
  1. Hendel says

    *Awesome*. Two thumbs way, way up. Please do ride the bus as often as possible – I ride ’em daily, and you would *so* improve my commute… :-)

  2. WingedBeast says

    You know I respect you and I read your blog for the fun and thought put in. But, let me say that, were I a cartoon seeing that photo, I would be saying such nonsense as “homina homina howa”.In other words, you’re a looker and a brain. Thanks.

  3. says

    Okay, I generally prefer to comment on your writing, your opinions, and on the other opinions you bring to our attention (and those of other commenters, of course), but I just have to say, that is one seriously nice picture. In a strictly non-pervy way, because there’s not much pervable (as it were) in the picture. On a matter of aesthetics, you look really good in that picture. As well as the whole concept being interesting, of course.On a different note, isn’t that taglietelle? Shouldn’t it be spaghetti, or at least something nearer spaghetti (like linguine)?

  4. Bggramngthvz says

    Um… I’m not sure how this fits in with the recent posts about sexism /misogyny/stoopidasshowls, but… DAYUM!! You are HOT!! On behalf of hot, brainy women everywhere, “Nice to have you as a member of the club!!”

  5. Katy says

    And you say you don’t know how to do makeup?! It looks good! I love a good religious costume, too.

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