There’s a woman in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Apparently she’s there to spread the word to women. She does that.
Speaking to the London based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper Saturday, Abul Hassan argued that “When a woman marches to defend her rights, this affronts her dignity.”
She added that “Does she not have a husband, a brother or a son to defend her?”
Because, to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, “dignity” for a woman means being passive and hidden and dependent on male relatives. That’s interesting, because to me that means degradation, not dignity at all. It means subordination, which implies inferiority. It’s hard to see how that can be “dignity.”
“This march was a sectarian one, because all the groups of Egyptian society should defend women. She should not defend herself on her own. The man should stand beside the woman because on her own she will not be able to get her rights,” said Abul Hassan.
Because the Muslim Brotherhood won’t let her.
H/t Małgorzata Koraszewska.
The man should stand beside the woman because on her own she will not be able to get her rights,” said Abul Hassan. …(??!)
But isn¨t it exactly “the space beside” the MB wants to fill with men and men only?? Or vice versa: No, the woman should definitely NOT line up besides the men. If women were to stray outside their home and “take a stand, queue up in the back please, if you are modestly enough dressed, that is.
What a depressing woman.
In Cod we trust
… and we think OUR accommodationists are bad.
People effin’ confuse me.
Same sort of people spent a lot of time in the antebellum south talking about the dignity and soulfulness of slaves.
Ehm – but why is she speaking in public? Has she no male relative to speak for her?? Why doesn’t she put her ideology into practice by shuttint up herself?
the heretic:
They (the defenders of privelege and power) never do apply “the rules” to themselves, do they.
Why is Michele Bachman the candidate, and not her horrific husband? doesn’t Phyllis Schlaffley (sp?) have a house to keep and a husband to feed?
See silly, see it’s commonly known it all comes out in the wash!