Saturday night at QED one of the prizes was for Best Podcast, and it was won by The Pod Delusion. I felt enthusiastic about this, because they had asked to interview me at QED. Hooray for ME, thought I, I get to be interviewed by the WINNAZ.
And I did. We went into a nice quiet little room off the main area which alas turned out to be a little room on the way to another little room where the QED people were keeping things. That’s why if you listen you will hear several breaks for editing. It’s not because I burst into a flurry of oaths for no apparent reason.
Ophelia, I’m baffled as to why you claimed in the interview that the New Statesman, in common with other “liberal” publications, ran a negative review of DGHW. On the contrary, we commissioned Johann Hari to review the book – which he did, highly approvingly:
Jonathan…ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit. Be baffled no more: the answer is faulty memory plus the circumstances of being interviewed as opposed to writing something and thus having time to look it up (though that doesn’t always save me from making mistakes). I think I was remembering that Sholto Byrnes writes for the New Statesman – but his blistering review was in the Independent.
Crap, I’m really sorry. Er. If there’s a place to comment at TPD I’ll correct myself there.
Did that; comment is awaiting moderation.
Thanks Ophelia.