are wrong.

    One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do.

    None can be as sad as one; it’s the loneliest number since the number one (had its antecedent misunderstood).

  9. says

    Yeah, to be clear; Dan and the Amazing Atheist are two very different people. One is joking, the other is not. One is the person speaking in the video, the other is the one he’s speaking about. One is a comedian, the other is a vicious pile of hyena poop.

  10. mofa says

    I apologise, I was wrong. Sorry. I came here straight from PZ Myers post on another Dan video where Brony and someone else were confused about Dan’s sarcasam. Everyone here is switched on and I, on this ocassion, was not.

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