Why does the establishment hate Trump so much?

Another day, another plan to stop Donald Trump is reported in the news, along with criticisms of such moves. I have stopped paying much attention to these reports as they have become so numerous as Trump continues to inexorably increase his lead among delegates for the nomination. This is mainly because these plots never address the crucial end-game: If they do manage to stop Trump, then who becomes the nominee and how do they prevent Trump’s supporters from revolting at what would essentially be a coup by party insiders against them?
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Film review: The Big Short (2015)

This is an excellent film. It is a lightly fictionalized version of the events that led up to the financial crash of 2008 due to the housing bubble. It focuses on several individuals who looked closely at the way that housing prices were rising at a far faster rate than the rise in people incomes would predict, looked closely at the mortgages that were being handed out that enabled people to pay ever-increasing prices for the same homes, and came to the conclusion that the whole system was rotten with no accountability and was destined to crash.
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John Kasich is no moderate

Schadenfruede is not generally an honorable emotion. It seems wrong to rejoice in the tears of others. But in some cases, the guilt is removed and one can rejoice openly and gleefully and one of the pleasures of the Republican primary race is seeing the hopes and ambitions of one awful candidate after another being dashed. The pleasure would be even sweeter if the remaining candidates were not as bad or even worse.
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Good riddance to the Republican’s Obama

There was always something phony about Marco Rubio. He had the ingratiating smile of a person who tried hard to make you like him and yet that very effort on his part was what turned you off, like the person who keeps wanting to be friends with you and yet the more he or she tries, the less you want to. He also had some of the most extreme positions on issues and a steely-eyed certainty in his own rightness and the support of god for them even when they were utterly abhorrent. I am truly glad to see him get the boot.
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Getting the Republican convention could be a mixed blessing

Cleveland makes every effort to shake off its image as just another decaying rust-belt city with nothing to offer and the city takes every chance it gets to improve its image. So when it snagged the Republican convention this year, it was hailed as a great coup because you would have media from all over the world coming to cover it and the city would get to show its good side.
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God is not a good communicator

It is clear that god has been jerking the Republican party around. Many of the candidates vying for the nomination said that god had played a role in their decision to run. This article back in July of last year discussed god’s role in the decisions made by Scott Walker, John Kasich, Ben Carson, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee to run for president.
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