Occupy Wall Street goes national

Map created with BatchGeo

My colleagues at the Great Orange Satan posted a really cool and very useful drillable, scalable, interactive map of the Occupy protests going on around the country. I’m going to give it a test run here but I don’t know if the image will render or cause problems. A query has been put in to a tech buddy at Daily Kos to see about that. I may have to remove it or it may play games with some broswers. If it’s not working for you just click on this link for information about protests near you.

What’s great about these protests is they are leaderless and party-less. We all saw what happened to the conservative and libertarian dominated version of the outrage over the bailouts for billionaires and butkiss for average wage earners: it was hijacked by corporate whores and turned into the Teaparty which now works as hard as they can to deliver more tax cuts and government subsidies to the people and corporations they were angry with. Job Destroyers were recast as Job Creators, penalties and investigations into the serial malfeasance became Big Government Interference. Requiring insurance companies to treat children with preexisting conditions transformed into Death Panels and various forms of tyranny. 

Something like that could happen here, too, but at least it’s a chance to start fresh.

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