We now have indisputable proof for a Yeti …

Yes, Russian crypto-pseudo zoologists who have nothing to gain — except fame and fortune through books, tapes, and tourism — are, once again, claiming they have incontrovertible proof for a living Yeti. Except the bullshit and backpedaling begins right away:

Russian researchers looking for the yeti — the Asian version of the North American Bigfoot — claim to have found “indisputable proof” of the long-sought mystery beast in Siberia. There isn’t a ton of evidence to work with — just a few strands of hair and some tracks in the snow — but it’s enough that the research team says its 95 percent sure that the yeti exists. Others, however, are mighty skeptical of the findings.

Of course, a few strands of yak hair and some markings in the snow. LOL, oh yeah, it’s bullet proof man! You know what would really be indisputable proof for a Yeti? A Yeti.


  1. The Lorax says

    You know what would really be indisputable proof for a Yeti? A Yeti.

    I lol’ed. Well played, good sir.

  2. binjabreel says

    “Bring me a bag of Bigfoot’s droppings or shut the hell up!”

    “I have the droppings of someone who saw Bigfoot…”

    “Shut the hell up!”

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