Anatomy of a conservative media scam

Steve Benen writing at Washington Monthly yesterday brings up a sorely needed point in an article titledBeing conservative means never having to say you’re wrong”:

We talked earlier about the Daily Caller’s massive screw-up yesterday, on an important story about the Environmental Protection Agency. I figured the conservative outlet would grudgingly bury some awkwardly-worded correction and move on. I assumed wrong. To briefly recap, the Daily Caller reported that the EPA is eyeing new greenhouse gas measures, which would in turn ask American taxpayers “to shoulder the burden of up to 230,000 new bureaucrats — at a cost of $21 billion — to attempt to implement the rules.” The piece was quickly embraced by the conservative message machine, with Fox News, National Review, and others trumpeting the story.

The editor of the Daily Caller has still not come clean. The story can still be found on Google News from various news sources. In fact the Daily Caller has issued this “clarification,” which is, yet again, simply and completely wrong:

Our story about the EPA was spot-on and accurate. It’s true that the agency’s court filing outlined a “tailoring rule” as a more gradual approach to hiring 230,000 people at a cost of $21 billion. But the EPA was clear that “the Tailoring Rule is calculated to move toward eventual full compliance with the statutory threshold” — meaning it’s not a question of if the EPA wants to triple its budget, but when.

The same scam is played out all the time in conservative circles. If and when enough pressure mounts the publishers may finally cop to the error, even then they’ll do so quietly and well after the damage is done. Media venues like Fox News and right-wing politicians who ran with the story will never be held to account.

Pale purple pixel

The large scale structure of the universe

If you like Sagan’s concept of earth as a pale blue dot in a vast black cavern of space, you’ll love Dr. Stefan Keller’s take on our local group of galaxies. The Milky Way would be one tiny purplish pixel in the image above. Each lit speck represents a major galaxy, the larger dots are super clusters, thousands to millions of galaxies. The cosmos is revealed as sheets and filaments of starry matter separated by oceans of space-time hundreds of millions of light-years across filled with a thin haze of poorly understood ghostly particles.

We’re kind of sandwiched between two enormous voids which pin us into a filament linked at one end to the big Virgo galaxy cluster and to the Fornax galaxy cluster off to the other side,” Dr Keller said. The structure of the filaments were most probably shaped by interactions between dark and ordinary matter. “A consequence of the Big Bang and the dominance of dark matter is that ordinary matter is driven, like foam on the crest of a wave, into vast interconnected sheets and filaments stretched over the enormous cosmic voids,” he said.

It’s hard to drink that in and then try and imagine, if some sort of super being made it all, it made it for us exclusively. The idea that said super being is keeping a list and checking it twice, to find out who is naughty or nice, or that its terribly concerned with how long our beards are, what we eat on Friday, or who sleeps with who is beyond laughable.

In space, size does matter!

The rare yellow hypergiant star IRAS 17163-3907 as seen by the ESO. The star and its gaseous shells resemble an egg white around a yellow center leading astronomers to dub it the Fried Egg Nebula

Astronomers at Chile’s European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope, at the Paranal Observatory in Chile have spotted a monstrous star, and in cosmic terms its not even that far away:

The new image, which ESO scientists dubbed the “Fried Egg Nebula” shows the central hypergiant star, officially known as IRAS 17163-3907, surrounded by a huge dusty double shell, making up the egg yolk and white. The massive star is so large it has a width that is about 1,000 times larger than our sun. In fact, if the Fried Egg nebula were placed at the center of our solar system, the Earth would be positioned deep within the star itself. The orbit of the planet Jupiter would be just above the star’s surface.

How does that compare with the largest stars in the universe? The video below will embiggen you!

The Morning Joe clown show

Morning Joe is MSNBC’s morning cable news program hosted by and named for former congressman Joe Scarborough, (FL 1 – R). It’s a conservative based program forced on us purportedly progressive viewers by MSNBC executive asshat Phil Griffin. Griffin’s other management epiphanies include driving off the network’s highest rated host Keith Olbermann and banning Daily Kos blogger Markos Moulitsas from the network.

I can’t watch it for more than a few minutes without either turning it off or turning to Twitter to ridicule the program. It’s usually a bunch of concern trolling by Scarborough and Buchanan and the rest of the conservative gang, with occasional flashes of decency by progressive guests. Just one example, yesterday or the day before I “learned” via Morning Joe that Warren Buffett is actually a fiend, which usually means some kind of despicable manic driven madman. In the same segment Scarborough and crew couldn’t praise their arch rival Roger Ailes from Fox News enough. Yeah, according to Scar, his network’s greatest threat is a stellar fella, but a self-made billionaire investor is a deranged mental case.

And we know why, it’s because Roger Ailes’ promotes conservative ideology on his right-wing cable news network and Warren Buffett had the nerve to actually point out that GOP economic tax policy not only wasn’t working, but taxes him less on his billions than his secretary pays on her thousands. Buffett is advising politicians to raise his taxes and those in his billionaire class so that they pay the same rate as secretaries making orders of magnitude less, and what a surprise, it turns out according to the Daily Kos & SEIU Public Policy Poll that advice is a full blown, genuine, bipartisan popular idea:

Q: Do you support or oppose ensuring that people who make over a million dollars a year pay the same percentage of taxes or more on their total income as those who make less than a million dollars a year?
Support: 73
Oppose: 16
Not sure: 11

Clearly this fiendish madman must be stopped!

China to put up first spacelab on Thursday

Shenzhou-8 undergoes testing in preparation for carrying out an unpiloted rendezvous and docking mission to the Tiangong-1platform. Image courtesy China Manned Space Engineering Office

Every day that the Republican controlled House bickers over nickels, while lavishing trillions on the rich and useless wars, we are ceding the high ground to a former enemy. I guess we can just hope that former enemy stays a friendly banker and business partner:

China’s Tiangong 1 space lab is slated to launch aboard a Chinese Long March 2F rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China. The prototype, which will test docking technology with the country’s Shenzhou spacecraft, is an important step toward China’s goal of constructing a crewed space station in orbit.

The Chinese program is ambitious, it combines the Gemini phase of the US program where crews learned to rendezvous and dock two or more spacecraft with the Skylab portion. If all goes well, Chinese engineers plan to use that knowledge and the same module design to create a scalable space station, illustrated below, similar to the early stages of the ISS.

Click image to learn how Take a look at how China's first space station, called Tiangong ("Heavenly Palace") will be assembled in orbit at

Does Jon Huntsman belong in the GOP?

Jon Huntsman may be in the wrong party. At the GOP CPAC panel convened in Florida this month he said in part:

I believe in science – including as it relates to evolution and climate change. I believe in civil unions, though I also support traditional marriage. I believe immigration is a human as well as an economic issue, and that children of illegal immigrants shouldn’t be punished for the sins of their parents. …

This is consistent with other remarks Huntsman has made. And what has he gotten for this refreshing embrace of reality? In a recent CNN poll of likely Republican Primary voters (.pdf), Huntsman came in at 1%, dead last, and was beaten by three to one or more by Someone Else and No One.

Mr. Huntsman’s head is in the right place, but where does he go from there? We can assume being a Mormon he’s not onboad with turning America into a Dominionist theocracy. If we take away the hatred of science, gay rights, and immigration, if he so much as hints at the facts of recent history unambigeously demonstrating that tax cuts for the rich and deregulation have failed to improve the budget deficit and the economy, and if we even remove needless show wars, what exactly is left that falls under the conservative umbrella these days? Outside of Obama bashing and a few related splinter conspiracy claims pitched by grifters and lunatics, that’s pretty much it. Which is why it’s so hard to see how Huntsman — and by proxy science and general sanity — wins, places, or shows in any race or primary among Republican voters.

We’re number one … in preventable deaths!

Once again the good old USA leads the developed world … in preventable deaths. Those would be deaths where existing drugs and other widely available treatments would have saved lives. The new study by the Common Wealth Fund confirms what other, similar studies have found, the US ranks dead last or near dead last in the developed world in healthcare:

“This study points to substantial opportunity to prevent premature death in the United States. We spend far more than any of the comparison countries—up to twice as much—yet are improving less rapidly,” said Commonwealth Fund Senior Vice President Cathy Schoen. “The good news is we know lower death rates are achievable if we enhance access and ensure high-quality care regardless of where you live. Looking forward, reforms under the Affordable Care Act have the potential to reduce the number of preventable deaths in the U.S. We have the potential to join the leaders among high-income countries.”

Combine this data with our income distribution and the idea of the US as a third-world country isn’t some scary insult, it’s becoming a reality as we watch. I’d insert some snarky observation here, but I’m tired and pressed for time. Between a recent broken back and complications from a collapsed lung, and corporate attendance policies and various ways our jobs in America are explicitly and implicitly threatened on a regular basis, I’m up at 5 AM to get to my office two hours early and work, unpaid, to stay caught up and thus reduce the risk of losing my job and with it my life saving health insurance right in the middle of recovering from a major injury.

Back in the ER again

This time it wasn’t even in the same ballpark pain-wise or scare-wise than last time. I knew the procedure so well I was giving an admitting staffer pointers on how to speed me up. I developed a relatively minor and easily treatable complication called Atelectasis. Being vertical for several hours after being off for two days caused fluid to collect. The fluid affected the bottom of the lung impacting breathing and causing some weird sensations. Enough to make a little panicky and have to run to the ER. After checking it out they basically told me it was borderline, if I could increase my lung capacity no need to drain it and I could follow-up as needed as an outpatient. So I spent my Sunday afternoon on hard core painkillers working with a device called a spirometer, lo and behold after much effort and no small amount of discomfort I managed to exceed the mark.

The doc said one scary thing: ‘In a patient like you this is easily treated when caught early. For an elderly patient it can turn touch and go real quick; they can easily die from it.”

What sucks is after all that sacrifice and pain I endured to stay under the first threshold of my employer’s attendance policy, a few hours in the ER for a potentially serious condition will put me well over.

Lies, damned lies, and measurable lies

Intersting grahpic from our friends at Politifact. It shows the GOP Presidential candidates ranked according to the truthfuless of their statements. By and large the candidates most closely aligned with the Teaparty wing of the Republican party are the biggest liars, although there was a paucity of data on Huntsman.

Which is the head and which is the tail? Is the Teaparty base pushing the candidates to lie, or are the candidates and celebrities (I’d love to see a side by side comparison of Palin or Limbaugh) who lead the Teaparty feeding them false info? Hard to say, it probably goes both ways. But what we can can infer is the big liars are probably forcing the lessor lies into a campaign of more lies.

So how does Obama fare? He compares with the best of the GOP contenders, more honest than all them except Huntsman.

Former astronauts have their heart in the right place

Space Shuttle Transport System on the pad in prior to the first launch in 1981

Former moon-walkers address Congress last week on the future of the US space program and it wasn’t pretty. The overall gist was the US should maintain our lead in manned spaceflight, a laudable goal. But given the engineering reality, some of the specific suggestions they made could be judged misguided:

Cernan thinks that it’s not too late to reinstate the space shuttle. “You want a launch vehicle today that will service the ISS? We’ve got it sitting down there. So before we put it in a museum, let’s make use of it. It’s in the prime of its life, how could we just put it away?” he asked Congress. “Get the shuttle out of the garage down there at Kennedy [Space Center], crank up the motors and put it back in service.”

The shuttle was a prototype forced by budget concerns and too many masters to serve as a production spacecraft, and in that role it was proven dangerous. Occupants faced a one in 75 chance of death. That’s way, way too high for manned spaceflight to become routine, which was one of the primary things the shuttle was advertised and built. And it delivered those daunting odds at a premium price. If the cost of the two orbiters that were lost and the ensuing delays are factored in, the shuttle cost almost a billion dollars per flight by some estimates.

A smaller, second generation reentry space-plane intended to ferry humans only might work. But that still means things like wings and landing gear have to be paid for in precious payload from beginning to end. Ideally, our space program should run on a single axiom: what goes up stays up. As much as possible anyway. If humans have to come down the most efficient, proven safest way is in the smallest lightweight container possible.

Traditional, medium-sized rockets are going to give us the cheapest and safest transport into space in the forseeable future, reentry space-planes and lifting bodies could eventually play a role, but a great deal of work will have to be done before super sized winged reentry vehicles that serve as launch vehicle, high altitude hypersonic glider, mini space station, launch platform, space-truck, and many other roles can compete head to head as safely, cheaply, and efficiently as the 50 year-old Soyuz design our manned program currently depends on.