I could really use a surrogate right about now

Speaking of the coming singularity, this article reminded me of something, but at first I wasn’t sure what:

in a series of experiments at Duke University Medical Center, researchers fitted two monkeys with electrodes in their brains and trained them to move a virtual arm across a computer screen to grab virtual objects and “feel” their different textures — all using only their brains. It’s the first demonstration of what the researchers call a brain-machine-brain interface (BMBI).

Then I placed it: the opening scene in Surrogates, where researchers had hooked up a living primate to a robotic arm. At age 50 I could already make great use of a nice athletic, near indestructible artificial body. How about you?


  1. davidct says

    I kind of liked the setup in Avatar myself. The chance of a complete transfer beats being a Borg.

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