It’s been a whirlwind day in many respects, but the one really firing people up the most is the DOMA ruling. SecDef Chuck Hagel says work on getting full benefits to same sex couples will begin immediately:
Working with the Justice Department and other executive branch agencies, the Pentagon “intends to make the same benefits available to all military spouses — regardless of sexual orientation — as soon as possible,” Hagel said in a written statement. “That is now the law and it is the right thing to do. … Every person who serves our nation in uniform stepped forward with courage and commitment. All that matters is their patriotism, their willingness to serve their country, and their qualifications to do so.”
Hagel continued: “Every person who serves our nation in uniform stepped forward with courage and commitment. All that matters is their patriotism, their willingness to serve their country, and their qualifications to do so. Today’s ruling helps ensure that all men and women who serve this country can be treated fairly and equally, with the full dignity and respect they so richly deserve.”
Call on Congress to finish the job that the Supreme Court started today. Sign the petition to pass The Respect For Marriage Act and support full marriage equality.
As a military spouse, I applaud this!
I’m just sorry that we moved off of a military installation, and I won’t be there to see LGBT families finally allowed to move in, and to see gay spouses using the commissary, the medical facilities and joining the spouses’ club. I was a board member of our club in CA, and I was looking forward to welcoming our first gay spouse as a new member.
I’m now living in Texas, where heads are exploding. It’s fun to watch.
I’m now living in Texas, where heads are exploding. It’s fun to watch.
I envision parts of Texas as being sort of like the end scene in ‘Mars Attacks’ where all the martian’s brains explode. Whee!