The wingnut brigade has a big problem with public schools. Actually, their big money silent partners in crime have a problem: schools are generally supported in large part by property taxes and the 0.01% pay more, based on the value of their real estate holdings, than the typical middle-class homeowner pays on his or her tiny box or struggling single parents pay on their roach infested tenement. Ergo, any excuse to bash public ed and pick on teachers is eagerly taken up and, if it involves portraying teachers as cowards, so much the better. So, what to do about teachers who have saved little kids while crazy people prowl the halls with assault weapons blowing off tiny heads and snuffing out tiny lives?
RW Watch — On VCY America’s Crosstalk last week, Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt agreed with a caller who said that unarmed teachers who protect students during school shootings aren’t heroes. “When you see these stories on the news about teachers, and they’re saying they’re heroes because they’re running and hiding and locking doors and everything, and that’s supposed to be a heroic act. I think it’s sheer terror,” the caller complained. “I’d rather they be a hero with a good shot,” Pratt agreed.
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, just not the adults who sacrifice their lives to save them, huh? Let’s meet a few of these non heroes:
Maryrose Kristopik — music teacher, Newtown: Mrs Kristopik said: ‘I did take the children into the closet and talked with them to keep them quiet. I told them that I loved them. I said there was a bad person in the school. I didn’t want to tell them anything past that.’ Mrs Kristopik said she was standing in front of the other door and holding the handle to keep the children out of harm’s way.
Victoria Soto –, 1st grade, Newtown: When she became aware there was a gunman in the school, she hid her first-graders in closets and cabinets, then told the shooter they were in the gym. He turned the gun on Soto, killing her, but none of her students were harmed.
Antionette Tuff, accountant, Ronald McNair school: The bookkeeper, an eight-year veteran of the DeKalb County school district, talked suspect Michael Brandon Hill into surrendering after a brief standoff with police Tuesday afternoon. Faced with an armed 20-year-old who told her he was off his medication for a mental disorder, Tuff shared stories of heartbreak from her own life to help calm him down — a recent divorce, a son with multiple disabilities.
Larry Pratt may be a total, shameless, amoral sociopath or he may just a garden variety asshole. He’s sure not the guy any respectable org should want in the judges booth rating heroes. But when it comes to panic, I suspect Mr. Pratt may have some very real, first person insight into the mind of a coward.
The other problem that the 1% have with teachers and first responders (fire and police) is that they are unionized. The bosses absolutely insist that they be worshiped as little tin gods. Getting rid of unions will permit them to realize their dream.
Teachers have procedures that they need to follow. They can’t just run in panic. They then go beyond requirements to protect children, at the cost of their own lives, if needed.
Every day, they live with a threat and the knowledge of that threat, and still they do their job.
I work in elementary schools, sometimes, and intruder-alert window covers are part of every classroom. Do you work with lockdown equipment next to your desk? Are you the designated safety person and sacrifice?
Teaching, even without the threats, is heroic. Teachers are heroes.
Of course they can’t possibly be heroes. Those teachers aren’t just teachers, they’re also women!
Hiding in the closet may be terror, or just good logic when there’s a gun-toting deranged person on the premises. Hiding children and protecting them is heroic. End of discussion?
Where I come from, “Pratt” is an insult.
@ ^ Callinectes : Yep. here too. Apt name albeit an understatement!
What the fuck!
What the fuck!
What the FUCK?! (I am allowed to swear here aren’t I? Apologies if not but really WTF!.)
Seriously .. WTF? I am staggered that he could even think of saying that and hope he will be electorally punished for it and lose in a massive landslide.
It doesn’t matter what he thinks those teachers were true hero – that is a fact
@3. Onamission5 : “Of course they can’t possibly be heroes. Those teachers aren’t just teachers, they’re also women!”
Wonder what they make of Joan of Arc, Celtic warrior Queen Boudicea (spelling?) and Queen Elizabeth who armoured up and was ready to fight the Spanish Armada had they landed among many others?
Guess these pitiful fools ain’t fans of the fictional Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xena or the Birds of Prey superheroes either?
There are a *lot* of heroic women out there both sung and unsung and those who are too misogynistic or ideologically blinded to realise it, well, they are pitiful contemptible and so very wrong.
@ #2: “Teaching, even without the threats, is heroic. Teachers are heroes.”
I completely agree!
The arrogance of Mr. Pratt is incredible!
You’re missing the point. Everyone knows what heroes do! They shoot bad guys. If you don’t have a gun, you’re not a hero. By right wing standards, there’s only one hero here, and even he let everyone down when he let himself be talked down, rather than ending it all in a hail of bullets.