On being offended

I often comment that religious people don’t have the right to never be offended when someone questions their beliefs. Their ideas – theistic, supernatural, cultural, or otherwise – are still ideas. This is because I strongly support the concept of a marketplace of ideas – that “the truth or the best policy arises out of the competition of widely various ideas in free, transparent public discourse.” A religious idea must defend it’s worth just as a political idea would, and offense is sometimes an unavoidable side effect of this discussion.
After the many, many feminism or diversity related internet kerfuffles, I usually get at least a couple comments along the lines of “Why is it okay to offend religious people but not women/blacks/homosexuals?! Hypocrite!”

Let me try my best to explain.

Like I said, religion is an idea. Gender, race, and sexual orientation are not. They are (for the most part) immutable biological traits that a person has very little choice in. There are certainly bad ideas out there, whether they’re wrong for factual, logical or ethical reasons. I have no obligation to completely avoid offending you when all I’m saying is “I disagree.” But there is no inherent “wrongness” or inferiority in being a woman, or a racial minority, or gay. To suggest such a thing while lacking any logic or rationale is exactly what causes sexism, racism, and homophobia.

It’s one thing to demand intellectual honesty of intangible ideas. Blasphemy is a victimless crime, after all. Offense aimed at intrinsic human properties is hardly victimless.

Temporarily ignoring concepts of privilege or -isms, a lot of these kerfuffles boil down to people lacking common human decency. While I don’t think religious people have the right to avoid all offense, I do think we should try to minimize the amount of offense we cause. Now, that’s not the same as saying “Don’t be a dick” ala Phil Plait. I think dickishness definitely has it’s place and can be an effective way of getting a message across in certain situations. But we have to ask ourselves “Can I accomplish the same goal while being a little less of an asshole?”

If accomplishing your goal requires offense, unapologetically go right ahead. Otherwise unpopular ideas would be silenced into oblivion. Because really, you’re always going to offend someone. Atheists can’t even say we exist or that we’re good people without pissing people off!

But when you’re needlessly enraging people with no goal in mind, that’s not equivalent to being edgy or snarky or a firebrand. That’s being a fucking asshole. Or if you’re doing it because it gets your rocks off – a troll. And if someone points out you hurt them, it’s a little troglodytish to insist that you didn’t or that you don’t care. I think a lot of this can be explained by the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory, but it’s still disappointing.

I could go on about this all day – but I’ve given a whole talk on the topic, so watch it if you want more details and examples about minimizing offense.

Practically speaking as someone within the atheist community, it’s even more important that we try to tone down offense when it comes to minority groups. Diversity matters. It’s not just unrealistic to tell minority groups to suck it up and be stronger – it lacks compassion. We’re not saying they’re inferior or need coddling, but that if you put up with this shit constantly, why would you voluntarily join a group that adds to your frustrations? It’s precisely the reason why one of my rules of comment moderation is that I’ll ban people who use hateful speech. I could tell other commentors to suck it up, or I could make a safe environment where people feel comfortable contributing.

Even if I think you should do it out of the goodness of your heart, Greta Christina often suggests a purely Machiavellian reason for such a tactic. That making more people feel welcome in this movement will only help us grow even larger and more powerful. So if we want to succeed in our goals of promoting rationalism and humanism, we first need to make sure we can get as many allies as possible.

We simply can’t afford to make the same mistakes of every other progressive movement before us.

Dawkins is not a misogynist

I know – no one cares anymore, right? But I think this needs clarification, and my blog is the only place I can do it. So if you’re sick of all this (like I am, honestly), no one is forcing you to read or comment.
After reading thousands and thousands of comments about this Elevatorgate kerfuffle, I was honestly surprised how people were interpreting my statements, or the statements of those who agreed with me. People said I was calling Richard Dawkins a misogynist, a rape apologist, and an all around horrible human being. I use certain harsh language when I’m passionate about an issue – but others seemingly interpret that as raging hatred.

So let me make it clear.

Having privilege is not intrinsically a bad thing. It does not make you a horrible person. From the amazing parable explaining privilege (which please, please read if you haven’t already):

Every single one of us has some kind of privilege over somebody. What matters is whether we’re aware of it, and what we choose to do with it, and that we not use it to dismiss the valid and real concerns of the people who don’t share our particular brand.

That’s why I was upset with Richard. Because while he is someone who supports many great feminist causes and issues surrounding women’s rights, like fighting against female genital mutilation, that specific thing just wasn’t the issue in this case. So even though his heart was probably in the right place, he was being dismissive. But more disappointing than his initial obliviousness about his privilege was his stubborn denial of said obliviousness when called out on it.

But honestly, it’s understandable. No one likes being told they’re wrong in general – but people get especially uncomfortable having their privilege pointed out. I sympathize – it took me a long time to understand white privilege and not feel like it was somehow attacking me or calling me racist. So I don’t really expect Richard to turn on a dime and instantly understand why what he said was hurtful. Because understanding privilege is hard. And it’s even harder when you’re a public figure who’s being made example of – you don’t have the leisure of slowly figuring things out.

So, I do disagree with Rebecca Watson on one detail. I don’t think it’s time we boycott Dawkin’s books or lectures. I think we need to give him the time to wrangle with this drama, since understanding privilege is not easy or comfortable. And that’s why when I offered to talk with him at TAM, I wasn’t being flippant – I was being honest. I still greatly respect him as a fellow atheist and evolutionary biologist, but I’d respect him even more if he sincerely attempted to understand why he was wrong.

And if he doesn’t want to chat, or doesn’t read the letters from atheist victims of sexual assault, or never issues some sort of remark or apology… Well, yes, I will be disappointed. But it’s not like Dawkins primarily writes feminism books. I will have to come to grips with the fact that my heroes are not perfect, but I’ll still happily chat with him about atheism or my research.

I don’t think Dawkins is a terrible human being. I think he just proved he’s human and made a mistake.

My upcoming adventures

I’m going to be a busy little atheist the next couple of months. If you’re coming to these events, make sure to say hello! I don’t bite, I swear. And if you’re not coming to these events…why not?
Wed, July 14 to Sun, July 17
The Amaz!ng Meeting 9
Southpoint Casino – Las Vegas, NV

I am so excited for TAM9! In addition to seeing all of my old skeptical friends, I also get to meet Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye. Bill. Nye. His show is one of the main reasons I fell in love with science as a kid. I’m pretty sure all I’m going to be able to do is flail at him.

And I’m not just going for fun (though I totally would). I’m going to be on the panel Getting Things Done (For Science and Skepticism) at 9:30am on Saturday. Because I apparently get shit done, or something. …Can I say “shit” on the panel? Or worse, the Hoosier in me may unleash and say “Git r done.” This may be difficult and embarrassing.

I’m sure there will be other fun shenanigans at TAM (Pssst, Phil, you know you want to do Skeptics in the Tub again). But one that I’m really excited about?


Anyway, I got my ticket. Join me, Greta Christina, Sara Mayhew, and other skeptics in ushering out the era of Potter. I have my Ravenclaw shirt ready. I will probably cry. And then be unable to wake up for the beginning of TAM on Friday. Whoops.

Fri, July 29 to Sun, July 31
Secular Student Alliance annual conference
Columbus, OH

Okay. This may not be in Vegas or have 1,500 attendees…but I’m not going to lie, I’m just as excited for this conference as I am for TAM9. …Maybe even a little more. Because I’ve always had the best time hanging out with fellow student leaders in the movement. I’ve made so many close friends coming to this conference. (And to be honest, it’s the one con where I’ve experienced no sexual harassment, stupid sexist comments, or plain ol’ awkward crap) Plus it’s great for networking and getting ideas for running your student groups – I always leave feeling super motivated.

And the speakers are always awesome. Dan Barker, Greta Christina, PZ Myers, Hemant Mehta, David Silverman, Jamila Bey, Debbie Goddard, JT Eberhard, (me), and high school activist Jessica Ahlquist? Why aren’t you coming yet?!?! You don’t need to be a student to enjoy this!

Did I mention Friday is a big video game party? You know you want to have me crush you in Mario Kart.

Fri, Aug 12 to Sun, Aug 14
Midwest Humanist and Freethought Conference
Omaha, NE

Have you not successfully escaped the Midwest like I have? Then you likely need something to restore your sanity. That’s why you need to come to this conference, where you’ll see me, Hemant, Greta, JT, Fred Edwords, Mr. Deity, and Sam Singleton talk about…stuff. I’m not sure what I’m going to talk about yet, but I’m sure it’ll be awesome, right? Maybe I’ll title it “How you too can move to the Pacific Northwest!”

And that’s it for now. Hopefully. So I can actually get some research done.

SSAcon’s new sticker code

Joe Foley, Chair of the Secular Student Alliance Board of Directors*, was inspired by my post on Mensa’s sticker system for hugging. Here’s the proposal he just sent me for the SSA conference in July:

I know we already use stickers to keep track of conferencegoers who decline to appear in photos (since students might not be “out” to their families), but I wonder if we could expand that system to a more comprehensive set of boundaries and expectations. Here is a proposal:

Black circle: Please don’t take my picture
Red circle: Please don’t hug me
Red octagon: Please don’t take the elevator with me
Orange circle: Please don’t talk to me about “interfaith” activities
Blue circle: My group is a member of our local interfaith alliance
Light blue circle: My group is recognized by my school as a religion
Yellow circle: I disapprove of Humanist chaplaincies
Purple circle: I am a Humanist chaplain
Green circle: Please don’t call me an atheist
Light green circle: Please don’t call me a Humanist
Jade circle: Please don’t call me an Atheist
Chartreuse circle: Please don’t call me any specific term except the full paragraph I use to describe myself… especially not atheist
Red and white concentric circles: I’m actually religious


I’m sure JT is out buying stickers as we speak.
Seriously though, I hope you’re coming to the conference. We have great speakers like usual – Dan Barker, Greta Christina, PZ Myers, David Silverman, Jamila Bey, Debbie Goddard, Hemant Mehta, and yours truly. Everyone is welcome, though students especially should come. I always have a blast – you get tons of practical skills for running a group, and it’s great networking with other student leaders. And usually we don’t even need a sticker system to interact with each other!

*And epic troll

Happy 4th

I’m going to take the afternoon off from breaking atheism to drink some beer and watch stuff explode in the sky. Because that’s what being an American is about, or something.

Consider this an open thread to discuss everything except Elevator Guy Gate. 650 comments about it here alone is enough. Instead, rage about something that can bring us together – like how illogical this kitten is for praying to Ceiling Cat:

My day with Mensa

On Friday I drove down to Portland for the Mensa Annual Gathering, a conference of nearly 2,000 Mensans. I was invited by the Mensa Atheists group (thanks Darlene!) to give a talk on my visit to the Creation Museum.

I’m not going to lie – I had no idea what to expect speaking for Mensa. I had been warned – by Mensans – that they tend to be quite the eclectic, eccentric bunch. But as a nerd who’s visited her fair share of atheist/skeptical/biology/anime conventions, it wasn’t too odd for me. In fact, it reminded me a lot of my experience at TAM – being surrounded by really bright people, remarking on the occasional odd personality that makes the night more interesting, and skipping talks to go drink alcohol instead.

But there were certain instances of nerdery that really stood out. For example, walking through the hallway and finding a Star Wars photo op:People in Star Wars costumes

Or the ginormous selection of games in their 24 hour game room:Three tables with hundreds of board games on themThe most odd and intriguing bit of Mensa culture to me was their sticker system for the name badges.

Green = Hug me!
Yellow = Ask me first
Red = Don’t touch me
Blue = Single
Ring = Atheist (the hole represents our lack of souls)

Some people’s badges got fairly intricate (Red over green = hug me if you know me, but not if you don’t, etc). I originally didn’t put any stickers on because I had no idea what they meant, but after being hugged out of nowhere by a complete stranger, my badge quickly looked like this:My name tag with two red stickers on it
I giggled at this at first, but honestly, it’s not a bad idea. Especially in a group of highly intelligent people, where some may not be the best with social graces. Just think how this could reduce drama at atheist meetings. Seriously considering making a “Now you can flirt with me” pin for TAM.
Saturday was my talk. I was a little nervous going in, since this was my first time talking about the Creation Museum to a group that wasn’t explicitly atheistic. I could tell from flipping through their event program that Mensa was an eclectic bunch. While there were talks on science and forensics and godless people going to creation museums, there were also Bible studies and talks on spirituality and climate denial.

But it ended up going great – the audience was super receptive. And man, did they pack in. There were only 56 chairs, but probably 100 people squeezed into the corners, sat on the window ledges, sat behind me, or spilled out into the hallway. This photo doesn’t even catch about 20 people hanging around the sides:
A crowded room full of people
Some people had to be turned away, and a bunch even asked me if I would repeat the talk again later for those who couldn’t fit – but unfortunately I had to get back to Seattle soon after.

I’m not going to lie – it was a pretty nice compliment having people from Mensa asking when I’m going to write a book (When I have time, so probably never) or when I’m going to join Mensa (when someone comps my fees because I’m a graduate student). Though honestly, I don’t really feel the need to join Mensa, even though my past test scores could get me in. I understand why people do – but I get my fix of intellectual interactions through atheism, skepticism, and biology.

…And a lot of those don’t charge a membership fee. Yes, I’m cheap.

Thanks again to Mensa Atheists for inviting me! And hello to all the blog readers I got to meet, hang out with, and destroy at Carcassonne.

Richard Dawkins, your privilege is showing

Unless some clueless cad is impersonating you, in which case ignore this post. EDIT: PZ confirms these comments are from Dawkins.
But I’m fairly certain it is you making these profoundly ignorant comments on Pharyngula (mainly because I’ve seen you say similar things before, in both style and topic). You began with:

Dear Muslima
Stop whining, will you. Yes, yes, I know you had your genitals mutilated with a razor blade, and . . . yawn . . . don’t tell me yet again, I know you aren’t allowed to drive a car, and you can’t leave the house without a male relative, and your husband is allowed to beat you, and you’ll be stoned to death if you commit adultery. But stop whining, will you. Think of the suffering your poor American sisters have to put up with.

Only this week I heard of one, she calls herself Skep”chick”, and do you know what happened to her? A man in a hotel elevator invited her back to his room for coffee. I am not exaggerating. He really did. He invited her back to his room for coffee. Of course she said no, and of course he didn’t lay a finger on her, but even so . . .

And you, Muslima, think you have misogyny to complain about! For goodness sake grow up, or at least grow a thicker skin.


Thankfully another Pharyngulite said exactly what I was thinking:

Did you just make the argument that, since worse things are happening somewhere else, we have no right to try to fix things closer to home?

And that’s when you tried to backpedal with a clarification, but just ended up digging your hole even deeper.

No I wasn’t making that argument. Here’s the argument I was making. The man in the elevator didn’t physically touch her, didn’t attempt to bar her way out of the elevator, didn’t even use foul language at her. He spoke some words to her. Just words. She no doubt replied with words. That was that. Words. Only words, and apparently quite polite words at that.

If she felt his behaviour was creepy, that was her privilege, just as it was the Catholics’ privilege to feel offended and hurt when PZ nailed the cracker. PZ didn’t physically strike any Catholics. All he did was nail a wafer, and he was absolutely right to do so because the heightened value of the wafer was a fantasy in the minds of the offended Catholics. Similarly, Rebecca’s feeling that the man’s proposition was ‘creepy’ was her own interpretation of his behaviour, presumably not his. She was probably offended to about the same extent as I am offended if a man gets into an elevator with me chewing gum. But he does me no physical damage and I simply grin and bear it until either I or he gets out of the elevator. It would be different if he physically attacked me.

Muslim women suffer physically from misogyny, their lives are substantially damaged by religiously inspired misogyny. Not just words, real deeds, painful, physical deeds, physical privations, legally sanctioned demeanings. The equivalent would be if PZ had nailed not a cracker but a Catholic. Then they’d have had good reason to complain.


Actually, yes, that was the argument you were making. But you chose to cover up that argument with an even stupider argument. Congratulations!

Frankly, this is disappointing for a number of reasons. One, because it was so refreshing to read PZ’s post and knowing a guy out there “gets it.” Two, because you’re kind of an idol of mine, and it makes me want to cry a little when you live up to the stereotype of a well-off, 70 year old, white, British, ivory tower academic. But let me spell it out for you instead of just getting mad (though I’ll do that too):

Words matter. You don’t get that because you’ve never been called a cunt, a faggot, a nigger, a kike. You don’t have people constantly explaining that you’re subhuman, or have the intellect of an animal. You don’t have people saying you shouldn’t have rights. You don’t have people constantly sexually harassing you. You don’t live in fear of rape, knowing that one wrong misinterpretation of a couple words could lead down that road.

You don’t, because you have fucking privilege.

And you’re not going to “get it” until you sit down and actually put forth the effort. I know you’re a busy man, so here’s a quick little parable on why you currently don’t get it. And if you still don’t get it – which is probably true, since these things take a long time to understand – I will happily sit down with you at TAM and try to explain it. I’m sure lots of other Skeptical ladies will be happy to help me.

Help a godless nerdy Seattleite!

You may remember my friend Jason, better known as his musical persona Three Ninjas. I’ve linked to his music before, since he frequently does nerd-core rap with skeptical, godless themes. That’s in addition to electronica and…hell if I know what to call it, I’m not a music person. But it’s badass.
How badass is it? It’s so badass that 20/20 is coming to Seattle to film him doing a show Wednesday night. And it would be awesome if his show was filled with other skeptical, godless nerds. So if you’re not doing anything, come to the Skylark Cafe in West Seattle at 9pm. I’ll be there!

Here are some of my favorite Three Ninja songs! See if you can catch my cameos:

<a href=”http://threeninjas.net/track/skeptical-featuring-jen-mccreight”>Skeptical (featuring Jen McCreight) by Three Ninjas</a>

<a href=”http://threeninjas.net/track/my-dick-is-kind-of-big-featuring-jen-mccreight”>My Dick Is Kind of Big (featuring Jen McCreight) by Three Ninjas</a>

<a href=”http://threeninjas.net/track/wallingford”>Wallingford by Three Ninjas</a>