George Zimmerman has apparently flipped out and could be facing arrest soon

Moments ago a Florida prosecutor said she would make a significant announcement in a case that sounds like the Trayvon-Zimmerman deal in the next 72 hours. It’s possible an arrest warrant could be issued and/or announced at that time. But George Zimmerman, the 28 year-old man who ignited a firestorm after he shot and killed 17 year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, FL., last month, has apparently wigged out. He’s reportedly been behaving so erratically over the last two days, that his lawyers had to hold a press conference announcing they have no idea what’s going on with him, and therefore cannot be said to represent him in any practical way:

(Google) — “As of the last couple days he has not returned phone calls, text messages or emails,” attorney Craig Sonner said at a news conference outside the courthouse. “He’s gone on his own. I’m not sure what he’s doing or who he’s talking to. I cannot go forward speaking to the public about George Zimmerman and this case as representing him because I’ve lost contact with him.”

Sonner and colleague Hal Uhrig said they had not spoken with Zimmerman since Sunday. Since then, they said, they had learned that he spoke to special prosecutor Angela Corey’s office and to Fox TV host Sean Hannity without consulting them, in an attempt to give his side of the shooting. They said Corey refused to talk to Zimmerman without his attorneys’ consent and Hannity wouldn’t tell them what was discussed. Zimmerman also set up his own website even as the lawyers were creating one for him at his request.

So if this clown hangs together as one coherent bag of brain meat long enough to start posting open ad hoc text on the Internet, we may need a way to quote his material. Depending on what it is, there could be some stuff worth seeing there. But I sure don’t want to be driving any traffic, so what we need some kind of intermediary host.


  1. Randomfactor says

    I think that under existing law, the best I can hope for is that Zimmerman is completely disarmed and spends the rest of his long, miserable life looking over his shoulder in fear.

    I could settle for that, I guess.

  2. ryan says

    I’m presuming he doesn’t have a gun while he’s running around now. Surely they would have taken his gun away while all of this is happening? He’s an accident waiting to happen while the law takes it’s course.
    Mind you we are talking about the good old US of A, where the right to have a gun clearly trumps the rights of people not to be shot.

  3. Aliasalpha says

    But I sure don’t want to be driving any traffic, so what we need some kind of intermediary host

    You could just blatantly copy & paste it then claim you felt threatened & were just standing your ground

  4. =8)-DX says

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing. – Edmund Burke.”

    a quote on his page – the irony.

  5. anubisprime says

    Why would the Florida prosecutor make a significant announcement, if they were going to throw this ‘local hero’ in the dock after all, would they not just bust his ass and haul him in?…then make an announcement?

    Seems that maybe the opposite conclusion/fix has been hammered out…Zimmerman walks!

    It just strikes as another strange and mystifying development in this tragedy.

    I admit to no knowledge of how this is seen in the US justice system, but Lawyers denigrating the mental state of a potential client without adequate consultation and what is more claiming the client has gone rogue and invisible and they are washing their hands of the case seems rather unethical, what is going on here?

    A distancing ploy maybe…in case a backlash ensues if Zimmerman is home and dry?

    Messy and very much a sad indictment of the American justice system from any angle!
    It also seems to strongly suggest that racism is the undercurrent…and not the least so in the police shenanigans!

  6. plutosdad says

    My father and fiance are both defense attorneys, and they always say what pisses them off more than anything is a defendant who won’t shut the hell up.

    It’s always kinda funny to watch someone who could probably get away with it provide the rope to hang themselves (like the politicians who are careful to not talk about God when writing ID laws, yet go into interviews blabbing about how their new law will force God into the classroom. thanks for not having self control! And being stupid :) )

    We knew Zimmerman was probably a little crazy from his history. Hopefully he’ll keep on with the crazy and talking and inadvertently blab the full story to everyone.

    @4 ryan, i was hoping so. Zimmerman is the kind of person that should not have a gun. But unless he was hospitalized he probably can keep it or get a new one. There is no regulation that says “dumbasses” cannot own guns, unfortunately. Also unfortunately, he may actually need a gun or guard to protect himself, since there is likely some other crazy person out there who might take the law into their own hands. If we disarm him, and a week later he is murdered, imagine the firestorm in the media.

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