Saving liar Ryan

It’s been a pile on Paul Ryan ever since news of Romney’s VP pick was released on news dump Friday and announced publicly on the day of closing ceremonies for the Olympics. Odd timing to say the least. But the pile on, it’s both good to see and seems to have taken the GOP by surprise. It shouldn’t have, this split has been brewing for a long time: [Read more…]

Romney has a shiny new VP

Regular Joe Paul Ryan eating din-din with two zillionaire conservatives enjoying a $350 bottle of wine in DC. Yeah, America needs THIS guy …

Team Romney has flipped the game board and rolled out their VP pick early. There’ll be a bunch of articles coming out on Paul Ryan and his Medicare killing plan. No one can say the exact reasons, but one thing we can infer: Team Romney must have seen the same trends in their internal data that’s been reported widely over the last few weeks showing Romney losing ground nationally and in key states. That makes this is a somewhat desperate hail Mary throw toward the end zone. [Read more…]

Failing upward in the GOP hits a new jaw-dropping record

Remember Dan Senor, the man who was dead wrong about, well, everything when he was the Bush-Cheney head PR honcho in Iraq? Senor was so incredibly wrong and at such tragic cost that off course Mit Romney had to snatch him up for that foreign policy expertise! But the guy who’s been making economic forecasts and was involved in crafting the disastrous Mittastrophe plan now being panned makes Senor look like fucking Nostradamus. There’s more, oh so much more. [Read more…]