The church covers up

In Australia a Detective Chief Inspector in NSW has written a letter to the Premier. He’s been a cop for 35 years.

Having spent most of those years at the coal face I have seen the worst society can dredge up, particularly the evil of paedophilia within the Catholic Church.

That’s noteworthy, isn’t it – the worst he’s seen is within an institution that is supposed to stand for the ultimate in Goodness.

Often the church knows but does nothing other than protect the paedophile and its own reputation. It certainly doesn’t report abuse as revealed by the current Victorian inquiry.

I can testify from my own experience that the church covers up, silences victims, hinders police investigations, alerts offenders, destroys evidence and moves priests to protect the good name of the church. None of that stops at the Victorian border.

Read that carefully. Pretend you’ve never heard about this before. The church silences victims, hinders police investigations, alerts offenders, destroys evidence.

Maybe after a few more decades and a few thousand more letters like that, something will be done.


  1. says

    Bizarre, his kids go to a Catholic school and he is not ‘anti-Catholic’… Why the hell not? The ‘Catholic’ part of christianity is the church and organisation – exactly the people hiding and enabling child abuse on a massive scale. How can you not be absolutely disgusted by the whole damn lot of them and their bullshit I don’t know. What ‘moral authority’ that we atheists are supposedly lacking do they have exactly? Tim Minchin said it, fuck the pope and fuck anyone helping abusers.

  2. Rodney Nelson says

    Often the church knows but does nothing other than protect the paedophile and its own reputation.

    The sheer hypocrisy of the Church acting in an obviously immoral manner while claiming to be the moral authority on Earth is stunning.

  3. otrame says

    The sheer hypocrisy of the Church acting in an obviously immoral manner while claiming to be the moral authority on Earth is stunning.

    How about the sheer stupidity of decent people who still call themselves Catholic? That is what stuns me.

  4. davidbrindley says

    An additional side note.

    Various Australian State Governments are creating ever tougher laws to fight “bikie gang culture”. Now I agree that these gangs are often criminal organisations, some of the laws go too far in restricting personal freedoms.

    Now some of the bikie gang leaders are questioning why they are all being condemned as criminals yet the same criteria are not applied to the RC Church. And I think they have a fair point.

    The law must target all criminal gangs, not just a select few. If the laws applicable to bikie gangs were also applied to the RC church we would see armed police storming mass and arresting everybody on “suspicion of engaging in a criminal act”.

    And I’d pay to see that!

  5. 'dirigible says

    Oh but catholicism is an oppressed minority in protestant countries so you can’t attack people’s identities in that way.

  6. Moggie says

    silences victims, hinders police investigations, alerts offenders, destroys evidence.

    I think that merits the term “organised crime”, don’t you?

  7. says

    “The church silences victims, hinders police investigations, alerts offenders, destroys evidence.”
    It’s absolutely staggering to read that similar types tactics have been used in a far off distant country. I’m transported back to Ireland and the commission to inquire into child institutional abuse, whereupon the same old spiel prevailed. It’s all about power ,and cover ups, and the church knows it has the the clout to shut up society.

  8. John Morales says

    Additional: Former priest alleges ‘system of cover-ups’ of abuse

    A former New South Wales priest claims to have witnessed a “system of cover-ups” within the Catholic Church to hide child sexual abuse.


    “I became aware that some of the other priests were actually paedophiles and were not necessarily becoming priests because they wanted to help people, but because they were paedophiles who wanted the opportunity,” he said.

  9. simar says

    My thoughts on this are along the same lines as Moggie. If the italicised words were taken out of context, anyone would think you were talking about The Mafia, though now that I think about it, is there really much difference between the two organisations? Take Matt Dillahunty’s analogy of God as a Mob Boss as an example of the similarities.

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