Really, J C Penney? Really?
What the hell is that, skool for future “Sex and the City” airheads? A scheme to make all women as empty-headed as the “real” “housewives” of New York/New Jersey/Hollywood/Las Vegas/Miami/Topeka? Or just a calculated insult to women in general?
They’ve withdrawn the T shirt now, thank you for small favors, but why did they come up with it in the first place? What next? A funny-haha girls’ T shirt saying “I’m too stupid to do homework so I’ll just go to work at J C Penney when I grow up?”
Just in time for back to school. Sexist morons.
Hey, I didn’t know you had moved over here. Cool.
For the last year, Target has had a great line of girls’ t-shirts that say things like “Play like a girl. Win.” and “You *wish* you played like a girl.” I love them!
This shirt, however…well, I have lots of words, but they’re not suitable to repeat in public.
I think it’s a similar attitude behind the ‘I’ll be nicer when you’re smarter’ t-shirts. It’s supposed to make ‘girliness’ more assertive and make young girls feel good and more confident about being a girl (and not a smelly boy). Which would be fine if they weren’t reinforcing bad behavior and old stereotypes in the process. Way to common when people try to be pro-‘insert disenfranchised group.’
Like the million and one idiotic Christian themed clothing that tries to reinforce obedience to the Bible, I won’t miss this being off the shelves.
Maybe they can salvage the teeshirts by changing “homework” to “housework”….
Penney’s has already pulled it and apologized.
Ugh, I see now you noted that. Nevermind.
No prob, and I like your sobriquet.
Did any of these escape into the wild? Because someday I’d love to see this shirt in an indie movie on an angry, old, hairy Provençal man.
Or emblazoned on the chest of some shambling, undead dude in a zombie flick…
When you think about it, this is a very disturbing t-shirt. Why does her apparent attractiveness make her BROTHER do her homework? Is this a creepy subtext, or is it just me?
As a brother, I would have laughed and laughed had my sister demanded I do her homework.
I think it’s more that her princessy prettiness causes her parents to make her brother do her homework. (Wha….? Don’t ask me.)