Newt Gingrich has a message for you ladies with your pink panties all bent out of shape: this God approved rape thing is no big deal!
TPM — On the Sunday talk show circuit, Newt Gingrich defended Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock of Indiana for his remarks about abortion and rape, referring to the controversy as “nonsense” and calling on President Obama’s campaign to “get over it.”
“If you listen to what Mourdock actually said, he said what virtually every Catholic and every fundamentalist in the country believes, life begins at conception,” Gingrich said on ABC’s “This Week.” “Now, this seems to be fixated by the Democrats, but the radical on abortion is Obama, who as a state senator voted three times in favor of allowing doctors to kill babies in the eighth and ninth month who were born, having survived late-term abortion.”
That’s right, the real radical is Obama for letting you decide if you want to die from late-term complications! Not a bunch of sexually repressed confused misogynist throwbacks from delightful days of anti-science yore. Cut em some slack, they only want to practice small government, you know, sincerely, like creating rape-y friendly states and checking the state of your lady parts upon leaving and entering the rape sanctuaries.
Just when you think the Republicans have hit rock bottom, they find a way to keep digging.
People don’t destroy campaigns, shovels do.
Well, at least he’s right about something…
Mourdock isn’t an outlier. The foundation of their beliefs, that a new person is created at conception and that person’s right to life supersedes any rights of the mother, is mainstream thought in conservative religious circles.
Republicans? Hit rock bottom?
They’ll hit the iron core at the center of the earth, and then keep going There is no bottom with Republicans.
The foundation of their beliefs, that a new person is created at conception and that person’s right to life supersedes any rights of the mother, is mainstream thought in conservative religious circles.
Except that’s not what Mourdock said. He said that rapists are doing god’s work. Is that really what the majority of Catholics believe?
@1 – they’re not just digging, they’re drilling holes to lay atomic demolition charges
A lot of them believe that rapist priests are doing god’s work.
Based on that I’d say we can start calling them Morlocks – except not one of them would be literate enough to get the reference.
Wait…Morlock…Mourdock…naaaaaaah, I’m just projecting.
Just in case anybody might be thinking that there might be some substance to Gingrich’s accusation that Obama “as a state senator voted three times in favor of allowing doctors to kill babies in the eighth and ninth month who were born, having survived late-term abortion” – see the whole story at RH Reality Check.
“If you listen to what Mourdock actually said, he said what virtually every Catholic and every fundamentalist in the country believes…”
and he forgot to add “what also every fundamentalist Muslim believes…” Check it out for yourself:
@3 If you’re a Christian and you believe god has a plan for you and everyone else, then it truly is your fate to have bene raped and impregnated. You should accept this burden because, “God only gives us burdens that we can bear”, apparently because god is a giant d-bag.
@James –
I’m not so sure the majority of Catholics in the US believe these things at all. The bishops certainly appear to do. Fundamentalists, apparently not also, not really, given abortion statistics, although they do seem to talk and vote that way.
I wouldn’t call Gingrich sexually repressed, what with his history of cheating and all. I think with his history of statements regarding women, and his marital history, we can probably assume he’s just a flat out misogynist.
We’re not exactly running out of babies, and nearly every woman who has an abortion can become pregnant again if she so chooses. If the issue is that we’re thwarting God’s will, why aren’t they agitating to ban antibiotics, or for that matter sanitation?
So what would a quick demographic check of all the convicted rapists find? That an overwhelming number of them are xtians (in the U.S., maybe muslims in other places) because they are just doing gods work? Creating more god intended babies through rape?
So, ladies, are you just going to lie there and take it, as gawd intended saying “Thank you god, may I have another?”, or are you going to reject this silly bronze age mythology and kick that silly rapists nads up into his throat?
What I got from Mourdock’s statement was that birth itself was God’s will. He’s trying to justify his placement of birth and newborn life as sacred (i.e. of utmost value) while qualifying that he still thinks rape is horrible. It communicates poorly because of all the logical twists and assumptions required to arrive at his position.
Essential however, all Christians do believe that God is responsible for everything in the world, whether he accepted that when he mandated “free-will” or whether he’s playing an active part, even if not many will face the fact. An omnipotent/omniscient creator of the universe can only mean that so it isn’t just a majority of Catholics, it’s every Catholic whose label means anything.