Debate reviews and snap polls give final debate to Obama

Again, ask Ed Brayton what real debates consist of, he was a debate coach and I don’t know much. My understanding is a body of fact exists that each side is held to and points are awarded, with a real winner and a real loser at the end of the night. What we call the Winner of these spectacles hinge mostly around what the most detached, uninformed voters pick up in style and body language from a few minutes of back and forth. In that inexact context this is quickly emerged as one of the key exchanges: [Read more…]

Sleazy Joe Walsh doubles down on the crazy

I would have loved to post a quote and link from Joe Walsh claiming his female injured war veteran opponent insulted women, but I can’t. Because out of the blue my mouse suddenly stopped copying and pasting. The PC has been rebooted, the mouse has been replaced, it does everything else except copy and paste. It’s just one of an endless series of tech issues I face everyday that have exploded over the last few years, while resources and expertise to address them have dwindled. So on this deal today, no one here at work, a software development company mind you, seems capable of fixing it or in all honesty, even giving a shit. I guess I’ll just have to work without a major necessary tool functioning all day ::Shrug:: [Read more…]

Sit very still and they won’t suspect you

Via Balloon Juice, I think this is a very rigid and creepy looking Tagg or possibly Josh Romney, one of Mitt’s spawn anyway, watching Tuesday’s debate. Not to pick on a candidate’s kid, but since he’s an arrogant prick who seeks out the limelight, Romney JR has earned an exception. … You can almost see the demon seething inside and a thought bubble, “If I sit still, very still, I’ll show them I wouldn’t even harm a fly …”

Cry bias and unleash the dogs of war

Two conflicting themes now emerging on the right to explain last night’s debate performance by Romney. It was 1) a clear draw and therefore a winner for the challenger, 2) Obama got the upper hand because of liberal bias in general and the moderator specifically. What might surprise my colleagues on the other side of the keyboard, I actually agree some anti Romney bias has emerged over the last few months in the mainstream political reporting community. [Read more…]

The debate you may not have seen

The debate between Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly below the fold in its entirety. Stewart is magnificent as usual, but what’s interesting is Billo’s perfomance. This is a great example of right-wing misinformation tactics. Apply ‘principles’ arbitrarily based on ideology, change the subject when cornered, attack when really cornered, lie your ass off and hope you don’t get called on it. Obama would be well served to observe this carefully. [Read more…]

The little search engine that couldn’t

Go to a website and you will see it. Split a virtual piece of wood and it is there. I’m talking of course about the annoying, omnipresent ads for the search engine Bing, by Microsoft. It/they simply will not leave me alone. I’m sure it’s a fine product, no doubt a great deal of effort and maybe even some love went into it. It’s nothing personal. But I am simply not going to use Bing no matter how much you pester me and that constant pestering is now beginning to irritate me.

 Call me stuck in a rut, label me a a closed-minded aging creature of habit, whatevs. But I’m not going to switch unless Google breaks or unless all the techno-kids I work with suddenly start talking Bing up. Neither of those things has happened and the latter would have happened by now if it was going too. Please, MSFT, leave me in peace with one of the few constants I can still count on when using the Internet.