They’re right back at it in Texas

The House in DC may be out for a week for Fourth of July (Wouldn’t that be the one holiday any patriotic lawmaker would want to spend in the nation’s capital?). But in Texas the Republican War on Women is so critically important to the GOP that Gov Rick Perry has called a special session to finish what they tried to start last week:

TPM — Some of the same protesters already have planned a rally at the state Capitol on Monday, but there may not be much action for them to see. Both the House and Senate could simply gavel in long enough to assign committees to hear new versions of the bills they plan to pass, then adjourn for the rest of the week that includes the July 4 holiday.
But Perry says he expects lawmakers to get their work done more quickly this time, making it harder for a filibuster to talk any proposed legislation to death.
“I want the Legislature to be getting work done that actually that they had, by and large, finished,” he said.
House Speaker Joe Straus and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who oversees the Senate, haven’t revealed plans to do anything differently in the second special session — but it’s lost on no one that moving through the process faster, and ensuring both chambers carry out final votes long before the end of the session, will limit Democratic stall tactics and make any possible filibuster moot because too much time would be left.


  1. CaitieCat says

    “Since we couldn’t do it fair and square, we’ll just keep changing the rules until we do accomplish it.”

    Like terrorists, they only have to get it right once to fuck us over. We have to get it right every single time.

    I fucking loathe fundamentalists.

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