Ew. One of those Creepy Moments in Cyberstalking things, when you realize there’s a whole level of stalking you didn’t know about, and you’re being itted.
I hadn’t bothered to find out what Storify is. Then I saw a piquant tweet of Martin Robbins’s –
Martin Robbins
@mjrobbins40+ yesterday. When Mabus did this, skeptics were up in arms. When a deranged ‘skeptic’ targets women, silence. http://bit.ly/OTNg9Z
So I followed the link and found myself at the Storify of [shudder] the stalker behind ElevatorGATE, who took the time to make more than 40 stories out of Twitter conversations in one day. Including one of mine. Or maybe more, I don’t know.
I should start charging a percentage.
His list of followers is like a ‘who’s who’ of scumbaggery, dishonesty and hypocrisy; to even try and imply that ‘He’s just one guy! He doesn’t reperesent a serious contingent in the atheist community!’ is either stupid or disingenuous.
That’s… really creepy.
No really. That’s fucking creepy. I knew WatsonRodrigues was bad but, fuck, someone needs to watch this guy.
Looks like the elevatorgate troll is obsessed with what happens to Justicar. HRMMMM…..
Huh. You think he’s creepy. My personal special lunatic in Toronto makes him look like a sweet fluffy kitten.
I was going to say I was feeling left out, but then I saw someone going by the name “PZ Майерс” from Morris, Minnesota was tweeting.
Who, or what, is this piece of shit?
For that matter what is ‘storify?’ I clicked several of the boxes and got to collections of 2 or 3 weird twitter(?) postings. None to any observable purpose.
So Mr Elevator spends a day putting up links to incomplete exchanges which include creeps like ‘thunderfoot.’ Who is he, and where can I go to be mean to him?
John #8: “For that matter what is ‘storify?’ I clicked several of the boxes and got to collections of 2 or 3 weird twitter(?) postings. None to any observable purpose.”
I’m not sure that what “Elevatorgate” dude (a.k.a. Justicar?) is doing is legit use of Storify. For one, he doesn’t hold the copyright on anyone else’s tweets and so he shouldn’t be republishing them without consent. Also, I bet this kind of cyberstalking could go against Storify’s terms of service:
Someone (or several people) really ought to turn him in.
Tweets may or may not qualify for copyright (if they do, you’re breaking the law every time you retweet, and that’s going to affect you more than any stalkers), and the material in itself presumably isn’t illegal or libellous.
I’d hope Storify would have a clue about enabling cyberstalking, though.
In my opinion, he’s potentially dangerous. Some of his behavior is not just nasty, but disordered.
For example, his Twitter screenname* is “Watson-Rodriguez”, where Rodriguez is the name of Rebecca Watson’s ex-husband. It’s not an insult, or any form of humour. It’s just stalkerish and weird.
I’m generally in favour of internet anonymity, and that goes for the slimepitters. However, I think that this person is moving into Markuze territory, where the standard rules don’t apply.
[*] Note that this is his screenname, and not his username (which is @ElevatorGATE). He can change it at any time, without any disruption to his account.
He storified me too. I’m not sure why, he’s totally unwilling to engage me in any way. He blocked me on Twitter and has deleted and edited my posts on his ‘blog’. I guess this is the best he can manage.
His entire shtick is to post stuff by or about people he doesn’t like and say “see?” as though everyone agrees that it’s bad.
For example, according to elevatorgate, Amy trying to make a living from her art is automatically a bad thing and he doesn’t seem to understand why anyone might disagree.
Elevatorgate activity has been moving into increasingly obsessive territory for some time now.
Oh, joy, count me as another who got similarly “Storified” by this sorry excuse for a human being! Though I find it especially weird, because I barely commented on the whole anti-feminist frenzy, honestly. One blog article, a few tweets, a few comments here and there? Jeez. Those losers need pushback, badly! >:
Ah, all I saw was the tweet last night and looking at it on my phone I had no idea what I was seeing or what it was about. Now I do. Creepy indeed. This whole thing has crossed into a very disturbing place. I guess for some of you it did so a long time ago, but for someone just on the fringe, reading the blogs and occasionally commenting, I really didn’t know. But when Rebecca turned over the big rock of skepticism/atheism by suggesting a way guys could avoid seeming creepy, all the vile disgusting creatures came crawling out into the light, and I find I much prefer the creatures who live under real rocks to these metaphorical ones.
I read the recent account of a harassed woman on a train, and I thought, I wish I could have been in that car, just to come along and interpose myself between her and that vile man. And I wondered if I’d have had the courage that I have in my imagination. And I read the things that are coming out of people who seem to belong to a community I was so excited about when I discovered it and I’m horrified, and I wish somehow I could do the online equivalent of interposing myself between the ranting man and the woman alone on the train. And there’s so little I can actually do other than send a tweet or make a blog comment of support. It can be quite disheartening.
Not his entire shtick. He also says things. He’s the one who repeatedly taunted Rhys about failing his exams. His user name has been creeping me out for weeks.
I don’t even understand what the point of this storify is. To collect a list of tweeted complaints against specific people and groups all in one place? It’s really weird.
Tell me who and where, Ophelia, and I will go reason with him.
282 stories, 1 subscriber?
…or present your evidence to the local police or RCMP, whichever you prefer.
No, not Justicar. He’s been named on twitter. I don’t recall what it was.
I have an spot of honor in there as well. Terrific. Icing on the cake of my day.
This is very weird creepy obsessive stalker behavior that demonstrates this guy has no life. I would also place money that this post and these comments will wind up somewhere on that blog of his.
Are you sure about that? The Storify for “elevatorGATE” has quite a few “stories” about Justicar that stand out as special, like he is the guy behind that account.
The name of the ElevatorGATE person may be a fake.
The Justicar theory seems unlikely to me though, because EG is kind of sub-literate. I can’t see Justicar endlessly pointing to various harassers to say “brave hero.” It’s not his style. Too dumb.
Besides he’s proud of his work. I don’t see why he would use a second fake name when he’s achieved so much glory with the first one.
Probably EG just really loves Justicar. He would, wouldn’t he.
Yeah, I guess he would.
Yay! I’m in there, too! I’m @ElevatorGATE-famous! Mine (so far) was a tweet, and my response to it. This guy really is creepy.
BTW he has 244 conversations saved over the course of 3 days. This person has way too much time on hir hands. (I used Chrome’s browser search to search for “days ago”, “a day ago” and “hours ago” for the total count.)
2 months, not 3 days.
Eesh. He has one “conversation with” me – it’s not a conversation at all, it’s just one tweet. Look, everybody, a story: one tweet!
Russell Blackford appears there a lot, doing his point and hiss thing. He copied Dawkins in on one of his point and hisses at me via a comment (not by me) here. Does he seriously think Dawkins wants people copying him in on their tattle-taling bullshit?! Oooooh, Richard, look at what this one guy on horrible Ophelia’s blog said about you-oo. Point!! Hiss!!!
Naturally he didn’t bother to point and hiss at the comment where I disagreed.
ElevatorGATE is probably British, in which case he can’t be Justicar.
Ugh… I’ve just realised I’m on the same island as him…
Yes, you’re right. I think I was overloaded with and seething about eg’s horribleness and somehow didn’t remember that when I was writing my comment.
That business was especially nasty. And he edited his own post on that (without indicating he had done so) at least a couple of times to make it seem slightly less toxic. It didn’t work.
BTW, I’m subscribed to this post but I’m not getting notifications when comments arrive. Is this just me?
I did see PZ wipe up after troll at Pharyngula the other day for linking to something of ElevatorGATE’s, and PZ mentioned his first name being Chris. Google points to him being a Chris Homer.
I know, but that could be a fake name.
I notice he’s now gone after me:
He decided to use my real name (albeit not that much of a secret) for some reason. He took issue to a post I made three weeks ago, in which I criticised Paula Kirby for interacting with him. He is becoming like Markuze, whereby he takes the trouble to attack anyone he perceives as an enemy.
Incidentally, I had my first run-in with Markuze a few days ago. Perhaps they’re collaborating?
That’s cute. He gets to keep his name a secret, but he also gets to use your real name instead of your screen name. What rule is that, I wonder?