I heard about this on Facebook this morning via Vyckie; now RawStory is reporting on it.
Responding to criticism of the Christian “Quiverfull” movement, the wife of a Texas pastor who promotes the “be fruitful, and multiply” philosophy, took to Facebook to explain that admitted child-molester Josh Duggar was “playing doctor” as a teen and should be “left alone to live a good life.”
The conservative fundamentalist Quiverfull movement sees children as a blessing from God and promotes constant procreation, eschewing all forms of birth control.
In her rant on Facebook, Carrie Hurd, wife of Heritage Covenant Church Pastor Patrick Hurd, blasted Quiverfull critic Vyckie Garrison for being critical of Duggar, and Christians in general.
She defends Josh Duggar and blasts Vyckie Garrison. Strange priorities.
Despite having her own Facebook account, Hurd used her husband’s account to address Garrison and defend Duggar who stepped down from his position with the Family Research Council after it was revealed that he molested five young girls — including his sisters — when he was in his teens.
“Vyckie, this is actually Pat’s wife, Carrie. You women want parity in the board room and you want equal wages all the way up the ladder, but when it comes to taking responsibility and being equal in other areas, it is always the man’s fault or responsibility. How many women bait, hit first, but are seldom arrested for abuse………….?” she wrote.
Say what? A woman should be taking responsibility for Josh Duggar’s having groped his younger sisters?
Michelle Duggar certainly bears some of the responsibility, but given the patriarchal rules she promotes and follows, she doesn’t bear as much as The Man of the family, Jimbob.
Hurd then criticized Garrison for “trolling” the news for stories critical of Christianity, and suggested she go to Iraq to “fight ISIS.”
“You troll the news for any little Christian misbehavior. Get a life! Go to Iraq and fight ISIS if you are seriously worried about women being treated well by men and society.”
Additional information on the Quiverfull movement can be found at No Longer Quivering, written by former member Garrison who was recently named “Atheist of the Year” by the American Atheist Association.
Yes she was, so ha, Carrie Hurd.
Children play doctor when they are 5 or 6 and are usually the same age. Libby Anne at Patheos also has some very good points about this kind of culture. If Josh thought there was nothing wrong with what he did, he wouldn’t molested the girls while they slept.
Sadly, what he thought was wrong was probably mainly “touching naughty bits when I’m not married to the bits-haver.” The lack of consent, the fact that he was violating little kids’ personal boundaries–mostly beside the point, to these folks.
Is it odd that I find a parallel with the ‘prominent atheists’ who keep telling western women to shut up about their problems and focus only on what Islam is doing to women?
Not odd at all; it seems very similar to me.
Well, not just me then. I’ll be curious to see something from the angle of the homeschooling community being a large proponent of self-policing their movement, and what, if anything, the HSLDA will have to say. If they don’t think Vycki is qualified to talk about this issue, then who is?
jesus h christ, what a poorly written and awfully argued position that woman has taken. Is she saying that those little girls baited Josh the teenager? So it’s the little girls’ fault. What an ignorant dangerous fool Carrie Hurd is.
luzclara, that is a common position. When I was molested by my older brother, the expected response (and the one I responded with, like an obedient little girl) was guilt. I was dirty, because he had touched me. He was not dirty. He was just doing what boys do. As for letting him touch me? He was larger than me, meaner than me, and had a tendency to slug girls very hard in the back. But still, I felt like I was the one who had done something wrong. Thank goodness when I went into therapy, I managed to get to a secular therapist!
Based on the documents from the “education” programs run by the people who taught their kids… yes, this IS what these people are taught to believe; that whenever a male is involved in doing something bad to a female, the first place to look is to the female for goading the male’s behavior.
so not kidding.
you get a lifetime of that kind of instruction, it’s not a wonder you grow up to sound like Phylis Schlafly.