Reception last night. I met all these people – Brian Engler, Whose name I’ve been seeing/hearing forever. Dave Ricks, who sees the point of B&W perhaps even more than I do. Mya Riemer, who comments here occasionally and whom I met originally at Readerville.
Rebecca. We have a lot in common. We were both editors of our high school literary magazine. We were both assholes in high school. High five! Stephanie Zvan, FTB colleague. Brianne Bilyeu, ditto. Skatje Myers, who will be observing us with a very skeptical eye. Alyson Miers, who’s written what sounds like a great speculative fiction-type novel. Jamila Bey! Who needs no introduction. Greta, ditto.
Alyson Miers says
It was lovely to meet you!
Ophelia Benson says
MyaR says
Wow, a blog shoutout! It was great to finally meet you, and Kevin and I just registered for TAM, whose website says you’re going to be there — woohoo!
Ophelia Benson says
The website doesn’t lie – yay, we get to meet again!
Ubi Dubium says
Definitely fun! I was so happy to meet you, this was the first time I got to hear you speak at a conference. Now I have to go add all your books to my reading list.