100 most endangered species!

Scientists fear 100 most endangered species they listed at the World Conservation Congress in South Korea will be allowed to die out because they have no obvious benefits for human beings. The population of many endangered species is less than 100. Some of the species population is just 10 or less than 10. We humans are one of the reasons behind their disappearance. Our hunting. agriculture expansion, over-fishing, deforestation, urbanization etc. forced many species to say goodbye forever.

We should not let them die out.

1. Plougshare tortoise 2.Rio Pescado stubfoot toad 3.Pygmy three-toed sloth 4.Tarzan’s chameleon 5.Seychelles sheath-tailed bat 5.Jamaican iguana, Jamaican rock iguana 6.Cayman Islands ghost orchid 7.Wild yam 8.Spoon-billed sandpiper 9.Liben lark 10.Singapore freshwater crab 10. Edwards’s pheasant 11.Attenborough’s pitcher plant 12.Luristan newt 13.Vaquita 14. Greater bamboo lemur 15. Saola 16. Red River giant softshell turtle 17. Javan rhino 18. Cebu frill-wing 18. Red-finned Blue-eye 19.Estuarine pipefish 20. Suicide Palm, Dimaka 21. Bullock’s false toad 22. Baishan fir 23.Araripe manakin 24. Amani flatwing 25.Bulmer’s fruit bat 26.Leaf scaled sea-snake 27. Aci Göl toothcarp 28. Actinote zikani 29. Antisolabis seychellensis 30. White bellied heron 31. Giant yellow croaker 32. Galapagos damsel fish 33. Hirola 34. Madagascar pochard 35. Bazzania bhutanica 36. Great Indian bustard 37. Common batagur, Four-toed terrapin 38. Franklin’s bumblebee 39. Willow blister 40. Roloway guenon 41. Amsterdam albatross 42.Santa Catarina’s guinea pig 43.Sumatran rhino 44. Callitriche pulchra 45.Nelson’s small-eared shrew 46. Diospyros katendei 47. Elaeocarpus bojeri 48. Dombeya mauritania 49. Chilenito 50. Hula painted frog 51. Macaya breast-spot frog 52.Dipterocarpus lamellatus 53. La Hotte glanded frog 54. Coral tree 55.Northern bald ibis 56. Hemicycla paeteliana 57.Ficus katendei 58. Table mountain ghost frog 59. Euphorbia tanaensis 60. Gocea ohridana 61. Gigasiphon macrosiphon 62.Hibiscadelphus woodii 63. Dusky gopher frog 64. Archey’s frog 65. Moominia willii 66.Belin vetchling 67. Margaritifera marocana 68.Sakhalin taimen 69. Magnolia wolfii 70.Natalus primus 71.Parides burchellanus 72. Pangasid catfish 73. Gooty tarantula 74. Oreocnemis phoenix 75. Qiaojia pine 76.Hainan gibbon 77.Picea neoveitchii 78. Fatuhiva monarch 79.Psiadia cataractae 80.Geometric tortoise 81. West Australian underground orchid 82.Silky sifaka 83. Tonkin snub-nosed monkey 84. Common sawfish 85. Beydaglari bush-cricket 86.Boni giant sengi 87. Angel shark 88. Red crested tree rat 89. Somphongs’s rasbora 90.Durrell’s vontsira 91. Tokudaia muenninki 92.Rosa arabica 93. Chinese crested tern 94. Valencia letourneuxi 95.Attenborough’s echidna 96. Forest coconut 97. Metallic tarantula 98. Peacock parachute spider 99. Peacock tarantula 100. Salepurgu.

If we want, we can save many endangered species. They need our help to make their species survive. Why shouldn’t we help if it prevents some species from going extinct?

Great Indian Bustard.

Spoon-billed sandpiper

Tonkin snub-nosed monkey

Roloway Guenon

Hainan Gibbon

Tarzan Chameleon

Madagascar Pochard

Coral tree

Table mountain ghost frog

Attenborough’s Pitcher plant

Javan Rhino

Red-finned blue-eye

Angel Shark


Amsterdam Island Albatross

Santa Catarina’s guinea pig

Northern muriqui

Jamaican Iguana


  1. roger ivanhart says

    Regrettably, it’s ever more difficult to tell if it’s our actions that are causing extinctions or if an organism is just no longer viable because it’s at an evolutionary dead end.

  2. mildlymagnificent says

    West Australian orchid? There’s probably half a dozen others not yet found.

    Remember WA is almost 10 times the size of Texas or, if you prefer, almost a million sq km larger than Alaska.

  3. weldonribeye says

    54. Coral Tree

    The picture of the this one really jumped out at me since they are used extensively in landscaping in my area and don’t seem to be in any real danger of going extinct. There are 130 species of coral trees (two of which I’ve planted in my backyard). Checking the WCC’s website, it appears that the one they are concerned about is erythrina schliebenii, which doesn’t look anything like the photo above.

  4. StevoR says

    Great post.

    We have so many memorials to our dead in wars and disasters.

    We have also forgotten so many other animals that we naked apes have made extinct.

    Too many species, destroyed when they could have offered us so much.

    Enough extinctions. Enough biodiversity loss.

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