Not gonna say I told you so … but I did. What’s interesting about this month’s report is, as little as a two weeks ago, I was hearing some behind the scenes speculation from reliable people who murmured that this report was expected to be lousy, the weakest of the Winter-Spring set. So it’s not clear to me what this means:
(NYT) — The report followed a flurry of positive economic reports about the American economy, including a continued rise in consumer confidence and growing strength in the manufacturing sector. “We’re at what I think we could characterize as escape velocity,” said Patrick O’Keefe, director of economic research at J. H. Cohn, an accounting and consulting firm. “The jobs recovery will finally have achieved the momentum that is necessary.”
Over the last month several solid people in one my dead-end cube jobs have left after getting their old, higher paying jobs back, or new higher paying jobs. Best of all, there’s one very overpaid bozo whose job may not be that secure right now. Via MediaMatters:
- A total of 86 ads aired during WABC’s broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show today
- 77 of those ads were public service announcements donated free of charge by the Ad Council
- Of the nine paid spots that ran, seven were from companies that have said they have taken steps to ensure their ads no longer air during the program
- WABC’s online feed included about 5:33 of dead air when ads would normally have run.
So, according to media matters, Rush Limbaugh is turning into NPR?
I guess his next step will be a pledge drive.
This jobs report is not bad news, but calling this “escape velocity” seems a bit premature. Especially when the usual suspects will think this is a great time to pivot away from jobs (again) and suggest to slash spending (again).