Alexander Aan has been thrown into prison for blasphemy, but he still has some contact with the world. He has sent a message out:
You can write back. The Atheist Alliance will forward email to him, and a little correspondence might let him know the world is watching. Also, someone imprisoned for blasphemy is probably the safest guy in the penal system to talk to, right?
I wonder if there’s a way to get him subscriptions to a few science magazines.
Is he allowed contact with other prisoners? Any chance of him getting some basic textbooks and were allowed to teach science?
I’m concerned about the Minang Atheists group that he was a part of. Hope they can conceal their identities.
Thank you for posting again about Alex. You can send a message of support to Alex by emailing info [at] atheistalliance [dot] org with ‘Message for Alex’ in the subject line. We’re collecting messages that are delivered by a friend of Alex’s. If you’d like to support Alex further please write to the Indonesian authorities to protest at his treatment( and you can donate to his legal/support fund via (choose Legal/Support Fund for Alex Aan)
@ #2 atheistallianceinternational
I have sent an e-mail message to Mr. Aan at the address specified.
I also sent the following e-mail message to my Congressional representative, Nancy Pelosi (unfortunately, you will see a proofreading error that I only caught after I sent the message. If anyone else writes their rep, please learn from my mistake):
Is there some explanation of why he has Shaun the Sheep stationary? It looks like there is something on the back and that it was torn from a child’s activity book?
Yeah, I was wondering about the children’s stationary, too…
The no. of comments on this thread compared with the 2 orders of magnitude higher no. on the latest round of Rebecca Watson histrionics above show where pharyngulite priorities lie. And I’m sure they’re right: we don’t want to be accused of islamophobic bigotry(TM) do we?
Can’t quite suppress the thought, though, whether Pharyngula is the right place for any self-respecting atheist.
Yes, either that, or readers basically agree that Alexander Aan’s imprisonment is preposterous, and instead of writing hundreds of comments argueing if we should really get engaged in any of this or if it’s his own fault for being open about his lack of faith, everyone does what they can to help a little.
FieseZahnfee, you’d written the seventh comment, and one could do both.
What does “code” mean, here? Is he smuggling out a secret message?
Apparently, there is a petition to have Obama apply pressure,
(though it’s not responding right now).